Eternal Supreme

Chapter 352

When he came to the gate of Guan Zewen's family, Ye Qianran looked very grand. A facade determines the size of a family. From this facade, he could see that the comprehensive strength of the Guan family should not be simple.

Following Guan Zewen to the inside, Ye Qianran found that it was indeed very big. At this moment, he looked at Guan Zewen and asked curiously, "Brother Guan, are you the only son?"

"That's not the case, I still have an older brother!" Guan Zewen said with a smile, but his voice fluctuated a little.

"Ah, how is your brother's strength?" Ye Qianran asked curiously, because he found that Guan Zewen had an unnatural expression when he mentioned his brother.

"It's very strong!" Guan Zewen said three words, and then clenched his fists tightly.

"A half brother?" Ye Qianran asked.

"How do you know?" Guan Zewen was surprised when he heard this.


Ye Qianran chuckled, it seems that his brother will often confront him tit for tat? And when he just thought of this, a teasing voice sounded: "Hey, isn't this my brother? Why are you back?"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran looked up and found a man in a Chinese robe with a slightly sneer expression on his unattractive face, which was slightly gloomy and extremely uncomfortable.

Guan Zewen frowned, looked at the man with the same indifference and said, "Do I need to tell you when I come back?"

The man sneered after hearing this, and then his eyes fell on Ye Qianran. After a glance, his sneer became more intense, and he walked outside with two servants.

"I have to say, your brother looks really frustrating!" Ye Qianran muttered, then looked up at Guan Zewen and said, "Hey, it's a man, let's kill him!"

Guan Zewen's cold light flashed away, and finally took a deep breath and said: "Yes!" After speaking, he took Ye Qianran and walked inside.

In the lobby, Ye Qianran looked curiously at the middle-aged man sitting at the top, with a look of surprise on his face. Is this Guan Zewen's father?

"Hehe! I didn't expect the disciples of Jujianmen to go out!"

At this time, the middle-aged man who was sitting at the top had a smile on his face, and even felt a little surprised, because the Jujian Sect was a very large force in the past, but now it is hidden from the world, and its reputation is still not small, so at this time the middle-aged man's face is full of surprise. surprise.

"Well, I also came out to practice, and later I became very close to brother Guan, so I came to visit!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

Jujianmen is so strong, so he should wear this hat, which just happens to increase Guan Zewen's popularity.

A strange glow appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged man after hearing this, and he said, "Zewen, then you have to treat him well in the next few days!"

"I know father!" Guan Zewen said respectfully from the side.

At this time, Ye Qianran chatted with the middle-aged man for a while, then left the lobby with Guan Zewen, and followed him around the family.

After eating at noon, Ye Qianran felt a little bored, thinking that Guan Zewen might help him find information about the Blood Sect, so he came outside Xuanwu City alone.

Although he knew it was dangerous outside, he couldn't suppress his inner curiosity and interest.

Well, curiosity kills people, but he still thinks he should be able to survive under the pressure.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran turned around curiously. The huge street is indeed full of everything, and there are a lot of people coming and going. There are many girls, and there are also many beautiful girls, but he is not the best. Absolutely can't look for it, otherwise what if the little vinegar bottle is really angry...

Thinking of it also put a smile on his face.

After turning around, although he attracted a lot of attention, he found that as long as he behaved madly enough and stared back one by one, there would be no problem.

"Want Want..."

Qiqi yelled twice at this time, Ye Qianran looked back and found that Qiqi was staring in one direction, looked up curiously, and found a woman walking in the distance.

Behind the woman were two old men, and the woman lowered her head, which made Ye Qianran feel a little familiar.

Can Xuanwu City still meet acquaintances? When he was curious, the distance narrowed.


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly hugged the little mink beast and flashed to the side with Qiqi, that's right, that woman turned out to be You Wushuang? Fortunately, the other party kept his head down. Otherwise, if he saw it, he would come up and fight him desperately in the next moment.

Since You Wushuang, as one of the four powerhouses of the younger generation, is facing each other, he is absolutely no match, and there are two old men behind him.

After You Wushuang took the two old men over, Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief. At this moment, he felt his feet were soft. He looked down and found that he was stepping on one foot, and raised his brows: "Damn, who hurt you?" My foot is gone!" After speaking, he took two steps and looked back, only to find a man in extremely hardcover looking at him.

That piece is really not covered.

Seeing the cold light in his eyes, Ye Qianran frowned slightly and said, "Boy, why are you staring? Do you know who I am? You don't want to hang around here anymore?"

The man frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on his face, and the spiritual power surged out of his body.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, his heart skipped a beat, and then he shrugged and said, "Forget it, I don't bother to talk to you!" After speaking, he carried the little mink beast and walked forward. At this moment, he felt the movement on his back, Seeing nothing, it was just a sigh of relief.

In fact, it's not hard to see from the man's expression, the other party probably hates those who rely on some family background, right?

And after he walked not far, a man appeared beside the man. The man looked very handsome, his eyes fell on the big man and said: "Hey, Brother Mao Mao, what's wrong with you?"

The man turned his head, his eyes fell on the handsome man, and he said: "It's okay, I met a disgusting person! Princess, we won't stay here for a long time, my aunt said that I won't let you run around! "

"It's okay to leave for a while!" The handsome man smiled and said: "Besides, I can protect myself!"

"Auntie said you can't use the magic whip easily, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble!" The man frowned slightly.

"Oh, I see, why are you more annoying than my aunt? Let's go, go to Danta to have a look!" The handsome man frowned, turned and walked outside.

The man sighed after seeing it, and followed closely.

On the other side, Ye Qianran turned around, feeling a little bored, and finally his eyes fell on the direction of the alchemy tower. He is also an alchemist after all, this alchemy tower should be the holy place for all alchemists, right?

Thinking of my heart beating for a while, it should be good to observe it at a close distance, thinking of the same curiosity, I walked over...

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