Eternal Supreme

Chapter 381

The spiritual power surged, and under the surge of the mysterious seal, Ye Qianran followed the old man to the first floor again. As for how many floors Ye Qianran is not clear.

But this floor is very quiet, there is no one around, and the whole floor is extremely empty, only huge and thick pillars.

And in the center of the distance, an old man with the same white hair was sitting there cross-legged, with huge mysterious seals surging from time to time, which looked extremely strange.

At this time, the white-haired old man seemed to have a feeling, and he didn't open his eyes, and said directly: "What's the matter here?"

"The First Supreme Elder, the Second Supreme Elder asked me to bring this little brother here!" The old man said respectfully.

"Well, then you go away!" The white-haired old man said simply.

After hearing this, the old man glanced at Ye Qianran, and Xuan Yin floated and disappeared on this floor.

Ye Qianran stood there at a loss, what was he doing?

When he was surprised, the old voice also sounded: "Why did the Second Supreme Elder ask you to come here?"

"How would I know!"

Ye Qianran said something depressed, he was still a little at a loss.

"Then come here!" said the old voice.

Ye Qianran hesitated for a while, but still walked over, and stopped when he came to the periphery of Xuanyin, and his eyes fell on the Supreme Elder, and found that his eyes were closed from the beginning to the end.

"Are you Danta's new disciple who has just been selected?" When the old voice spoke, Ye Qianran also felt a faint force surging on him.

"Yes." Ye Qianran nodded heavily.

At this time, the old man frowned slightly and said: "The breath of the dragon clan?" After the words fell, his eyes opened. At this time, Ye Qianran's body trembled, and it was difficult to breathe instantly, feeling that the whole person was suppressed up.

Those were a pair of strange red-purple eyes. Looking at him at this moment, Ye Qianran felt as if he was completely naked in front of the old man's eyes.

"The bloodline of the dragon clan? The origin of the stars? The power of the nine secluded? The mysterious ice beads? The dragon order? The beast fire? The power of the dimension? It's a bit messy... Your bloodline... Eh, this is... the seal of the Nine Dragons? Your body... okay Dude, you are really special!" The old man murmured, and finally his whole body trembled: "Little baby, are you also of the blood of the phoenix eye?"


Ye Qianran was shocked at this moment, he could hear the old man's whispering voice clearly, but the other party actually saw him through completely?

Finally, when mentioning the bloodline of the phoenix eye, Ye Qianran noticed the eyes of the old man, and couldn't help but said, "You too?"

"No wonder, no wonder the Second Elder asked you to come to me, who are your parents?" The red-purple eyes disappeared at this moment, and the eyes of the old man also fell on Ye Qianran's face.

"I don't know, I'm investigating!"

Ye Qianran said helplessly that he also wanted to know who his biological parents were.

"It seems that your parents deliberately concealed your identity, but it's no wonder!"

The old man said something, then a gentle expression appeared on his face, he looked at Ye Qianran with his eyes and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know!" Ye Qianran shook his head.

"You should inherit your mother's blood, and I am the thirteenth generation patriarch of the Phoenix Eye Clan. After all, you should be my great-grandfather and grandson. You have the same blood as me!" The old man rarely smiled.

"Pfft, aren't we a family now?" Ye Qianran said with a surprised face.

"That's right!" The old man nodded and said, "However, your phoenix-eyed bloodline has only two awakening abilities. It seems that you have just awakened your bloodline not long ago!"

"Yeah, about half a year? My master helped me guide the blood!" Ye Qianran said.

"Well, that's right, after awakening for such a short period of time, it's fine to reach this level. In addition, your father's bloodline, you are also strong enough. You have not yet awakened, but you have merged so many origins, hehe..." The old man said Buyou laughed: "And every one of them is pretty good."

"I really didn't think there was a bloodline like yours in this world."

"What bloodline am I?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"Did your father pass it on to you? One of the three legendary bloodlines, the strongest existence, and one of the bloodlines that have been slaughtered everywhere!" The old man said with a smile.

"What is that?" Ye Qianran was full of restlessness, and couldn't help asking again.

" don't need to know about it, it's good for you. When you have enough strength, you will understand it naturally when you reach a certain level!" The old man said with a smile He said: "Now that I know, it will do you no harm but no benefit."

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, but his heart became more curious, and he wondered why everyone who knew didn't tell him? What is his father's bloodline? He now knows his biological mother, a member of the Fengyan family, what about his father? And what happened to the seal in his body?

The old man naturally saw Ye Qianran's doubts and said with a smile: "The difference in blood is destined to lead a different life. It's a pity that your strength is too weak now, but it doesn't matter. You are still young. It is already very impressive to have such a level now." Not bad, in the future, there will definitely be achievements.”

Ye Qianran nodded. He also knew that his strength was weak, but he was still working hard.

"Then you can follow me from now on. I will take you to practice for a while, and it should be of some help to you!" The old man said with a smile.


Ye Qianran nodded heavily, and then said brightly: "Senior, then you are also of the blood of the phoenix eye. I would like to ask what abilities the phoenix eye can awaken?"

"Phoenix eye? Since the phoenix eye is classified as a top-level bloodline, it naturally has its own uniqueness. You can see the opponent's exercises and running routes. That is to say, you can copy the opponent's exercises. The highest level It can even have the power of sealing and the power of reversing space!"


Ye Qianran's eyes widened immediately, wouldn't that be against the sky?

Wait, the phoenix eye bloodline is included in the top bloodline level, not the legendary one, so isn't the legendary one more powerful and terrifying? And there is such a bloodline sealed in his body, isn't that... Damn, he really wants to see a huge treasure waiting for him to dig.

"Don't be too happy..."

The old man opened his mouth slowly at this time, paused and said: "But if you want to awaken so strong later, you need someone with the same bloodline to pass on the bloodline once, that is to say, sacrifice a person with the same bloodline. But you have another bloodline in your body, so it's much simpler..." The corners of the old man's mouth curled up as he spoke...

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