Eternal Supreme

Chapter 382

"How easy?"

When Ye Qianran heard the old man's words, curiosity suddenly appeared on his face.

"Originally, the blood of the phoenix eye needs the support of another person's blood essence, so as to get a leap forward, but because of the particularity of your other blood, only a part of it is enough for you, but because it is to promote your phoenix eye blood, and It's not integration, so at least you have to wait until your other bloodline is opened!" The old man explained.

"Then don't you need to wait!"

Ye Qianran said something helplessly at this time, but when he looked back and imagined the ability of the phoenix eye that the old man said, he felt a little restless in his heart, but when will he open the other blood? And how to open it?

When he thought of this question and was about to ask, the old man saw what he was thinking, and said proactively: "If it is possible to open the seal, it is best for you to open it yourself. In this case, it will be good for you. You can now All you have to do is wait, and it will be fine when you have the strength!"

Ye Qianran nodded, and finally exhaled: "Then what should I do next?"

"What next?"

The old man's eyes fluttered, and finally said: "Cultivate hard and strive to stand out among the candidates, so that you will get the full support of Danta, and you will also get a heavenly weapon!"

"However, since it is a heavenly weapon, it is absolutely impossible to force it to control it, so the premise is to get its approval. Otherwise, it will only hurt yourself, and it is more likely that the heavenly weapon will control the mind. Therefore, in the past dynasties, There are not many people who can completely control the heavenly weapon, but there is no one who can control it easily!"

When the old man said this, his voice was full of sighs.

"Celestial artifact?"

Hearing these two words, Ye Qianran was shocked. He has two celestial weapons on his body, and he understands the uniqueness of each one. Danta also has one?

Seeing Ye Qianran's shocked expression, the old man smiled and continued: "The five great empires have a total of ten heavenly artifacts and three special heavenly artifacts, and there are thirteen heavenly artifacts in total!"

"Pfft, isn't it ten?"

Ye Qianran's eyes widened suddenly. Among the materials he saw, there were only ten.

"That's right, there are indeed ten, but there is also a sky bead that can limit the abilities of all heavenly weapons, a sky eye that is the head of heavenly weapons, and the last one... It's more mysterious. No one knows..." The old man smiled at this point: "There are five special places in the five empires, the Kamikaze Academy in the Kamikaze Empire, the Pill Tower in the Sunset Empire, the snow-capped mountain peak in the Boundless Empire, and the temple in the Heaven and Earth Empire. , the Tianluo Palace of the Xuanmu Empire, each of these five places has a heavenly weapon!"

"As for what kind of celestial weapon it is, I don't know!"

Hearing what the old man said, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered. He knew the Celestial Artifact of Shenfeng Academy, and it was one of the three special Celestial Artifacts. What kind of Celestial Artifact would there be in the Pill Pagoda? At this moment, his face was full of curiosity.

"If you can get this Heavenly Artifact of Danta, it will be beneficial to you in the future!" The old man continued after saying a word: "But then you have to stand out in the Hundred Clans War, otherwise Dan The tower will also forcibly take back your heavenly artifact."

Ye Qianran was full of surprise. At this moment, he thought of the task of the old woman asking him to come to the Danta. Could it be Tian Qi? Thinking of this, a strange look appeared on his face.

Another Hundred Clans War? This was the second time he had heard the name.

When he was curious, the old man said again: "There should be three more people selected this time, right? Including the previous ones, there are a total of twelve people. You are the latest ones, so you have an advantage over the previous ones! "

"So when will the alternate match start?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"There is no competition, and I will let you get in touch with the Heavenly Artifact every month. Counting it, the first nine people have contacted it a few times. I believe they also have a certain understanding of the Heavenly Artifact. This way, their chances of success are higher."

"As for the time, the last contact was just before your assessment, so you will be allowed to try again a month later!" The old man explained.

"Hey, then I'm sure I can succeed!" Ye Qianran laughed.

"It can be seen that you are quite confident!" The old man couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Is it more than self-confidence?"

Ye Qianran opened his mouth and said, "I have a dzi!"

Most of his secrets were completely seen by the old man, and the old man was also a member of his biological mother's tribe, so he didn't bother to hide it at this time.

"Do you have a dzi bead on you?" The old man asked curiously when he heard it.

"That's right!"

Ye Qianran nodded, allowing Xiao Hei to come out at this time, and then turned into a black bead suspended there in the light.

When the old man saw Xiao Hei, his face was filled with shock and disbelief, he took a deep breath for a long time, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "That's right, but although Tianzhu can limit the ability of heavenly weapons, it has Whether or not your self-awareness can be successful depends on you! Dzi Beads can at most play a supporting role for you!"

Ye Qianran understands this, Xiaomei has her own consciousness.

"Your task for this month is to step up and improve your cultivation base, and I will guide you how to use the hyacinth eye!" The old man said with a smile.

Ye Qianran nodded heavily after hearing this, his expression inevitably showed excitement at this time.

Now that he has finally met a senior expert with phoenix eyes, he naturally has to study hard, and he will not let go of such a good opportunity.

"From now on, you can come to me every morning, and you can practice on your own in the afternoon and evening!" Seeing Ye Qianran's excitement, the old man also smiled, because it is really rare to meet a junior with the blood of the phoenix eye. .

Ye Qianran readily agreed and said, "Senior, can you tell me where the Phoenix Eye Clan is? Maybe I can find my mother?" Ye Qianran had a strange look on her face.

"Phoenix-eyed family? I'm afraid they have already left this side, and they have all moved to the other side." The old man's eyes flickered.

"What do you mean?" Ye Qianran asked in surprise.

"The other side is considered to be a high-level existence. I believe you have heard of these four places, Secret Realm, Tianfu, Nine Netherlands, and Yaosen! You can only enter there after you have a certain strength, otherwise it is wishful thinking. "The old man said with a smile.

Ye Qianran's eyes widened, and he seemed to have raised his posture again... because he had never heard of the monster behind him.

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