Eternal Supreme

Chapter 383

"Our side is called the Secular World, and the other side is called the Divine Mighty World. The Hundred Clans War is to select the best people to enter the other side. If you stand out, you will be selected to the other side. At that time, Danta will naturally entrust you with tasks."

Ye Qianran's heart beat faster, and his eyes flickered with light, a war of hundreds of clans? Then if he could, wouldn't he be able to go to Xiao Mengyao?

"Start from tomorrow, come and find me tomorrow morning!" said the old man.

Ye Qianran nodded, glanced around and said, "Okay, then I'll go down first!"

"Go!" After the old man finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and a majestic force surged out at this moment. When covering Ye Qianran's body, a mysterious seal appeared automatically.

Ye Qianran's eyes were full of surprise. When he came back to his senses, the surrounding scene had changed, and he came directly to the fourth floor?

"Did you come down?" An old voice sounded, and the old man who brought him up was not far away.

Ye Qianran nodded, then looked at the old man and said, "Where are you going now?"

"There's no need to go anywhere, I'll find you a place to stay for your daily practice now!" said the old man.

"Wait, then I want to go out?" Ye Qianran said quickly.

"No one will stop you if you want to go out!" The old man shrugged helplessly.

"Stop it!"

Ye Qianran rolled his eyes at the old man and said: "In case you get to the fifty or sixty floors, I'll run up and down every day!"

"I'll teach you how to use the mysterious seal of the Pill Tower later!" The old man shrugged, his spiritual power surged, and the mysterious seal appeared. At this moment, the figures of the two disappeared instantly.

When they came to a certain floor, Ye Qianran found that there were some individual stone houses all around, obviously for people to rest.

"You will stay in this stone house from now on!" When the old man brought him to a door, he pushed it away, and a room of more than ten square meters appeared in front of Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran went in and turned around, and found that there was a bed, a table, and a separate small room with a bathtub inside, which was obviously used for bathing. All in all, the facilities were very complete .

"Every day, someone will deliver food to you regularly." The old man said.

Ye Qianran nodded and said, "Then you teach me how to use Xuan Yin now."

The old man said: "The entire interior of the Dan Pagoda is in a mysterious seal. Using the method of opening the mysterious seal, Wu Yuan can be touched to the bottom, and you can directly reach whichever floor you want to go to."

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise. At this time, the old man spread his right hand, a strange spiritual power surged, and Wu Yuan surged in a pinch. At this time, the imprint appeared in an instant, and after waving his hand to dissipate, he said: "Remember it! ?”

"Remember your sister!"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly in his heart, he didn't see anything clearly, and asked himself if he remembered, he gave the old man an angry look and said, "No!"

"No, you have the same phoenix eyes as the Supreme Elder, how can you not remember!" The old man was full of surprise.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and said, "I'm not at such a high level, now?" While speaking, a red light appeared at this moment, glanced at the old man and said, "I haven't bathed in a month, have I?"

The old man's face was full of astonishment, and then his face turned red. He glared at Ye Qianran angrily and said, "Don't look around, kid, I'll teach you a little bit!"

Ten minutes later, Ye Qianran spread out his right hand, and the power of heaven and earth surged at this moment. With the birth of a circulation route, a strange power appeared in his right hand in an instant. At that time, with a buzzing sound, Xuan Yin wrapped his whole body, and at this moment he could clearly feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

"Remove your Wu Yuan, and the mark will automatically dissipate!" The old man said again.

Ye Qianran tried it after listening, seeing the strangeness on the face of the disappeared imprint, and finally raised his head to look at the old man and said: "Senior, which floor is this floor? And which floor is the Supreme Elder? It’s easy for me to look for it sometimes, otherwise I can’t go up and down blindly, it’s bad if I go to a place I shouldn’t be!”

The old man smiled and said: "The Supreme Elder is on the top floor of the Pill Pagoda. Now we are on the 34th floor, and the daily alchemy place is on the 12th floor! Just remember these three floors!"

Ye Qianran laughed and said, "Which floor was the device on that day?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Qianran in disbelief, and finally said strangely: "The Supreme Elder told you?"

"Yes!" The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up.

"The floor where the Celestial Artifact is located cannot be teleported, so don't think about it, just wait for the day when it is actually opened!" The old man smiled, and his body dissipated in the fluctuation of the mysterious seal amidst the surge of spiritual power.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, first walked into the stone house, and changed into the purple clothes with gold thread. At this moment, he took a look at himself, and found that it fits well, and it is very good, very handsome.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled. After remembering the location of his stone house, the power of heaven and earth was turbulent at this time, and his body disappeared in the imprint.

When he reappeared, his body had already reached the first floor. Suddenly, he attracted the attention of many people. When he saw Ye Qianran's clothes, he couldn't help showing surprise again.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, and he took out the fan at this moment. After scanning around, he saw Qiao Xiaodi and Gao Yi not far away. At this time, the two were still waiting there. Behind him, he reached out and patted their backs.

The two turned their heads, and when they saw Ye Qianran dressed like this, they showed strange expressions at the same time.

"Hey, how's it going? He's pretty handsome!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"Normal!" Qiao Xiaodi said coldly when Gao Yi nodded.

Ye Qianran shrugged, and didn't pay attention to it. He hugged the little mink that jumped over and said, "I've already finished the task. Do you still need to go back and tell your aunt?"

"No need, my aunt and the others should come over these two days!" Qiao Xiaodi shook his head.

Ye Qianran nodded, hesitated at last, lowered her voice and said, "Does your aunt want me to take a heavenly artifact from this alchemy tower?"

"How do you know?" Qiao Xiaodi was shocked when he heard it.

"Actually, I can read minds!"

Ye Qianran laughed and said, "I can sense what you're thinking!"

"Really? Then you are guessing, what am I thinking now?" Qiao Xiaodi frowned.


Ye Qianran's eyes flickered for a while, and finally the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said with a chuckle: "What you are thinking now is, Ya Die, Mr. Ye is so handsome..."

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