Eternal Supreme

Chapter 389


The two were stunned at the same time, and looked at each other. At this time, Qiao Xiaodi screamed again, stretched out his little hand and quickly pushed Ye Qianran away, got up from the ground, and after standing up, stretched out With a small foot, I didn't forget to touch Ye Qianran's body.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly. It didn't seem to have much to do with him from the beginning to the end, right?

If Qiao Xiaodi hadn't pounced on herself, if she hadn't bitten herself, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been easily discovered.

Looking at the pink bellyband in his hand, Ye Qianran gave a dry cough, and just about to hand it over, the knock on the door rang again, causing Ye Qianran to quickly lock it back, and finally hesitatingly put it in the ring.

At this time, she felt weird, as if he had some kind of fetish.

He swears to God, he never had such an idea, but that little bellyband does look delicious.

After he received the apron into the ring, Qiao Xiaodi's angelic face flushed, and after glaring at Ye Qianran, he quickly walked to another room.

Ye Qianran looked at it, coughed dryly, and opened the door. At this time, the old woman and others appeared in front of him, stunned, and then said: "Senior, you are here!"

Seeing Ye Qianran, the old woman nodded with a smile and said, "Is little brother there too? Where's Xiaodi?"

"Student Qiao Xiaodi? She went to another room..."

When Ye Qianran said this, he suddenly felt that the old woman's eyes were strange. After coughing dryly, he explained: "Senior, don't get me wrong, I just arrived too!"

The old woman looked at Ye Qianran's helpless look, nodded with a smile, and then walked in with four old men. Behind them, Gao Yi looked at him with a surprised face and strange eyes.

Ye Qianran smiled wryly again. When Qiao Xiaodi bit him, looked at him from another angle, didn't it look like kissing him?

But can't this big guy think for himself? If kissing, is it necessary to lie on the ground?

After the old woman and the others sat down, Qiao Xiaodi also came out from another room. At this time, her appearance also changed, becoming the handsome one before.

Ye Qianran glanced at Qiao Xiaodi, saw her staring at him, her face was still a little rosy, and couldn't help laughing. At this time, she tried to look back, it seemed that Qiao Xiaodi used her original voice before.

If it's not angry and screaming, it should be a very sweet kind.

Qiao Xiaodi naturally noticed Ye Qianran's anger. At this time, she really had an urge to beat Ye Qianran hard, and thinking that he was still holding her underwear, her inner anger deepened.

"Xiaodi, are you alright?"

When the old woman saw Qiao Xiaodi coming out, she realized something was wrong, so she couldn't help asking.

Qiao Xiaodi turned his head when he heard the old woman's voice, his face became unnatural, and then he said, "I, I'm fine!"

The old woman nodded slightly after hearing this, and at this moment her eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Little brother, you have been in Danta for two days, how do you feel now?"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered. If it wasn't for a senior from the Phoenix-eyed clan, he would have expressed no interest at all, but because there was, he also nodded with a smile at this time. At this time, he also thought of something, hesitated and said: "Senior, did you let me enter the Pill Tower because of the Heavenly Artifact?"

After hearing this, the old woman's eyes fluttered, and she finally smiled: "It seems that the little brother knows it!"

Ye Qianran nodded slightly and said: "The next attempt will take a month. I may be able to take it out, but the Tianqi will recognize me. If this is the case, it will be impossible for you to take it away!"

"We don't need to take it away, just stay with the little brother, but you have to do us a favor!" The old woman said with a smile.

That's why when he learned that Ye Qianran could refine elixir, he desperately hoped that Ye Qianran could help.

Because Ye Qianran has the dzi beads that limit the ability of the heavenly weapon, the chance of success will be greatly improved, and they have known each other before, so it will be very easy to cooperate.

If you find another person who is recognized by that time, then I am afraid that there will be more chips to impress the other party.

Ye Qianran frowned, is it that simple? Not only did he get the ability to cultivate blood, but he also got a heavenly weapon, and in the end it was just a favor for the old woman and others, which was much easier for him.

The old woman was also very happy to see Ye Qianran, with a smile on her face, and Qiao Xiaodi, who was standing beside her, also showed a little excitement on her face.

Ye Qianran naturally also noticed their expressions, with a little doubt on his face, what kind of situation is this, full of curiosity in his heart, what exactly did the old woman ask him to help.

But he also understood something. It would be against the rules to ask, so he didn't ask at this time, but kept silent.

At this time, the old woman looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Little brother, do you know what kind of heavenly weapon is the Danta's heavenly weapon?"

Ye Qianran shook his head after hearing this, and then said with interest: "What kind of heavenly weapon is that?"

The old woman smiled and said: "It is considered to be a very strong existence. His name is Yaying Yandao, and his previous master is the founder of Danta."

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, Eight Shadow Flame Knife? It sounds quite domineering, but the power should be very terrifying, right? And the Eight Shadow Flame Knife was used by the founder of the previous generation of Danta, tsk tsk, how powerful is that?

"Little brother, there are three kinds of accompanying fires in your body, which are also very attractive to it, because your accompanying fires also have a certain stimulating effect on it!" The old woman floated.

"Really?" Ye Qianran was surprised after hearing this.

"That's right, if you use it at that time, your accompanying fire will greatly exaggerate the Eight Shadow Flame Knife! The stronger the power of the accompanying fire, the more terrifying the eight shadow flame knife will explode!" The old woman smiled. Said.

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva after hearing this, he has four kinds of flames, and can also fuse them, tsk tsk, wouldn't it be very helpful for him to get the Eight Shadow Flame Knife.

In addition, the other thing is that he has two heavenly artifacts on his body, so if he gets one, then there will be three, tsk tsk, one person has three heavenly artifacts, this is probably rare in the world, right?

When the time comes, the battle will start, and the three heavenly artifacts will be summoned. Wouldn't it scare the other party to the ground? Thinking of Ye Qianran, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and when he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed an angry look looking at him, looked up and found that it was Qiao Xiaodi, and asked in a daze: " When will that thing be given to you..."

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