Eternal Supreme

Chapter 390

"You bastard, I will kill you if I have the chance!"

Qiao Xiaodi saw the doubts on everyone's faces. Her face that had returned to normal turned red again in an instant. She gritted her silver teeth and clenched her little hands, her voice full of anger.

Ye Qianran only thought of something at this moment, coughed dryly and didn't say anything.

"What?" The old woman asked suspiciously at this moment.

Ye Qianran and Qiao Xiaodi looked at each other, and finally smiled dryly: "It's just..."

"Don't say it..." Qiao Xiaodi said anxiously when she saw what Ye Qianran was about to say.

"It's okay, senior will know sooner or later!"

Ye Qianran blinked, looked at the puzzled old woman and said, "It's just a chain, I bought it for her, then I didn't come to see her yesterday, and I gave it to me again when I was angry, so I just asked When will she give it to her! Brother Gao Yi knows about it."

After hearing this, Gao Yi nodded beside him.

The old woman was startled after hearing this, with a slightly strange expression on her face, then she smiled, looked at Qiao Xiaodi and said, "Xiaodi, you can't be angry with a girl, since she has her heart in her heart, there's no reason to return it to her if she accepts it?"

In fact, the old woman also had a certain intention in saying this. Ye Qianran had a dzi bead on her body, and she might have the Eight Shadow Flame Saber in the future. At that time, Ye Qianran was worthy of Qiao Xiaodi.

If the two of them can really make it, it would be a good choice.

Qiao Xiaodi's face was sluggish at this time. How did Ye Qianran feel like she would miss Ye Qianran very much if she didn't see him for a day? And at this moment she can't say anything...

And listening to the old woman, it was absolutely the first time that she hated someone so much, she hated it so much...

Ye Qianran naturally noticed Qiao Xiaodi's expression, and she was overjoyed. If she was the original appearance, such an expression would be an extremely beautiful existence, right?

"Okay, I shouldn't interfere with the affairs of you young people, and it's inconvenient for me to say anything more!"

The old woman said something with a smile, then looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Qianran, on Danta's side, you must work hard and succeed."

Ye Qianran nodded heavily, patted her chest and said, "Leave it on me."

The old woman nodded, and her eyes flickered at this moment.

At this time, Ye Qianran did not leave in a hurry, but chatted in the room. As for Qiao Xiaodi's anger from time to time, he completely ignored it...

After eating at night, Ye Qianran also returned to the Danta, and after he left, the old woman's eyes fell on Qiao Xiaodi and said: "Xiaodi, in fact, brother Ye is a good person, at least my aunt sees him." The best one ever, if the two of you can do it, my aunt will be very supportive."

"Aunt, I..."

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned, she didn't expect the old woman to say that suddenly, she almost hated Ye Qianran in her heart, how could she like it, it's all because of that bastard, clenched her little hands tightly, and the anger towards Ye Qianran in her heart couldn't help but once again climbed a bit.

When Ye Qianran returned to Danta, he continued to skillfully use his handprints. His goal was to finish it within three days. If it could be done faster, that would be great...

Time went by, three days passed, Ye Qianran sat cross-legged in the stone house after returning from Qiao Xiaodi that day, imprints emerged one after another when his hands were working, and the power of heaven and earth rippling around was even more extraordinary. rich.

In the past three days, he has used all the handprints, and now he is just familiarizing himself with it. In addition, with the help of the three-day old man, he can clearly feel the changes in his phoenix eyes, no matter how long he persists , the perfect control of the degree of perspective, including throwing a stone, the speed under the phoenix eyes slowed down...

That feeling is self-evident...

His goal today is very simple, it is to get the blood repair art, so that the foundation is established, if the blood can be stimulated, and some abilities can be activated, that will be even better.

In an hour, he got familiar with all the handprints twice, then opened the book, and looked at the method of making the seals of Xuexiujue.

After reading it once, his hands started to work uninterruptedly, and before the imprint was finished, a huge mysterious seal had already appeared.

Ye Qianran was completely naked, but when she persisted to the back, there was only a slight fluctuation, and the imprint disappeared in an instant...

Frowning slightly, he was not in a hurry at this time, and continued to try...

Time passed little by little, and during his constant running-in, he gradually mastered the tricks and became more and more stable.

After familiarizing himself with it a few times again, Ye Qianran took a few breaths, and after letting himself completely calm down, his hands moved quickly in the midst of floating...

Not long after, a huge mysterious seal emerged at this moment.

The delicate lines vibrated and rotated, looking full of mystery and mystery.

Maybe it's also because the imprint was created by the power of heaven and earth, and it looks full of brilliance at this time...

Not long after, when Ye Qianran completed the last imprint with both hands, the huge imprint had already floated in front of him, enveloping him in it with a slight movement.

Take a breath, now the most difficult part is done, now is to introduce this imprint into his body, and when it is introduced, it needs to be compressed, this is also difficult, so he is already prepared to fail.

Taking a deep breath again, the power of heaven and earth was restless at this moment, compressing the mysterious seal, guiding the contraction into his body.

At this time, he was cautious, not knowing whether it was the blessing of heaven or because of his caution, the process went very smoothly, when the imprint completely entered his body, the power of heaven and earth fluctuated irregularly.

Ye Qianran's breathing was a little short at this time, and he felt extremely uncomfortable, but when his blood began to agitate, the uncomfortable feeling dissipated at this time, and his blood was still agitated.

At this time, he closed his eyes and began to feel carefully. Finally, he frowned, and the Aolong Jue appeared, trying to put the first divine thought into his body. At this time, he actually saw the situation in his body clearly.

I saw that in the abdomen of his body, that is, above another seal, where the source of the power of heaven and earth is, a mysterious seal is quietly suspended there, spinning, while the power of heaven and earth is extending towards the inside, his blood Here, in the spiritual power floating out of the mysterious seal, there are regular fluctuations, and that feeling is wonderful...

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, who researched this? He really admires and marvels in his heart...

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