Eternal Supreme

Chapter 391

"It's completely done..."

Ye Qianran observed carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, the Aolong Jue also dissipated at this time, and opened his eyes with a little excitement inside.

As the old woman said, the danger of the Blood Cultivation Art is absolutely huge, and most of the people who fail, but he succeeded, thinking that he is a little excited inside, so he is one step closer to success...

In addition, now that there is something that stimulates the power of blood, he just needs to wait patiently... Because according to the introduction of the Blood Cultivation Art, with the stimulation of Wu Yuan, as long as the mark changes a color, it also represents his blood. Xiujue has successfully advanced, and he will also open a bloodline ability...

But after all, he has three bloodlines, will this speed be slow? There is also the blood that Long Wushuang gave him. It seems that the ability has never been activated. He is also curious with that, what will the blood that Long Wushuang gave him activate?

There is also his father's blood, if it can be opened at that time, what ability will it have?

After thinking wildly for a while, Ye Qianran took advantage of the remaining time to practice again...

Early the next morning, Ye Qianran had just left the stone house, but had a rare face-to-face meeting with You Wushuang.

In the past three days, they only met once, so this is the second time.

Looking at each other, You Wushuang still looked unnatural.

"Morning!" Ye Qianran greeted at this time.

After hearing this, You Wushuang nodded and said 'morning', but when he was about to leave, a voice sounded: "Are you the newcomers to this competition?"

After the words fell, the two looked up and found a man and a woman walking from a distance, and it was the woman who spoke.

Judging from the other party's purple clothes with gold thread, it should be among the candidates before...

Although the woman looks ordinary, she has a very explosive figure and huge breasts. Ye Qianran visually inspected it, at least she has a D-mask, but the arrogant face of the woman makes people feel very uncomfortable .

"Hehe, are you You Wushuang from Qinghong Palace?"

After the two came to Ye Qianran and the others, the woman spoke again, her face full of disdain and indifference.

"Who are you?" You Wushuang frowned slightly, his expression suddenly turned cold.

"Hehe!" The woman sneered, looking at You Wushuang's beautiful face, her eyes were slightly jealous, she smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to know that!" After speaking, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran On his body, when he saw Ye Qianran's 'handsome' face and gentle smile, a smile appeared on his face and he couldn't help saying: "You are Ye Qianran who refines the elixir with bare hands and does not use the alchemy cauldron!"

Ye Qianran raised her eyebrows and nodded with a smile.

"Do you have time at noon? Treat you to dinner!" The woman blinked her eyes, showing a little charm.

"No time!" Ye Qianran shook his head directly.

The woman was stunned for a moment, but she didn't come back to her senses, but You Wushuang's mouth showed a rare smile. Ye Qianran is quite a nice person.

"Okay, forget it if you don't have time!" The woman said lightly, then glanced at the two of them again and said, "Danta's heavenly artifact definitely belongs to me. What is that person called Chang Ao?"

After speaking, he chuckled again, and disappeared in the imprint with another man.

"Who?" Ye Qianran looked at You Wushuang and asked.

"I don't know, but her aura is very strong!" You Wushuang said solemnly, because when Ye Qianran shook her head and refused, she clearly felt the other party's spiritual power fluctuate.

After finishing speaking, You Wushuang couldn't help but recalled something, and couldn't help but said: "She should be quite big, why didn't she invite you to dinner?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, with a slightly surprised expression, You Wushuang's character, but it is rare to ask such a question, and finally hesitated, and said with a smile: "I only eat with people I like, and people who hate People never eat!" He said half-jokingly: "Miss You, do you have time, let's have lunch together!"

You Wushuang was stunned, his expression became more unnatural, and finally he frowned and said: "I don't have time!" After finishing speaking, he felt something was wrong, and said again: "I don't hate you, but I'm already someone else's fiancee Sorry for the inconvenience!" After the explanation, spiritual power surged, and the figure disappeared from the imprint.

Ye Qianran stood there with a smile all over his face. Although You Wushuang's personality...but occasionally he was quite cute, at least when he was serious.

Finally smiled, without thinking too much, the imprint appeared, the body also disappeared at this time, and went directly to the floor where the old man was,

And after coming to the old man, he didn't talk nonsense. Under the old man's instructions, he practiced the phoenix eye again as before. Because he can persist for a long time now, the old man only used his blood twice in the morning...

At noon, Ye Qianran went to the inn. At this time, he found that he liked to tease Qiao Xiaodi. Every time he saw her angry, he was always happy. Does he have a tendency to masochistic?

After a simple meal at noon, Ye Qianran originally planned to return to Danta, but it seemed that he hadn't visited Guan Zewen for a while, his eyes flickered, and he walked towards Guan's house.

And during the journey, he also changed his original appearance back, wearing a mask all day long, he still feels that his original appearance is the best.

During the journey, perhaps because of the clothes on his body, he attracted a lot of attention. Ye Qianran suddenly felt that joining the Pill Tower looked good...

When he came to Guan's house, the guard naturally recognized him, and immediately said: "Our young master is in the lobby now, do you want me to take you there!"

Ye Qianran frowned, but finally nodded in agreement.

Under the leadership of the man, Ye Qianran also came to the lobby. He saw a lot of people gathered inside at the doorman, and his expression was somewhat surprised. What is he doing?

At this time, the man who brought him also went in to inform, and let Ye Qianran go in after he came out.

Ye Qianran had some doubts in his eyes, and then he walked in. Almost instantly, the eyes of all the people present fell on him, and when they saw what Ye Qianran was wearing, they showed surprise at the same time.

Guan Zewen was also full of surprise, why did Ye Qianran wear Danta's clothes? And looking at the clothing, it still belongs to the existence of the inner sect...

"Hehe, little brother is here, please sit down!"

The middle-aged man sitting at the top, that is, Guan Zewen's father, also invited Ye Qianran to sit down after recovering.

Ye Qianran was so impolite, he just sat on the side, but at this moment he was still full of doubts, what was he doing? Just when he was wondering, a suspicious voice sounded: "You are Ye Qianran who made alchemy with bare hands?"

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