Eternal Supreme

Chapter 392

"Who are you?"

Ye Qianran looked up and found an old man sitting opposite him looking at him suspiciously.

"I am the third elder of the outer sect, Chang Ao, you should know him!" the old man said with a smile.

"Ah, hello senior!" Ye Qianran suddenly realized, damn it, he looks different now, if this old man described it to Chang Ao, Chang Ao might know that he has changed his appearance.

But thinking about it, this is also a certain probability, so he didn't care about it after thinking about it.

"Hehe, I heard that you are now studying with the Grand Elder?" The old man couldn't help asking.

Ye Qianran nodded and said: "He is my mother's great-grandfather, and we are also related by blood, so now he is pointing me!"

The old man was shocked when he heard this, is it from the Phoenix-eyed family? The inner shock is self-evident in an instant.

And the others were also shocked when they heard the conversation between the two, Danta's Supreme Elder? Apart from the mysterious Tower Master, he is probably the most powerful existence, right? Unexpectedly, Ye Qianran has something to do with others, the importance is absolutely self-evident, I am afraid that no one dares to speak when walking sideways in Xuanwu City.

Guan Zewen was also full of shock. He didn't expect Ye Qianran to come to Xuanwu City for a long time, and he had already reached this level. He also heard about alchemy with bare hands, and it was said that the man had three bloodlines. It's Ye Qianran.

"By the way, what are you doing?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"Hehe, I came here to be their witness!" The third elder of the outer sect said with a smile, then looked at Guan Zewen's father after a pause.

"That's right, let the third elder come over to be a witness, and we, the Guan family, have to choose between Zewen and Zetian as the candidate patriarch!" It was Guan Zewen's father who spoke at this time, and before he said this When he spoke, his face was full of solemnity.

"Needless to say, of course it's Brother Zewen!" Ye Qianran said directly, ignoring Brother Guan Zewen's anger.

He saw that Guan Zewen's elder brother was also upset, so he spoke out.

In addition, he did not expect to meet by such a coincidence this time, so he just came to give Guan Zewen a chance, so he continued: "If Brother Zewen becomes the candidate Patriarch, with a word from Brother Zewen, I will definitely help to the end! "After speaking, he laughed out loud.

When the voice fell, the faces of many elders present turned dark. Before Ye Qianran came, Guan Zetian's voice was definitely louder, and the supporters were also the most.

If the candidate Patriarch falls on Guan Zewen, then those who support him will be on the wrong team.

Some people have bad faces, while others are very happy.

If Ye Qianran was just an unidentified friend of Guan Zewen, perhaps no one would have cared, but in the conversation between Ye Qianran and the third elder of Danta Outer Sect, the weight was absolutely unprecedented.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Ye Qianran finally lowered his voice and said, "Brother Zewen, can you beat your elder brother?"

"Half and half!"

Guan Zewen was very moved in his heart, he didn't expect Ye Qianran to stand up to help him, but when he heard Ye Qianran's words at this time, he also understood his intention, so he said something conservatively.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, then raised his head and smiled: "There must be many people who are not convinced, it's better to use the old method, compare the strength, the strength of two people, whoever is stronger can't count!"

Guan Zewen's father coughed dryly, and Ye Qianran seemed to be in charge at this time, which made him very embarrassed, but he couldn't say anything, he hesitated and said, "Everyone agrees with the little brother's proposal?"

In fact, from his heart, he was in favor of Guan Zetian before, but with the appearance of Ye Qianran, his mind has wavered. If it is true as Ye Qianran said, and Guan Zewen becomes the head of the family, then the Guan family may develop. Woolen cloth?

But this will also put Guan Zetian's supporting elders in an awkward position, competition is indeed the best idea.

After Guan Zewen's father finished speaking, the people present looked at each other and said they had no opinion at the same time.

"In that case, let's go to the platform in the backyard now!" Guan Zewen's father said, and then stood up first and walked outside.

When everyone came to a fighting scene in the family, they also stopped. At this time, Guan Zewen's father looked at Guan Zewen and Guan Zetian and said: "Both of you brothers, go up, remember to stop, you must not go too far! "When he said this, Guan Zewen's father's voice was very solemn.

"Father, don't worry, I will let my brother order it!" Guan Zetian sneered, and galloped towards the battle platform.

"Come on, if you want to get what you want, you have to work hard. You are not a man now, and you will not be a man in the future!" Ye Qianran said in Guan Zewen's ear.

Guan Zewen's eyes flickered. He liked to hear Ye Qianran's words very much. If you don't want to be a man now, when will you be a man? Taking a deep breath, the body also jumped up.

Because at this time, not only for himself, but also for his mother, because his mother is the second wife, she is being excluded everywhere, so he must turn this situation around.

His eldest brother is indeed very strong, but he has been in the academy for so long, and now he has worked hard, otherwise he would not be a mentor.

At this time, Guan Zewen's father said again: "Because you two have the same blood power, it is forbidden to use blood power, including weapons."

The two agreed after hearing it.

"In this case, let's start!" Guan Zewen's father didn't talk nonsense, and said something directly. Now he simply followed God's will. Whoever can win between the two will be the next Patriarch.

Because both of them have their own advantages, Guan Zetian is recognized by most of the elders, while Guan Zewen is a bargaining chip that came out of the blue, and the weight is quite heavy, no matter which one is calculated, it is okay.

Can't use weapons, can't use the power of blood, the two people compete in the realm and fist kung fu.

Because the two came from the same family, possessed the same skills, and knew the same thing, so the battle time between the two must be very long.

"Zewen, if you lose this time, I will also give you a certain amount of power in the family. I believe that our two brothers can definitely bring better development to the family!" Guan Zetian looked at Guan Zewen with a smile, obviously The odds are on.

Guan Zewen snorted coldly, he is not stupid, he also knows that Guan Zetian is also looking for a way out for himself among the five stars, his eyes flickered and said: "I will do it too!"

After speaking, the aura on his body has soared at this time.

Just when the aura of the two of them soared at the same time, when the atmosphere was tense, a dry coughing voice sounded: "Actually, I have a better proposal, without hurting the peace...Hey, how about punching?"

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