Eternal Supreme

Chapter 400

"Can you?"

Everyone present couldn't help but stay there, because at this moment, the fluttering of the flame knife became obviously huge.

And Ye Qianran realized that something was wrong at this time, the flame knife seemed to be resisting at this time, resisting You Wushuang at this time.

Frowning slightly, Ye Qianran could clearly feel that Xiao Hei behind him was fluctuating at this time, and his eyes flickered. Was the flame knife awakened by You Wushuang?

When he thought of this, he suddenly felt a little hot, and with a surging feeling, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but quickly said: "Be careful!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's body rushed out without hesitation.

"What is he going to do?" The people around were stunned at the same time, their faces full of puzzlement.

But soon they also understood, because at the same time they felt an extremely palpitating breath flowing out.

And when Ye Qianran came to You Wushuang's side, an extremely violent and surging feeling erupted from the flame knife, and the two of them were instantly wrapped in it.

The people present were stunned at the same time, and they couldn't help but feel a little shocked, it was too violent, the hot flame was too fast, and after it erupted, the entire stone house was filled with scorching heat, which made it hard to breathe. resist.

The faces of the three outer sect elders changed drastically at the same time, and their expressions became solemn. They naturally also felt the awakening of the flame knife. After all, You Wushuang was the first person to wake up the flame knife.

I thought it would be successful, but this happened.

When they were about to make a move, they suddenly saw the crazy flames rolling towards the two of them, but they were stretched apart at this moment, what happened?

Rong Silan frowned, she really hoped to see You Wushuang buried under the flames, but she didn't expect Ye Qianran to rush out, clenched her little hands tightly, and the jealousy in her eyes inevitably appeared again , looking at the direction of the propped flames, cold light flashed.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Qianran looked at the pale You Wushuang in his arms and couldn't help but said, he didn't know why he rushed up suddenly, maybe he thought You Wushuang's nature was not bad, but the two stood in different positions.

After his voice fell, You Wushuang also turned around at this time, and saw that he was hugged by Ye Qianran, and the surging flames passed around them. With a ruddy complexion, she finally panicked and showed an unnatural look, shaking her head and saying, "I'm fine!" After speaking, she also got out of Ye Qianran's arms.

And at this time, she also saw something clearly, she saw a black sword floating there, repelling all the surrounding flames.

The sword gave her a very familiar feeling, and she frowned, but she couldn't think of where she had seen it before.

"You go back first, teach me here!" Ye Qianran said, and Xiao Hei, who had understood his mind, trembled at this moment, and the complex lines flowed, completely suppressing the flame back, and Taking advantage of this gap, he also pushed You Wushuang out.

The faces of the people present showed shock at the same time, the two of them didn't have anything? When thinking of this, they also noticed the black long sword floating over there. What kind of sword is that, which can resist the baptism of the heavenly weapon?

And You Wushuang, who was pushed out, was stunned, looked up, and when he saw Ye Qianran frowning slightly, his expression fluctuated a little, and he couldn't help but put his left hand on his chest.


The three elders of the outer sect looked at each other after seeing the black long sword, with somewhat shocked and disbelieving expressions on their expressions.

They recognized it at the first sight, apart from Tianzhu, which weapon has such an ability?

While they were thinking, Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, Xiao Hei trembled, and a wave of spiritual power completely suppressed the flame. At this time, Ye Qianran also held Xiao Hei in his left hand , Step by step, he walked to the front of Yandao.

At this moment, the spiritual power surged, and at the same time, the power of heaven and earth also came out of the body, and he could clearly feel a wave of soul fluctuations in his detailed feelings.

And when he felt it, he also felt the violent meaning of the heavenly weapon.

His eyes flickered, and finally he shrugged helplessly and said: "Don't be too irritable, it's easy to get angry! Let me help you get rid of the fire!" The voice fell, and the right hand spread out, and the blue spiritual power bloomed at this time, meaning cold When it appeared, the surrounding area was originally extremely hot, but now the temperature dropped instantly.

At this time, the surging flames of the flame knife floated out, but they were suppressed by Xiao Hei countless times.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and the spiritual power of the mysterious ice bead became more intense, completely enveloping the flame knife. At this moment, the state could not be called a flame knife, it was completely an ice knife.

The people present were stunned, what is the situation?

The three elders of the outer sect looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes. Ye Qianran actually froze the heavenly artifact. This... I'm afraid this will make Yan Dao show a rebellious heart, right?

Originally they thought that You Wushuang was not good enough, maybe Ye Qianran would have a chance next time, but they didn't expect him to do so.

Rong Silan's face also changed slightly, the flame knife has already awakened, why did Ye Qianran go to stimulate it, even if Ye Qianran was protected by the dzi, Ye Qianran might not be able to get the flame knife.

She frowned, thinking that Ye Qianran's move was too impulsive...

As for Ye Qianran, is he really so impulsive?

Maybe, maybe he is also impulsive, but he also knows that it is not good for you to negotiate with Yandao softly, so you must be strong first, and then soften, so that you have bargaining chips, otherwise, engage in a Unequal contract, he might as well not have this flame knife.

In the process of thinking like this, his mental power was also connected with the soul of the flame knife.

And when he just contacted, an angry voice sounded in his mind: "Damn Tianzhu, it's really annoying, hateful human being, I will definitely kill you!"

Ye Qianran also expected this kind of result, and he tapped the corner of his mouth to convey directly: "Do you believe it or not? I froze you, took you through the streets to show the public, and told everyone that you were sealed by Lao Tzu. How about returning the heavenly weapon? I'm afraid Make people laugh!"

Every Celestial Artifact has its own self-esteem, Ye Qianran said so, it is also a threat.

After he finished speaking, a violent voice sounded, "How dare you!"

"Hmph, there's nothing I dare not do!" Ye Qianran snorted coldly, as the Aolong Jue circulated, his whole body was full of domineering intentions.

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