Eternal Supreme

Chapter 401

"What do you want?"

Yan Dao's voice trembled at this time, and it was obvious that Ye Qianran's temperament really made him a little jealous.

"Hey, follow me! Follow me unconditionally!" The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, expressing his meaning directly.

"Don't even think about it!" Yan Dao's voice suddenly became violent and angry.

Ye Qianran shrugged, and the corners of his mouth turned up, "I can provide you with the strongest flame!" After speaking, he spread his right hand, and the accompanying fire surged out first...

"Although it's good, I'm not qualified to follow you!" Yan Dao said coldly.

"All right……"

Ye Qianran shrugged, while the accompanying fire dissipated, golden flames surged out, and the domineering heat surged directly.

"Two accompanying fires? It still has the breath of the beast race, which is a bit interesting...but..."

Ye Qianran was not in a hurry, the golden flame dissipated at this time, and the transparent flame also appeared, and the feeling of incineration was very clear in the periphery.

"It's such a tricky accompanying fire, it's also the breath of the beast race...but..."

"Okay, now?"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered. At this moment, the accompanying fire brought by the phoenix eye and the golden accompanying fire completely merged together, and a suffocating smell surged out at this moment, making people full of heart palpitations.

"It's interesting..." Yan Dao's voice fluctuated slightly.

Ye Qianran smiled, and finally hesitated for a while. The transparent flame tried to blend in. Suddenly, the flame surged up. When it surged, it was tricky, domineering, delicate, soft, and extremely tangled. It was even more shocking. .

Ye Qianran looked at the flame knife and fell silent at this moment, and finally the power of the stars surged and merged into it.


The flame mutated in an instant, and the astonishing feeling was suffocating.

After seeing it, the faces of the people present changed drastically. How could Ye Qianran have such a powerful accompanying fire? How did he do it?

Rong Silan's face was full of interest, she found that Ye Qianran had a lot of secrets.

Yan Dao remained silent, not sure if he was thinking or thinking about something else.

Ye Qianran frowned, and finally the power of Nine Netherness surged, but was quickly drawn away by him... But even if it was a subtle change, the flame knife could clearly feel it.


Ye Qianran said something at this moment.

"Yes, I agree with you, but you must lead me to find a kind of flame!" Yan Dao hesitated for a while, but still put forward a condition. There is no way, Ye Qianran's own performance has completely surpassed its expectations, and perhaps the shop will disappear after passing this village.

Especially the last ray of Nine Nether Power touched him even more. Ye Qianran is definitely the person he has seen who can control the most flames.

"Just looking for flames?"

Ye Qianran raised her brows, and finally readily agreed, no matter what, the first promise is to talk, isn't the other thing just looking for flames? Where can it be difficult?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran pulled back the power of the mysterious ice in his left hand at this time, and threw the fused flame in his right hand into the pregnant spirit bead, so that it can be used again later.

After he unsealed the flame knife, the flame knife was once again covered by fiery red light, and it looked bright again.

At this time, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and it was better to make sure in advance. Immediately, he spread his left hand, and habitually pinched Xiaomei in his hand. With the fluttering sharpness, he cut a hole in his hand. The speed was very fast, so when he arrived No one saw clearly.

With blood surging, Ye Qianran directly touched the flame knife...

"What does he mean? Recovered the flame knife?" The expressions of the people present were different, with disbelief and shock.

Ye Qianran froze his flame knife. This is definitely an insult to a heavenly weapon. It would be good if he didn't kill Ye Qianran. How could he recognize Ye Qianran the other way around? ?

Rong Silan was also dumbfounded, with a look of surprise on his face.

What was even more surprising was You Wushuang, she never thought that Ye Qianran could do this, because when she was facing him, she knew very clearly the horror of the flame knife.

The three elders had different expressions, did Ye Qianran take back the flame knife? Can he do it?

When they were thinking this way, the blood also merged into the flame knife. At this time, everyone found that the flame on the flame knife became more intense, with a little trembling...

"Is this resisting? Or?"

Many people showed this idea, because Ye Qianran regained the flame knife, they thought it was still somewhat impossible.

But when the flame knife trembled, the flame converged, turned into a ball of light and merged into Ye Qianran's body, the people present were also full of shock, did Ye Qianran do it? How is this possible?

"He really has some tricks, I underestimated him!" Rong Silan's eyes were full of strangeness, and at this moment it became even hotter.

Ye Qianran has two heavenly weapons on his body, which is definitely extremely rare, at least he has never seen it before...

You Wushuang's face was full of shock and surprise, and finally there was a strange color in her eyes, and a certain amount of admiration also appeared. It was indeed the first time that she admired someone from beginning to end.

But after thinking of something, her face turned red unavoidably, and while her brows were slightly wrinkled, an unnatural expression appeared again.

Chang Ao is also completely admired at this time. Thinking about it, he was still proud of his strength and talent at that time. Now thinking about it, the gap between the two is too big, and they are not on the same level at all.

At this time, the three elders were probably the most excited. After waiting for such a long time, finally someone can subdue the flame knife. This is definitely a great thing for Danta.

Ye Qianran turned his head after he was done. At this time, his face was still full of doubts. He seemed to feel the excitement after the flame knife merged into his blood? What rhythm?

Eyes flickered, Ye Qianran looked up, when he saw the envious and jealous eyes around him, Ye Qianran didn't care at all, smiled and walked back.


At this moment, the fourth elder of the outer sect looked at Ye Qianran and said something sincerely, and it was not unpleasant to hear from the vibration of his voice, how excited he was at this moment.

Ye Qianran smiled and said: "Thank you, if Danta hadn't given me this opportunity, I'm afraid I wouldn't have gotten this heavenly weapon!"

The Fourth Elder of the Outer Sect smiled, Ye Qianran did not disappoint him as expected.

Exhaling, the elders of the outer sect looked at the people present and said, "Since the heavenly artifacts belong to them, from today onwards, there will be no such attempts. Let's practice hard every day!"

As soon as the words fell, the three old men stretched their spiritual power away at the same time, and the people present also disappeared at the same time.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that someone got the flame knife, who could it be?"

In a certain stone house, eight inner sect elders opened their eyes at the same time, their faces full of astonishment...

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