Eternal Supreme

Chapter 409

"Okay, now I'll let you young master go, and then I crushed the beads!"

When Ye Qianran spoke with a smile, his left hand had already begun to surge with spiritual power, and it looked very thick at this moment.


The old man said something quickly at this time, and when his voice fell, Ye Qianran's eyes widened and said: "I'm sorry, you actually ah, good guy, it seems that beads are more important than people, well, I respect you The choice! First kill this young master, and then I will give you the pearl."

Speaking of the latter, Ye Qianran's voice became extremely cold. He glanced at the man in front of him and said, "I'm sorry, it was your elders who chose!" It got tighter.

There was something strange in You Wushuang's eyes, she could see that Ye Qianran was trying to provoke the relationship between the two, otherwise this situation would be too unfavorable for them, Ye Qianran was indeed very smart in doing so The presence.

The man suddenly blushed and said quickly, "Wait!" He looked anxiously at the old man and said, "Fourth Elder, how could you make such a choice!" After speaking, he looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Let me go!" , Miss You and the blood beads, you take them away!"

"You have no choice!"

Ye Qianran bit her head, her eyes flickered and said, "I can't do anything if your elders want you to die!" He sighed secretly and said, "What kind of world is this!"

The man's face changed instantly, and he couldn't help becoming angry when he looked at the old man.

At this time, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and then said: "Forget it, I can't do it, you can settle your affairs by yourself!" After a pause, he said: "Old man, you killed your young master, I'll give you the blood bead, or I'll destroy it!" After saying that, he pushed the man over.

The old man froze for a moment, his brows furrowed tightly. At this moment, the man's face changed drastically, and the spiritual power in his body became turbulent at this moment. When his distance was close to the old man, he directly hit him.

After the old man saw it, he spread his right hand, sweeping with a strong force, and fell towards the man at the same time.

"Hey! Great opportunity!"

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up, and under the eight physical skills, he galloped out at a fast speed. When the two collided, his body also came in front of the old man, and stretched out his hand to directly pull You Wushuang over .

The old man also felt it, his face changed drastically, and he withdrew his right hand. When he resisted the man's attack in a daze, his right hand also slapped You Wushuang fiercely.

He didn't intend to let You Wushuang live, including Ye Qianran, because if You Wushuang went back and Qinghong Palace learned about it, then the Blood Sect would definitely be wiped out.

Ye Qianran naturally saw it too, and at the same time his face changed slightly, he crossed his body to block it, a huge force penetrated his body, and an unusual discomfort came, when the five internal organs were in turmoil, the corners of his mouth suddenly overflowed with blood, but at this moment he was stunned. He carried it alive, and galloped out holding You Wushuang's body.

The old man's complexion changed drastically, and he naturally followed closely. At this moment, the scorching heat swept over from the front, and he was palpitating. The figure dodged quickly. When he looked up again, there was no leaf Qianran's shadow.

"Damn it!"

The old man said angrily, looked at the man and said: "We have been tricked, we were provoked by that little bastard just now, now you go to the sect to find more people, and search for them in a large area in this area. If you get hurt, you won't be able to run very far!" After the words fell, the old man had already rushed out first.

After the man calmed down, he naturally found something. While his face was full of anger and resentment, his body quickly galloped towards the Zongmen.

On the other side, Ye Qianran is holding You Wushuang and galloping at high speed, and his physical strength is also rapidly depleted. He was hit by the old man, and it is difficult to recover for a while, but he can't stay now, he must completely shake off the old man. OK.

At this time, You Wushuang's brain was dizzy, and her body and mind were exhausted, but being held by Ye Qianran at this time, her heart was full of security at this moment, it was a feeling she had never experienced before, how many times, if it was not for Ye Qianran Of course, maybe she had problems already, but because of Ye Qianran, she was safe.

What I experienced from Ye Qianran was something I had never experienced from Zong Hongzhen. The two were still unmarried after all, but the conflict with that woman in Xuanwu City made her understand that the two were unmarried. A relationship is indeed just a relationship, a relationship from beginning to end.

In terms of absolute benefits or certain levels, she is nothing...

Seeing that the corner of Ye Qianran's mouth was still bleeding, You Wushuang trembled in his heart, hesitated for a while, and stretched out his hand to help Ye Qianran wipe it off.

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, looked down at You Wushuang, and showed a little smile on his face, but the smile was not so pretty: "Don't worry, I'm fine, ordinary people don't want to take my life away! "

"Is that true?"

You Wushuang said something, and frowned slightly. No matter how strong Ye Qianran is, after all, he is a young man. In the face of absolute strength, there will still be problems. For example, if the old man's strength is no longer If it was strong, Ye Qianran was definitely in mortal danger at that time.

But why did Ye Qianran save her like this?

Biting her lower lip tightly, You Wushuang's face unavoidably appeared unnatural and a little flustered again. From the beginning, she didn't want to touch these issues, including now, but now they always touch unconsciously, which makes She was a little overwhelmed.

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran rushed into the depths of the mountains, found a relatively safe and secret place, opened a hole and walked in with You Wushuang in his arms.

After arriving in the cave, he brought You Wushuang down cautiously. At this time, Ye Qianran was going to take the elixir, but he found blood on his right hand, so he was stunned, his eyes fell on the pale You Wushuang and said: :"You are hurt?"

After finishing the words, I found that You Wushuang passed out with his eyes closed.


Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned You Wushuang's body over, and found that there was a scar on You Wushuang's back, where the blood flowed out, and the long skirt was also colored by the blood at this time, look It's shocking to go up.

His eyes flickered, and Ye Qianran looked hesitant. He knew You Wushuang's character very well, but with such a wound, there was absolutely no way out. After hesitating for a while, he tore You Wushuang's clothes, and suddenly, A large expanse of snow-white skin appeared.

His heartbeat accelerated, and Ye Qianran forced himself to calm down. He is not feeling well now, so now he must get rid of You Wushuang's injury as soon as possible.

After tearing off part of the hem of his clothes, Ye Qianran took out some elixir, crushed the wound on You Wushuang, and then directly wrapped it with the cloth.

But at this time, the problem came again. His clothes were torn by him. What should I do?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran coughed dryly, took out a long robe from the ring and put it on You Wushuang's body, and when he finished doing this, You Wushuang frowned, but now he opened his eyes wide open. Eyes "uh..."

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