Eternal Supreme

Chapter 410

"You're awake!"

Ye Qianran's voice was a little nervous.

You Wushuang blinked, looking full of weakness, frowning slightly, and finally said: "Where is this?"

"It's a safe place!"

Ye Qianran said something, then spread out his left hand and put the elixir on You Wushuang's lips and said, "Come and open your mouth, you will feel better after eating this!"

You Wushuang's face turned rosy, and he reached out to take it and said, "I can still move!"

"Ahem!" Ye Qianran coughed dryly, and then his eyes flickered. He still felt that it was better for him to speak out on his own initiative, so he said directly: "Miss You, because you were injured, I just helped you." Bandaged it, how offensive, please don't take it too seriously!"

You Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and then noticed the robe on his body, his expression changed slightly, but in the end he shook his head unnaturally.

"Then you rest!" After Ye Qianran finished speaking, he turned around and sat on the other side. At this time, he could clearly feel how tired he was in his body, and Bamen's symptoms were also manifested at this time. Fortunately, he only opened the front two. If he opened the rear two, maybe he can only lie here now.

But even so, he now also has an urge to lie down here and have a good sleep, but can he do it now? No, so he also took out a elixir, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to resume his cultivation.

You Wushuang glanced at Ye Qianran, and finally his eyes fell on the elixir in his hand, then he looked at the clothes on his body, his face was hot for a while, and finally sighed secretly, put the elixir on the mouth.

In fact, she was really curious, who is Ye Qianran? Because of such an excellent person, it was really the first time she saw...

In one night, Ye Qianran also recovered a little bit, but she really looked a little embarrassed, and the blood-stained ones didn't look very good-looking.

He stood up and moved his body. Although he still felt a little uncomfortable at this time, at least he didn't have the same feeling as yesterday.

Exhaling a breath, Ye Qianran's eyes fell on You Wushuang. Because she didn't have the power of Jiuyou, she recovered very slowly, and her face was still pale, but her complexion was relatively better.

It seems that they will be here for a while. First of all, he has not fully recovered. If he meets someone who is a blood sect, he will definitely not be able to please him. In addition, it is You Wushuang. Since he saved her, he should indeed send her away. The Buddha has been sent to the West.

Before thinking about it, Ye Qianran felt that it was quite interesting. He thought that offending the four top forces would be offended. Anyway, he might not be able to meet them in the future. He didn't expect to meet two when he came to Xuanwu City.

And there is still some relationship with You Wushuang, but this relationship is his current appearance...

He really didn't know, if You Wushuang knew that he was the one who molested her earlier, he didn't know what You Wushuang would think.

Did he kill himself? But after all, he has saved You Wushuang many times, and You Wushuang seems to feel pretty good about him, but what if he doesn't kill him?

This is definitely a tangled question, he shrugged helplessly, looked at You Wushuang again, and walked out by himself.

When he came back, You Wushuang was standing at the entrance of the cave. Her dress looked bloodstained and there were many scratches. Wushuang, who is so prone to protection, smiled and asked, "Why did you come out?"

"I... I thought you were gone!" You Wushuang hesitated and said.

"Halo, am I this kind of person in your heart?" Ye Qianran suddenly looked helpless.

"I... I didn't mean that!" You Wushuang shook his head.


Ye Qianran smiled, took out the fruit, handed it to You Wushuang, and said, "Just eat some, we're going to stay here for the next two days, and we won't be able to go back until we recover!" People are still waiting in Xuanwu City.

He has been delayed for such a long time, so he will not be misunderstood by others, right?

But fortunately, he left the little mink there, so there shouldn't be too many misunderstandings...

You Wushuang's eyes flickered, and he said with a somewhat apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, I got you in trouble!"

"What are you talking about!"

Ye Qianran shrugged, and brought You Wushuang back. After the two of them finished eating the fruit, they practiced again at the same time...

One day passed again, and the injuries in Ye Qianran's body also recovered. You Wushuang's expression also recovered a little, and he looked more or less ruddy. Not to mention, he looked really good-looking ...

At night, after the two of them simply ate the fruit, Ye Qianran's eyes fell on You Wushuang, and at this moment, he happened to meet a pair of beautiful eyes, and was stunned for a while, the latter also quickly turned around at this time head.

With a dry smile, Ye Qianran said: "Miss You, how did you join the Blood Sect? I heard from the young master of the Blood Sect at that time that you were injured, that's why I took you back!"

Upon hearing this, You Wushuang frowned instantly, and his expression became cold at this time, and finally said directly: "That woman! She is indeed very strong, but I will kill her sooner or later!"

Women are careful...

Ye Qianran deeply understood this truth, and of course he couldn't say this.

"How did you find me?" You Wushuang also asked this question at this time, and she had wanted to ask this question for a long time, because she passed out after escaping at that time, and she didn't know what happened afterwards, and then woke up. It's Ye Qianran's arms.

Ye Qianran also narrated what happened before and after, and You Wushuang understood after listening, nodded and said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Ye Qianran shook his head, then spread out his left hand, and passed a pill again and said: "Take it, so that you can recover faster!"

You Wushuang nodded in agreement, and after putting it in his mouth, he sank into it after closing the curtain.

Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief. Now he just hopes that the Blood Sect can't find them, and then go back automatically. It's easier to say, otherwise it will be more difficult... Besides, the old woman and others are still waiting...

But it's superfluous to think so much now. There must be a road ahead of the road, and he doesn't believe it. With his cleverness, he might not be able to deal with a blood sect. Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and began to practice...

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, when Ye Qianran was about to go out, You Wushuang called to stop him.

Looking back, I found that You Wushuang's face was unnatural and rosy, and he said with a strange expression, "Miss You, what's wrong?"

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