Eternal Supreme

Chapter 411


You Wushuang's eyes flickered, and finally he bit his lip and said, "You...can you help me find a place with water? I..."


Ye Qianran took a look at You Wushuang's state at this time, every girl has a cleanliness addiction, You Wushuang has been in this state for almost two days, and he endured it for two days, and it is not bad to be able to persist until now.

"Thank you!" After You Wushuang said these two words, he turned his head away, and it was obvious that he was very embarrassed at this time.

Ye Qianran shook his head, turned around and left here. After he found some fruits, he began to search for some water in the mountains. This will not trouble him at that time, because the denser the trees in the mountains, the less likely they are to exist. bigger.

Of course, when he was looking for it, his mental power was also scattered, for fear that the blood sect's people were still chasing him.

Half an hour later, he found a river. The water flow was not very deep, but it was crystal clear and looked very good. Thinking of this, Ye Qianran cleaned one first, and then changed into clean clothes, comfortable He galloped back in the direction of going back.

On the way, Ye Qianran ran into someone who was a blood sect, and his brows frowned immediately. He had no choice but to circle around. After turning back and entering the cave, Wang You Wushuang also opened his eyes, and said with a smile: "I have found it. But wait until the afternoon! The blood sect people outside are still looking for us."

You Wushuang nodded. When Ye Qianran came back, seeing his clothes looked brand new, he knew that Ye Qianran had found a place, so he nodded and agreed. After taking the fruit Ye Qianran handed over, he ate two. Then he closed his eyes and practiced again.

In the afternoon, after Ye Qianran and You Wushuang had eaten, Ye Qianran also offered to take her there to have a look, but after the two left the cave, a problem arose, because the distance is quite far, if you go directly If you go there on foot, it is specified that it is not allowed, which is a waste of time.

Ye Qianran coughed dryly at this time, then looked at You Wushuang and said, "Miss You, how about I carry you there?"

You Wushuang blushed after hearing this, and finally nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran hesitated for a while, and finally hugged You Wushuang in his arms very calmly. When the power of heaven and earth was turbulent, he rushed out quickly with You Wushuang's body.

On the way, Ye Qianran's mental strength was expanded, and he was cautious, and finally came to the place where the small river was safely.

After putting You Wushuang down, Ye Qianran said directly: "I'll go to a distance, you clean it first, just call me if you have anything to do, don't worry, I won't peek!" Ye Qianran said However, when You Wushuang's face was flushed, he left in a flash.

After confirming that Ye Qianran had left, You Wushuang also took off his clothes, and when his perfect body was exposed, he also quickly came to the river.

Ye Qianran waited patiently there with his mental strength stretched out in the distance, and everything went smoothly.

You Wushuang quickly finished the bath, but when he came out, he put his skirt aside, put on his underwear, and put on Ye Qianran's robe. Although it was a bit awkward, it was better than wearing the bloody robe. better clothes.

Ye Qianran also felt the end of You Wushuang's side, so he came out. When he saw You Wushuang wearing his own clothes, he was stunned for a while, and his face showed a little strange color. He had to admit that You Wushuang Although wearing men's clothes, there is another kind of temperament, which feels good.

You Wushuang naturally also noticed Ye Qianran's eyes. His slightly pale face showed a little rosy, which made him look more beautiful.

Ye Qianran was stunned. He found that You Wushuang was actually very good, with a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, but it was a pity that he had a personality...he didn't like him too much, he was too cold...

"Let's go back, it's still dangerous here!"

Ye Qianran smiled, took the initiative to hold You Wushuang in his arms, and galloped away in the direction of going back.

You Wushuang was in Ye Qianran's arms, her face was always rosy, and she glanced at Ye Qianran from time to time. She was seriously injured at that time, although she felt it, but it was not strong, and now her heartbeat has been accelerating.

Biting her lower lip tightly, she simply closed her eyes and stopped looking at them at all.

Ye Qianran looked down from time to time, seeing You Wushuang leaning against his arms and closing his eyes, without thinking about it, the speed accelerated at this moment.

After returning to the entrance of the cave where they were in smoothly and safely, they first inspected it, and after making sure that there was no problem, they walked in with You Wushuang.

But after coming inside, when Ye Qianran was about to say something, he heard You Wushuang's even breathing, and was stunned for a while, did this woman fall asleep?

When his eyes were slightly strange, he didn't bother him too much, and carefully put You Wushuang down. When he was done, he hesitated for a while so that You Wushuang would not wake up, and let her lean on his bed. on the shoulders.

With a faint fragrance, Ye Qianran's heart beat really fast, that Zong Hongzhen actually has such a fiancee, he really did all the good things in his previous life...

While waiting patiently, Ye Qianran simply leaned against the stone wall to rest. Of course, his mental power was activated again. There was no other way. In danger, he had to be vigilant at all times.

While resting like this, Ye Qianran woke up several times and saw You Wushuang sleeping very peacefully on his shoulder. At night, You Wushuang's body moved, and Ye Qianran instructed her to wake up. come over.

When he opened his eyes and looked, he found that You Wushuang left his shoulder unnaturally, and smiled, "Sleep well!"


You Wushuang nodded slightly, and said again: "Thank you!"

Ye Qianran shook his head, and after letting You Wushuang rest, he went out again to find some fruits by himself.

While the two were eating fruit, Ye Qianran looked at You Wushuang and said, "You and Zong Hongzhen are unmarried, when do you plan to get married?"

You Wushuang was stunned for a while, his heart trembled for no reason, his brows were frowned, a little irritable, and finally he shook his head and said: "I don't know!" His voice became cold at this moment.

"Marriage between two people is a matter of relationship. If there is no relationship, there is no happiness at all. Besides, I didn't mean him? He didn't care about him in Xuanwu City that time. Such a person is not worth entrusting..." Ye Qianran said casually.

You Wushuang had a slightly strange expression, and finally took a deep breath and said, "Then what can I do?"

"Escape from marriage..."

Ye Qianran simply said two words, but after he finished speaking, seeing You Wushuang's face suddenly turned red, doubts appeared on his face, what's going on?

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