Eternal Supreme

Chapter 412

"What's the point?"

Ye Qianran saw that You Wushuang's face was becoming more and more unnatural and reddened, and then he realized something was wrong, it was just a runaway marriage, it was unnecessary, right?

But he didn't know that escaping marriage in this world represented another meaning.

Marriage escape, as the name suggests, is at least used when there is another person in one party. When You Wushuang suddenly heard this word, he naturally misunderstood it.

After a long time, You Wushuang's expression also returned to normal, but he glanced at Ye Qianran unnaturally, and finally said: "There is also a reason for escaping marriage, at least the people who escaped marriage together must be extremely good, and the premise is to get Only the approval of the elders of the sect will do."

Ye Qianran had a weird look on his face. He seemed to have guessed what it meant. He didn't think much about it at that time, and smiled and said, "Isn't that simple? Can you see me?"

You Wushuang was startled, with a strange and flustered expression on his face, put his little hands on his chest, frowned slightly, and finally lowered his head and remained silent. In fact, it was not as simple as Ye Qianran thought.

She and Zong Hongzhen are a couple recognized by everyone. If she really escapes marriage, it will be an insult to Qi Yaozong, so even if she really leaves, she can't use the name of escape...

There was some doubt in Ye Qianran's eyes, then he smiled and said, "Then don't talk about this topic, let's talk about other things." Seeing You Wushuang nodded, Ye Qianran blinked, and finally said with a smile: "I want to ask you a question!"

"What's the question?" You Wushuang raised his head, his face full of doubts.

"Is there anyone you particularly hate?" Ye Qianran asked hesitantly. To put it bluntly, he was very curious. Is he the person You Wushuang hates the most?

Just after his words fell, You Wushuang was stunned for a moment, then his expression turned cold in an instant, and when he frowned slightly, he nodded and said: "I really want to kill someone!"

"Who?" Seeing You Wushuang's expression, Ye Qianran's eyebrows twitched. It was so familiar. Could it be him?

"I don't know the exact name, but don't let me touch him!" When You Wushuang spoke, his whole body was full of murderous intent, and he clenched his little hands tightly.

Judging from this attitude, it's not hard to see that You Wushuang really bears a grudge when he comes out.

Ye Qianran had a strange expression on his face, and after forcing himself to calm down, he said again: "There is another question, if the person you hate the most suddenly becomes your friend one day, what will you do?"


As soon as Ye Qianran's voice fell, You Wushuang directly denied it, and finally raised his head to look at Ye Qianran and said: "That person will never be my friend, and I have never had a friend..."

Ye Qianran was stunned, looked at You Wushuang's indifferent expression, shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's helpless expression, You Wushuang hesitated for a while, but when he was about to say something, You Wushuang said again: "You are an exception!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran had a strange expression on her face. If You Wushuang knew that he was the exception, the person she hated the most and wanted to kill, what would she do?

He sighed for a long time and said: "Rest early, we can leave when you recover! Or when you recover a little, I will send you to Qinghong Palace now, and then I will leave..." Ye Qianran also I didn't know what to say, so I could only say this in the end.

Throwing a pill to You Wushuang, Ye Qianran also closed his eyes and began to practice.

You Wushuang sat there, looking at the elixir in his hand, and finally his eyes fell on Ye Qianran. After looking at it for a while, he swallowed the elixir and entered the state of cultivation.

Two days later, Ye Qianran looked at You Wushuang with a smile on his face, and couldn't help saying: "Miss You, with your current appearance, you will definitely be liked by many girls!"

You Wushuang was still the same as before, but his long black hair was made into a man's look, and he was wearing a men's robe at this time, and his temperament also changed accordingly.

You Wushuang's face was full of unnaturalness, his lips moved but he didn't speak.

"Hehe, let's go, I'll take you back to Qinghong Palace now!"

Because You Wushuang hadn't fully recovered, Ye Qianran decided to go and see for himself in order to prevent the Blood Sect from being ambushed on the way to Qinghong Hall, which also guaranteed You Wushuang's safety.

During the journey, Ye Qianran also inquired and learned that the Qinghong Palace is located in the southeast of Xuanwu City, on top of a mountain named Qinghong Peak. It can only be seen at a high place.

"On the way to Qinghong Palace, there will definitely be people from the Blood Sect blocking them, so let's take a detour!" After the two galloped for a while, You Wushuang said.

You Wushuang's eyes flickered. Although it was a waste of time to take a detour, it would indeed be safer, and in her current situation, she really didn't want to implicate Ye Qianran.

"Need not!"

Ye Qianran raised his mouth and said, "Whatever we can think of, they can also think of. Let's go there like this, and let's talk when we meet someone!"

You Wushuang thought about it for a while, and it was indeed the truth, so he nodded and agreed.

That night, because they did not stop on the way, they kept galloping at a high speed, so the speed was quite fast. According to You Wushuang's analysis, they will also arrive at Qinghong Palace at noon tomorrow.

Ye Qianran now only hopes to end as soon as possible, and then go back early, because Qiao Xiaodi may not be talking about him anymore.

After simply eating the fruit, You Wushuang's eyes fell on Ye Qianran, and he said, "Let's set off at night, it's safer at night!"

Ye Qianran nodded this time. It is really easy to do things at night. Even if he is found, he can hide easily, and he can send You Wushuang back as soon as possible.

"Then let's go!" After You Wushuang finished speaking, he took the lead and galloped in one direction, and Ye Qianran followed closely behind.

After midnight, when they were only about half an hour away from Qinghong Hall, the footsteps of the two stopped at the same time.

"There is someone up ahead!"

Ye Qianran said something in a low voice, staring fixedly at the front, and under the touch of spiritual power, he found that there were actually three people, and each of them had a strong breath.

You Wushuang nodded, she also felt it, frowned slightly, glanced around and said, "How about a detour?"

"There must be other places, so..."

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered and said: "I'll lure the three of them away, and you go directly to Qinghong Palace..."

"No, it's too dangerous for you to do this!" You Wushuang said quickly.

"Hey, listen to me!" Ye Qianran was completely naked, and at this moment, his body had already rushed out.

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