Eternal Supreme

Chapter 413

When You Wushuang saw Ye Qianran rushing out, his face changed slightly, and finally bit his lower lip tightly, and did not rush out, because even if she got up in this state, it would still be a burden.

And Ye Qianran has already done this, if she is rushing up, it will also destroy Ye Qianran's mind.

After Ye Qianran rushed out, he landed not far from the three of them. At this moment, he glanced at a middle-aged man and two old men.

Because of his appearance, the three of them were still a little dazed at this moment. At this time, Ye Qianran spread out his left hand, and the box appeared in his hand: "Here is the blood bead, if you want it, come and get it!" He said with a sneer, He galloped out towards the other side.

The three of them came back to their senses, looked at each other, and rushed out.

Here, You Wushuang's eyes flickered, and she galloped towards the Qinghong Palace. She had to hurry up now, and it was easy to talk about after finding the help of Qinghong Palace.

And she has to be fast, because the slower the time, the more dangerous Ye Qianran will be.

On Ye Qianran's side, after rushing out, he suddenly heard a surge of spiritual power coming from behind. He looked back and found a burst of spiritual power rising into the sky, and his face suddenly changed. He is not stupid, he can see it , that should be something like a signal.

When he thought of this, his first thought was to summon Xiao Hei, so it was easy to say.

But just when he summoned Xiao Hei, surging spiritual power swept from behind, and his body changed direction directly, but at this moment, a surge of spiritual power just blocked the way in front of him.

His face changed slightly, and two of the eight doors opened in an instant, his body's speed soared instantly, and when he spotted a direction and galloped out, there was a whistling sound from a distance, he looked up, and cursed secretly, his body had no choice but to He changed direction again, and at this moment he didn't care about anything else, the two doors at the back opened again, and at the same time, the phoenix eye also opened, so that he could see very clearly at night.

But because there are trees all around, although his speed has increased a lot, but because of the obstacles of the trees, his speed has been completely reduced by half.

"Stop him!" The angry voice was accompanied by a howl, and at this moment, the huge spiritual power surged out and directly covered Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran felt the fluctuation of spiritual power behind him, and his body changed direction again. At this moment, he clearly saw the figures around him rushing towards him.

"Damn, I've been made dumplings!"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly at this time, he still can't let Xiao Hei come out, rush out, because if he does, he will become the target of everyone below, but what can he do now? The only way is to break through a hole.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran turned around again, and his mental power surged out at this time. When he felt the breath of the people around him, he quickly settled on a relatively weak place. rushed over.

Because he found that after using the exercises attached to the eight gates, the load on his body would be raised even higher. In this case, he exploded Aolongjue.

His eyes were red, and when he saw the two figures galloping in front of him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, the power of heaven and earth gathered, and when it surged, the glove on his right hand floated with a dazzling light.

When the distance was less than five meters, Ye Qianran was not in a hurry to attack. He turned around and kicked a tree hard with his right foot.


Ye Qianran took a breath, damn, this tree is really hard... He intended to kick the tree, and when it affected the other party, it exploded once. In this situation, he can only temporarily change the direction .

"Stop him!"

A hurried voice sounded, and the two figures rushed up instantly, as long as they blocked it once, all the people behind would arrive, and it would be difficult for Ye Qianran to leave even if he wanted to.

They knew this, and Ye Qianran himself also understood this truth, so he fully demonstrated at this time that he can see through every stitch, and his flexible body and extraordinary speed are more than capable.

But as more and more people rushed up, Ye Qianran became worried. Finally, after holding on for more than ten minutes, his body was outflanked again, and his spiritual power surged in instantly. He blasted towards a middle-aged man.

The roar of the dragon's roar was domineering.


The turbulent sound was ear-piercing, and the face of the man who was resisting Ye Qianran changed slightly. He did not expect that this young man possessed such formidable strength. carried it down.

There was an order from above, the target must be intercepted, because this is related to the lifeline of the Blood Sect.


Ye Qianran cursed secretly, and at the same time as her body retreated, the spiritual power of the Pregnant Lingzhu was drawn out at this time, her body turned around, and the scorching flames rushed over directly.

"Want to go?"

A sneer sounded, and an old man quickly approached Ye Qianran at an extremely fast speed, and at this moment, a palpitating breath burst out.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered quickly, he spread his left hand, and a piece of jade pendant appeared. The moment his figure stopped, it was directly triggered, and a sharp force pierced through the void and penetrated the old man's body.

The old man's gaze was astonished, and he looked down. At this moment, he felt that the strength in his body began to decrease, and his consciousness began to gradually blur, but after gritting his teeth, the final strength also burst towards Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran was stunned, and the red glow floated. Although he tried his best to stagger the fatal blow of the old man, his body trembled instantly, and a fishy sweetness instantly entered his mouth. After forcing it down, he could not open the wound door. Immediately, an astonishing force came from the limbs and bones again.

Seeing the people behind to surround him again, his body rushed out again.

"Fourth Elder..."

When one person rushed up and saw the old man lying softly on the ground, his expression changed instantly. When he raised his head to look at Ye Qianran's figure, he was full of anger: "We must catch him!" The voice fell, and he followed closely...

On the other side, You Wushuang was very safe all the way, and the first thing he did when he returned to the Qinghong Palace was to find the two elders of the Qinghong Palace. After talking briefly, he took the lead towards the mountain range rush away.

Along the way, she was extremely worried in her heart, would Ye Qianran be in any danger at this time? After so long, is it still safe?

And the two elders who followed You Wushuang were full of surprise. This was the first time they saw You Wushuang showing such an expression? At this time, they were really curious, who made You Wushuang like this...

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