Eternal Supreme

Chapter 414

"Wow, blocked!"

Ye Qianran looked at the people around him, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He had tried his best to escape, but there were too many people on the other side, and he felt that all the people on the other side had been dispatched.

"See where you go this time!"

A cold voice sounded, and a middle-aged man came out, looked directly at Ye Qianran and said, "Where is the blood bead? And where is You Wushuang now? Tell me quickly, or you will definitely die here!"

"Halo, I've been chased by you for so long, how can I still have so much energy to speak!"

Ye Qianran took a breath, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then slowly raised the corner of his mouth, "Guess, can I still run away?"

After the words fell, the expressions of the people present tensed at the same time.

Chasing Ye Qianran was definitely a waste of thought, so at this moment, all the people present were keeping a close eye on Ye Qianran, for fear that he would slip away again. In that case, it would be a waste of time.

"Hey, don't be so nervous..."

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Qianran smiled immediately. He really couldn't run anymore. After such a long time, the eight-door state gradually disappeared, and the exhaustion of his whole body appeared at this time, but he didn't He won't sit still, he still has Qiqi, Companion Fire, Xiaomei, Flame Knife, and the fourth door of the eighth door. As long as he creates some chaos, he will be able to escape unscathed.

It's just that he didn't know how much damage he would suffer if he opened the fourth door when he was so exhausted, but it was better than death.

He didn't have much time at this time, and he absolutely couldn't drag it until his body completely collapsed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he had to think of a way.

Jingguang floated in his eyes, and finally his eyes fell on the middle-aged man and said: "You are the suzerain of the Blood Sect, right?"

"What? Are you willing to say it?" The middle-aged man said gloomyly.

If possible, he really wanted to kill Ye Qianran, because if it wasn't for him, the Blood Sect wouldn't have to make such a big fuss. What worries him the most is the matter at Qinghong Palace. If You Wushuang went back, the Blood Sect would definitely be suppressed by top forces. At that time, the Sect might be completely wiped out.

"You're not too young, why are you so naive? Hey, I will never tell you that Miss You has gone to Qinghong Palace, and the blood beads are still here..."

Ye Qianran smiled, looked at the middle-aged man and said with interest: "Speaking of blood beads, I would like to ask about blood beads, what is the use of that thing, in case I run away later, I still have to waste my time to research, don't you think it's troublesome... Besides, I can't find you if I can't research thoroughly, after all, the first-class power of the Blood Sect is about to be wiped out..."

The method he is thinking of now is actually quite simple, that is to capture the king first, as long as the middle-aged man is captured, it will be easy to say, and his danger can be minimized.

But if a man goes down easily, he won't come up easily, then he is irritated, and if he irritates the other party, so that the other party can't help but rush up, that's easy to say.

As long as he can do it, it's easy to run away while creating some chaos.

"court death!"

The middle-aged man clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes showed extreme hatred. What Ye Qianran said really hit the nail on the head, how could he not be angry?

If what Ye Qianran said was true, and You Wushuang really went to Qinghong Palace, then the Blood Sect would definitely be wiped out. Thinking of this, his heart began to bleed.

The Blood Sect has been passed down for so long, but something went wrong in his generation. It is enough to show how much resentment he has towards Ye Qianran...

Ye Qianran could see the man's expression, and the corner of his mouth was raised higher: "Really? Well, I'm going to die anyway, can my last wish come true? Hey, can you let me go?"

After the middle-aged man heard this, his body trembled. It was the first time he had seen this situation. The other party was still thinking about playing tricks here, his fists were clenched, and his eyes became more and more cold.

"If you don't speak, you agree, Emma, ​​you are so kind, you are worthy of being the suzerain of a first-class force, and you are magnificent..."

Ye Qianran saw the man's cold light getting stronger and stronger, and the smile on his face deepened, and finally said silently: "But before you leave, can you tell me the secret of the blood bead?" The word bite is very heavy.

The middle-aged man's anger had reached its peak, his thick spiritual power was shaking, he gritted his silver teeth and said, "You must die!"

"Haha, spray!"

"I thought I let me go. It seems that I have misunderstood, but when I say that let me die, I hurry up, wow, wow, there is no end! Hurry up, let the people on you present be siege by so many people in the blood sect, die It's worth it!" Ye Qianran laughed.

After the words fell, everyone present became a little speechless. It seemed that he was the one talking nonsense there, right?

"Everyone? I alone is enough!"

The man sneered, and at this moment his body galloped directly towards Ye Qianran. The surging strength proved the man's strength.

Now that he has come to this point, it is absolutely impossible to turn back, but even if the Blood Sect is really destroyed, he must kill Ye Qianran, the culprit.

Thinking of this, the spiritual power surging from the man's body seemed to become more intense, as if he wanted to kill Ye Qianran in one fell swoop.


Ye Qianran laughed at this time, this man really rushed up, maybe it was because of his self-confidence, but he was born to hit other people's self-confidence.

"Your blood beads..."

Ye Qianran spread out his left hand, and the brocade box appeared in his hand, and he threw it directly at the man.

When the middle-aged man saw the familiar brocade box, he was stunned for a moment, and the spiritual power on his body was suddenly restrained at this moment, and at this moment, a cold voice sounded: "Dumen, open it for me!"

After the voice fell, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and looked up. At this time, he only saw an illusory shadow, and his face suddenly showed shock and disbelief. Ye Qianran is in this state, how can he have such an astonishing appearance? speed?

"Sovereign be careful!"

A hurried voice sounded, and the faces of the people around changed drastically at the same time, and they rushed towards Ye Qianran at the same time, and Ye Qianran's state at this time was beyond their imagination. How did he do it?


A chuckling voice sounded: "If you don't make me feel better, will I make you feel better?"

As soon as the voice fell, the burning feeling shot up into the sky at this moment...

In the distance, three figures watched, and it was You Wushuang and the other three. At this time, one of the old men was shocked and said: "So smart, who is he?"

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