Eternal Supreme

Chapter 415

"Is he? I didn't know before, but now he is the successor of the Heavenly Flame Knife, and the youngest elder of the outer sect of Danta!"

You Wushuang stared closely at Ye Qianran's direction with her beautiful eyes, her face was full of strange colors.

After all, she has never admired anyone in the younger generation. Ye Qianran is definitely one of them. Taking a deep breath, she couldn't help worrying: "Elder, do you want to make a move now?"

"No need for now, maybe he can handle it by himself?" One of the old men said with a smile, and after he finished speaking, he couldn't help but glance at You Wushuang's face again.

It seems that You Wushuang is worried about a man for the first time, right?

Although You Wushuang was full of worry, he finally agreed...

At this time, after Ye Qianran released the fusion accompanying fire in the pregnant spirit orb, Xiaomei appeared at this time, and when the fierce aura surged, it also enveloped the middle-aged man.

Under the rapidity, the middle-aged man did not have any more time to react. His left hand was stuck on the man's body, and Xiao Mei's right hand was directly on the man's neck, and the brocade box fell to the ground, and when it fell apart, it was indeed empty Box.

Ye Qianran took a breath, seeing that the surroundings were in a mess temporarily under the eruption of the accompanying fire, and she took the middle-aged man hostage and retreated towards the back.

At this time, the middle-aged man was full of extreme anger in his heart. Only now did he know that he had been fooled by Ye Qianran. It was the first time he had been so embarrassed since he became a blood sect, and these still appeared in a young people.

He really underestimated Ye Qianran and this young man.

No one can imagine that such a young man has such a careful mind, and that speed and strength are indeed better than many young people he has seen, even much better, perhaps only a young man The four masters of the previous generation can be compared.

Ye Qianran didn't know what the middle-aged man was thinking, he was just thinking about how to run away, because after a temporary mess, he was wrapped up again.

"Let you people who kill the blood sect get out of the way quickly, or I guarantee that I will be frightened, and then my hands will shake!" Ye Qianran's eyes revealed a cold light, because he has taken the suzerain of the blood sect hostage, and he is definitely in an advantage now status.

"Is it?"

The middle-aged man asked back at this time, his eyes flickered slightly, and at this moment, a blood-red light suddenly appeared on his body, and it was accompanied by strange fluctuations.

Ye Qianran was stunned, and found that his body was wrapped in it in an instant, and then he was surprised to find that his body couldn't move, and his face suddenly changed. What's going on?

When he thought of this, the man stretched out his hand and opened it, turned around and looked at Ye Qianran and said, "I admit that you are very strong and very smart, but you are still too young , it is very dangerous to do so without knowing the enemy!"


Ye Qianran cursed secretly in his heart at this time, he really didn't think of this, took a deep breath, he wanted to move his body at this moment, but found that his hands and feet couldn't be controlled at all.

"Don't waste your energy, your body has been controlled by me!" The middle-aged man smiled, and then said with a smile: "Aren't you curious about the function of blood beads? It doesn't matter to tell you now, he can not only let you When a person's blood is activated, it can also restrict other people's bodies through the spiritual power of the blood beads.

"What a perverted bead!"

Ye Qianran's face was shocked at this time, and then his eyes flickered again, he didn't want to die here, he still had a lot of things to do, and he definitely couldn't die here.

"Afraid?" The middle-aged man couldn't help but sneered when he saw Ye Qianran's expression.

"Yeah, I'm afraid of death, can you let me go?" Ye Qianran said helplessly.

"No!" The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Fuck, then you're a bird!" Ye Qianran cursed secretly.

The corner of the middle-aged man's mouth turned up, and at this moment, the red mixed with Ye Qianran's body fluttered strangely. At this moment, he found that the middle-aged man raised his hand, and his hand was also raised.

"How about killing yourself with your own dagger?"

The middle-aged man said something coldly, and at this moment, Ye Qianran laughed and said, "What are you thinking?" After the words fell, Xiao Mei disappeared from his hands automatically.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Hey, let me just say it!"

Ye Qianran smiled, then blinked, cleared his throat with a dry cough, and said: "The three of Qinghong Hall behind, should they come out, if they don't come out, I'm really going to die!"

Although his body was restricted, his mental strength was not. He clearly felt the three auras behind him, one of which was very familiar, it was You Wushuang, so he guessed that You Wushuang was wasting it on him. Under the condition of time, he returned to Qinghong Palace smoothly, and now he has brought the helpers of Qinghong Palace.

"Don't try to lie to me." The middle-aged man's heart skipped a beat, and then he said it coldly.

And just as he finished speaking, there was a whistling sound, and three figures galloped over from a distance, two old women and a young woman, You Wushuang...

The people present were instantly shocked, their faces full of astonishment and disbelief, did the people from Qinghong Palace really come?

"Are you a blood sect?"

An old woman's eyes fell on the middle-aged man, her old voice was cold, and there was a faint murderous intent.

The middle-aged man's complexion changed drastically, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and then he took a deep breath and said, "The two seniors of Qinghong Palace, this is the matter of our blood sect, please don't interfere!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, this middle-aged man is indeed very smart, and he said this because he wanted to deny You Wushuang's affairs.

"Isn't it? I heard from Wushuang that she was kidnapped by your blood sect, and the injuries on her body were also left by your blood sect!"

The old woman snorted coldly, and her murderous intent became more intense at this time: "Besides, this little brother is also our friend. If you don't give an explanation for the Blood Sect today, don't blame our Qinghong Palace for not showing mercy to you!" Already!"

Ye Qianran was watching from the side, his face full of surprise, the top power is the top power, and he speaks so forcefully, he really wants to see the end of the blood sect now, but now the symptoms of Bamen are manifested, and his whole body is in pain. With soreness, no strength at all, mentally exhausted...

Thinking that he was completely safe now, he completely relaxed, and the moment he relaxed, his body shook involuntarily, lost his balance, and fell in one direction. The meaning of sweeping is so soft...

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