Eternal Supreme

Chapter 417


Ye Qianran was full of curiosity at this moment: "What else?"

"Or I'll feed you!" You Wushuang completely calmed down after saying this.

"Don't, that's so embarrassing..."

After Ye Qianran finished speaking, she opened her mouth directly...

You Wushuang was stunned. She never thought that Ye Qianran had such a humorous side, so she couldn't help laughing at the moment. Although she found out in time and quickly brought herself back to normal, Ye Qianran was stunned. Down.

"You said how beautiful a girl's smile is!"

Ye Qianran said something in admiration, and his attitude was quite pertinent for a while.

You Wushuang shook his head and said nothing, took a spoon and began to feed Ye Qianran. At this time, she obviously had a strange feeling in her heart, which was weird, but she didn't hate it.

And Ye Qianran's face was full of weirdness when being fed by You Wushuang. Xiao Mengyao had done this before. At that time, his heart was warm and happy, but now he has a different feeling, which is very strange and also different. Hate.

Moreover, observing You Wushuang at a close distance at this time, he found that she is also very delicate, and through these days of contact, he found that You Wushuang is indeed a good girl. It seems that his impression of You Wushuang should have changed a little ...

It's a pity that what You Wushuang knows is his current face. If he becomes his original appearance...the result is completely conceivable.

So no matter how things change, the two of them will not be able to be friends on their own initiative. Maybe after he leaves this time, they won't have any intersections anymore.

After eating, You Wushuang asked Ye Qianran to rest, and she left the room with the tray. After coming outside, her heartbeat still accelerated involuntarily, and her brows inevitably frowned again. Why did she do this?

But after Ye Qianran ate a bowl of rice porridge, his strength did recover a bit, his whole body felt warm and indescribably comfortable, and finally he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and began to practice Wuji Kungfu...

In the following period of time, You Wushuang came twice, and Ye Qianran simply continued to pretend that he hadn't recovered yet, and let You Wushuang feed him. If you don't enjoy it when you have it, it means you won't live a good life. , and Ye Qianran is obviously a person who is very good at living.

Looking at the beautiful woman and drinking rice porridge, I felt so beautiful...

And You Wushuang saw that Ye Qianran was recovering well, and felt relieved...

That night, Ye Qianran practiced wholeheartedly for another night. Although it cannot be said that all of them have been recovered, half of them are still fine, but at least he can jump and run...

If there was no matter with Qiao Xiaodi, Ye Qianran would have been forced to pretend to be sick for ten days and a half months, and let You Wushuang take care of him. After all, this kind of opportunity is rare, and Zong Hongzhen should not have this kind of opportunity. Treated...

Thinking of being served by someone's fiancée, what kind of feeling did he think of, inexplicably exciting...

If it weren't for the intersection between him and You Wushuang before, he would definitely poach the wall, but now that he thinks about it, let's forget it?

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes early, and not long after he stretched and sat up comfortably, You Wushuang came in again with a tray.

When You Wushuang saw that Ye Qianran was in good spirits, his expression changed slightly and he said, "You recovered very quickly!"

"Of course it will be faster to have a beautiful woman take care of you!" Ye Qianran said with a smile, and then seeing You Wushuang's unnatural expression, he smiled again and didn't say anything more.

"Let's eat something!"

As You Wushuang said, he came over with the rice porridge, sat on the side of the bed, picked up a spoon and continued to feed Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran raised her brows, but opened her mouth to eat without saying anything...

But You Wushuang didn't think much about it, and continued to feed. When the rice porridge was finished, he seemed to think of something. Ye Qianran looked so good, and her body should have recovered, so why should she feed it? ? But since she did, she didn't say anything.

Leaning there, Ye Qianran naturally noticed a slight change in the atmosphere, and finally said: "Miss You, thank you for your care these days, I will leave Qinghong Palace today..."

After speaking, I suddenly thought of a question again, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, what's the situation with the Blood Sect now? Will I be ambushed by the Blood Sect when I go back?"

After hearing this, You Wushuang's expression suddenly became cold, and finally he said: "The suzerain of the Blood Sect brought his son to the Qinghong Palace in person, and asked him to apologize on the spot. After careful consideration, our palace lord also let their sect go. Door!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, and finally nodded without saying anything, but it shouldn't be easy after becoming a blood sect.

After all, he has offended a top power, and I am afraid that no power will be willing to associate with the Blood Sect in the future. A good disciple of the sect has its own appearance...


At this time, You Wushuang seemed to think of something, and said, "My mother wants to see you..."

"Uh, do you want to meet your parents? I'm not ready yet."

Ye Qianran was stunned, and couldn't help but say something, then when You Wushuang frowned unnaturally, he smiled dryly and said: "Hey, don't get me wrong, I mean I can't go like this, I want to wash first, and change clothes by the way, is it convenient here?"

"Well, you go!" You Wushuang looked at the other room and nodded in agreement.

Ye Qianran nodded, sat up from the bed, and walked over. When he saw a pool with flower petals, his expression was a little strange. A girl is a girl...

After being simple and clear, Ye Qianran took out a brand new robe and put it on. It felt comfortable and very good.

When he came outside, seeing You Wushuang was still sitting there, he moved his body and said, "Didn't your mother want to see me, let's go..."

You Wushuang took another look at Ye Qianran at this time, and found that he is still very good now.

Coming outside, Ye Qianran couldn't help but look at You Wushuang and said, "Is there something your mother wants to see me for?"

"I don't know too well!" You Wushuang shook his head.

Ye Qianran raised his brows with curiosity on his face, then thought of something and said, "Is your mother the elder of Qinghong Palace?"

You Wushuang shook his head and said, "It's the current Hall Master of Qinghong Hall..."


Ye Qianran's eyes widened, with disbelief showing on his face, wouldn't it be possible for You Wushuang to become the next Palace Master?

When he was curious, You Wushuang said: "Generally, the masters of the Qinghong Palace are separated from each other, that is to say, only my next generation can..."

"They're all women?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.


"What if your next generation is a boy?"

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