Eternal Supreme

Chapter 418

"If it's a boy, wait until it's a girl!"

You Wushuang explained with an unnatural face.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, wouldn't it be that whoever becomes You Wushuang's husband will be very sexually blessed? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but jy in his mind.

Following You Wushuang to the outermost part, perhaps because of the morning, there are still clouds and mist floating around, like a fairyland.

And this place is indeed very beautiful, with exquisite attics, rows of corridors, overlooking from a distance, surrounded by mountains and lush green trees, the scenery is really beautiful.

Enjoying the scenery all the way, I came to a grand hall unknowingly. As You Wushuang said, all the people present were women, the elders were all old, and the one sitting at the top was a Middle-aged woman.

She is also very pretty, she looks somewhat similar to You Wushuang, no doubt it is his mother.

"Hello, Auntie. My name is Ye Qianran. I'm Miss You's friend. This time, I can be fine thanks to the help of Qinghong Palace!" Ye Qianran said very politely to the middle-aged woman sitting at the top. said a word.

The woman took a look at Ye Qianran, nodded secretly, and then said: "Little brother, please sit down!"

Ye Qianran nodded, and sat next to You Wushuang. At this time, he looked at the woman again and said, "Auntie, what do you want me to do? If you need help, just ask, it can be done." I will definitely do it!"

The middle-aged woman couldn't help laughing, and then said: "It's nothing, I just want to see what kind of person can be recognized by the flame knife... In addition, it is the first time for my daughter to care about a person, so some Curious! In addition, thank you for saving my daughter."

Ye Qianran also expected it, and shook her head with a smile, then said: "It's nothing, Miss You and I are friends, we saw each other, so we naturally wanted to help, didn't she help me in the end?"

The middle-aged woman nodded with a smile, looked at Ye Qianran again and said, "I heard from Wushuang that you are not from the Sunset Empire, but from Kamikaze?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and gave You Wushuang a weird look. Did she explain everything about herself? He nodded immediately and said, "That's right, I'm from Kamikaze. I used to study at Kamikaze Academy, but I came here because of some things!"

"I really didn't expect Kamikaze to have such an outstanding person as you. Do you plan to develop in the setting sun for a long time?" The middle-aged woman asked curiously.

"I don't have this plan for the time being, and I still have a lot of things to do, and it's only temporary at sunset!" Ye Qianran replied.

"It's true, a good man has ambitions in all directions, and it's good to venture out more. I believe you will achieve more than that in the future!" The middle-aged woman couldn't help but said with a smile on her face.

"I hope..."

There was a slight strangeness in Ye Qianran's eyes. After thinking about it for a while, the burden on her body became heavier in an instant...

"I also stayed in Kamikaze for a while, I don't know which family you belong to?" The middle-aged woman asked curiously.

"Oh, the Ye family, from a very small family, in a city near Kamikaze!" Ye Qianran said it very calmly.

"Can a small family have the blood of Phoenix Eye?" The middle-aged woman said with a smile, and his eyes were a little surprised at this moment. She also heard the report from the elders, because they clearly saw Ye Qianran opened her phoenix eyes.


Ye Qianran shrugged and said, "What I said is true. I was brought up by my father alone. Maybe my blood is inherited from my mother!"

"That's no wonder!" The middle-aged woman didn't doubt it at this time, she nodded slightly and said, "I heard from my daughter that you have three kinds of accompanying fires, so you have three bloodlines?"

"Um, two bloodlines... The third accompanying fire is the beast fire, which was integrated into my body by my family's kung fu." Ye Qianran explained with a smile.

"Hehe, it shouldn't be easy for a bloodline that can coexist with a top-level bloodline like Fengyan!" The middle-aged woman's face was full of shock and surprise.

Through the elder's narration, she also learned that Ye Qianran was not only strong, but also very smart. After comparing the time, Ye Qianran separated from You Wushuang, and in the next two hours, the blood sect unexpectedly Ye Qianran was never caught, which was reflected in a young man's body, and his performance was indeed astonishing.

It's a pity that she only has one daughter, You Wushuang, and she has made a marriage contract with Zong Hongzhen of Qiyaozong since she was a child. Otherwise, she might really try her best to stay with such an excellent person... There is a celestial weapon, the Flame Knife, which is considered to be the absolute best among the celestial weapons...

Another point, she was very curious about what kind of blood would coexist with Ye Qianran's top phoenix-eyed blood, but this kind of question is not easy to ask, so she never asked from the beginning to the end...

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran left the lobby. It was the first time in this world that he felt that his household registration was checked...

If you don't give it to a girl, why ask so many questions? Of course he wouldn't say such a thing.

"Excuse me!"

When You Wushuang saw Ye Qianran off, he couldn't help but said, "My mother just wants to get to know you..."

"Hehe, it's nothing, it's good to understand, if you really don't like that Zong Hongzhen, you can run away in my name! Uh, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that!"

Ye Qianran said something with a smile, and when he was talking about it later, when he saw You Wushuang's expression changed, he quickly explained it.

You Wushuang lowered her head, there was a slight strangeness in her eyes, and her brows inevitably frowned again. For some reason, when Ye Qianran deliberately explained, she felt inexplicably irritated.

"Hey, can I trouble you with something?"

After walking two steps, Ye Qianran suddenly thought about a problem, looked at You Wushuang who was full of doubts and said, "I can't go down in this state now, can you take me down?"

There is no way, originally he could rely on Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei is absolutely not forced to appear, otherwise, his identity will be exposed almost instantly...

You Wushuang hesitated: "Otherwise, why don't you rest here for two more days? Wait until you fully recover before leaving?"

Ye Qianran smiled and said: "No need, I still have urgent things to do. I will come to see you when I have a chance to return to Xuanwu City next time!"

Having said that, Ye Qianran understands in his heart that the chance of this is very small...

You Wushuang nodded silently, and did not speak, and led Ye Qianran towards the exit...

Seeing that You Wushuang didn't mean to speak, Ye Qianran couldn't help but fell silent, but instead looked at the surrounding scenery.

When he came to the edge of the mountain, You Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Then I'll take you down!" The snow-white little hand was placed on Ye Qianran's waist, leading it to fall down...

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