Eternal Supreme

Chapter 419

"Ugh, it's so high..."

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He really didn't care much about riding Xiao Hei before, because he knew that he would never fall off Xiao Hei's body.

He couldn't help but think of the scene of flying with the old man in the sky for the first time, his heart skipped a beat, and his right hand unconsciously hugged You Wushuang's waist.

You Wushuang's brows were obviously frowned, and she turned her head to look at Ye Qianran, but her lips moved at the end, but she didn't say a word, but after she fell, the first thing she did was to walk away a few steps .

Ye Qianran didn't care too much at this time, looked at You Wushuang and said, "Miss You, thank you again for your care these days, if there is a chance to treat you to dinner, then I will go back first!"

You Wushuang nodded and said, "You look like this, should I send you off?"

"No, you go back!" Ye Qianran said.

"Then be careful!" You Wushuang nodded in agreement.

"Well, then I'm leaving!" Ye Qianran glanced at You Wushuang again, the power of heaven and earth was circulating at this time, and his body galloped towards Xuanwu City.

You Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran's leaving back with a strange look on his face again, and turned back after Ye Qianran's figure completely disappeared after a long time.

After Ye Qianran advanced for a certain distance, he summoned Xiao Hei. Under the gallop, the speed was still very fast, and the most important thing was safety.

Because the Qinghong Palace is some distance away from Xuanwu City, he arrived at noon.

In the inn, after Qiao Xiaodi had eaten, he looked at the little sable beast in his arms, then his eyes fell on the old woman and said: "Auntie, it's been so long, that bastard will definitely not come back! I will Said he couldn't be trusted."

"How can you see people on the surface? Xiao Di, you are too prejudiced against him, maybe he was delayed by some things?" The old woman sighed secretly.

Just one day after Ye Qianran left, Qiao Xiaodi began to mutter, and every day became more serious, and now she no longer believes in Ye Qianran to the extreme.

Although the old woman wanted to correct Qiao Xiaodi's thoughts, Ye Qianran did go out and never came back.

But she believed in Ye Qianran in her heart at that time, and this was also seen from her own style, otherwise, she would not have chosen Ye Qianran at that time, and she would not have given him the exercises in advance.

"Auntie, you trust him too much. If he can come back, I will..."

As soon as Qiao Xiaodi said this, the door was pushed open, and a helpless voice sounded: "If I come back, what will you do?"

Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran who came in, with a face full of disbelief, and at this time the little mink in her arms also jumped into Ye Qianran's arms. Waiting for you here, your face is really big!"

"Because something was delayed!"

Ye Qianran smiled helplessly, then looked at the old woman and said, "Senior, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!"

When the old woman nodded, Qiao Xiaodi couldn't help but say something hypocritical, Ye Qianran shook her head helplessly, because he had already guessed Qiao Xiaodi's reaction.

"What did you say just now that I came back?" Ye Qianran returned to the previous question.

"I want you to take care of it!" Qiao Xiaodi snorted again, turned his head away, and stopped talking to Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran smiled again, his eyes fell on the old woman and said: "Senior, all the matters on my side have been settled, and we can leave at any time!"

"Then let's go tomorrow!" said the old woman.

Ye Qianran naturally had no opinion on this. In the afternoon, he wrote two letters, one to Han Youyu and the other to Li Muyun. It would take a long time to waste helping the old woman and others, and he also I'm done thinking about it, I'm going to see Guoguo.

If Ruo Guo is not bad at this time, he will naturally rest assured. If Ruo Guo is not so good, he will definitely take Guo Guo away as soon as possible.

After eating in the night, Ye Qianran came to a room alone. At this time, he couldn't help taking out the blood beads, feeling the spiritual power in them, his face was full of surprise.

Thinking that the blood bead has the ability to control other people's bodies, he felt a little strange when he thought about it, his eyes flickered, Ye Qianran spread out his right hand, surging spiritual power, trying to draw the spiritual power contained in the blood bead.

The blood-red light flowed, and when he drew out the spiritual power, he found that the blood power in his body became agitated.

A look of surprise inevitably appeared, it seemed that the blood beads really had a certain stimulating effect on the blood vessels, and when he thought of this, his eyes sank.

That being the case, let's create an extra source, it shouldn't do any harm to itself, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran's spiritual power surged even stronger at this time, and after absorbing it, the blood beads directly entered his body along with the spiritual power.

And after entering his body, he found that the imprint of Xue Xiujue in his body became agitated at this moment, automatically pulling the blood beads to surge towards the imprint.

"what happened?"

Surprise appeared on Ye Qianran's face, and then he quickly opened the Aolong Jue, and separated the first divine sense into his body. After careful observation, he found that the blood bead had actually merged into the center of the imprint, The entire imprint was also rendered red, which looked weird, and with the flow of that red spiritual power, he found that his blood was also constantly agitated here.

After careful observation, he found that there was indeed no problem. Ye Qianran was finally relieved. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong, otherwise the problem would be serious.

Pulling out the first spiritual thought, Ye Qianran tried to condense the spiritual power of the blood bead.

Looking at the ball of red spiritual power in his hand, his face was full of surprise, how to use this spiritual power?

But the little mink beast looked at the ball of red spiritual power in Ye Qianran's hand, but there was a look of surprise in his nimble eyes, and he fell silent after a long time.

After half an hour, Ye Qianran didn't study it thoroughly, so he simply stopped studying it. Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future. Thinking of this, he also began to practice spiritually.

Because Shenxiu is related to three things, the first is Wuji Kungfu, the second is Aolong Jue, and the third is Xuanshen Jue, so he must do it well...

After a night of nothing, on the second day, Ye Qianran felt his spiritual power and found that it had increased, but it was still a little slower...

Opening his eyes, Ye Qianran sighed, it would be great if there was a way to speed up spiritual cultivation, or a panacea, he is a lazy person... so it is best to speed up even when sleeping.

After some activities in the room, Ye Qianran also left the room, and when he was sitting on the first floor and ordered some food, Qiao Xiaodi came down from the top, saw that he was there, and frowned slightly with his pretty brows , but sat at another table.

"Do I annoy you so much?"

Ye Qianran looked at Qiao Xiaodi and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I wish I could kill you!"

Qiao Xiaodi gritted her silver teeth and said viciously, and when she said this, she couldn't help but think of it, the first time she was bullied by Ye Qianran, and the second time, including the fact that the bastard at the back actually disguised herself to deceive herself... …

"All right!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, then blinked her eyes and said: "Ah, I suddenly remembered that someone still owes me something... What should I ask her to do? It's really nerve-wracking..."

Qiao Xiaodi's body trembled, she glared at Ye Qianran in embarrassment, and turned her head directly.

Ye Qianran chuckled, it seems that he is still holding someone else's underwear? But it seems that this girl obviously forgot, at least she didn't mention this matter to him...

Not long after, the old woman and others also came down. When they saw the two sitting separately, they were not surprised at all. They smiled and chose to sit on Ye Qianran's table.

While eating, Ye Qianran looked at the old woman and said, "Senior, where are we going this time?"

"Go Al..."

The old woman said two words, and then seeing Ye Qianran's slightly stupefied look, she couldn't help saying: "How does the little brother know this place?"


Ye Qianran nodded heavily, one of the top ten fierce places, and when he left Kamikaze, the Xuanmu Empire could have made a special trip to mention this matter, he never thought that he would go to Orr by coincidence this time.

"It's very dangerous there, give up if you don't want to go!" Qiao Xiaodi's voice came from one side.

"If I don't go, whoever saves your father will save your grandfather!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

Qiao Xiaodi froze for a moment, frowned, turned his head again and said nothing.

Ye Qianran smiled again, and when he turned his head, there was a look of thought in his eyes, to Orr? It's close to Kamikaze there, so should he go back and have a look after he's finished? Or go to Xuanmu, which is also next to each other?

Both of them are very attractive to him. He has never been to Xuanmu. If it is Kamikaze, he wants to go back to see Li Muyun, Feng Ruolan, and Bai Bingbing. He doesn't know how the three of them are doing. up.

But when he was thinking, the old woman said: "But before going, I have to go to Tianyong City of the Sunset Empire!"

"Tianyong City? What are you going to do there?" Ye Qianran's face was full of curiosity, and the name...why is it similar to the TV show he watched in his previous life called Gu Jian Qi Tan?

"The same thing is taken, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch in Orr." The old woman said solemnly.

"What?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity.

"It's a little monster, you'll know when the time comes!" the old woman said with a smile.

Although Ye Qianran was full of curiosity, he didn't ask any more questions. As the old woman said, he would know when the time came anyway.

After eating in the morning, the group of people is also on the road at this time. According to what the old woman said, Tianyong City is located in the southwest of the Sunset Empire. The journey is quite far away, and the journey will take about half a month.

Ye Qianran felt a little worried when he heard this. It took a long time from Kamikaze to the sunset, but it was boring to think that he was alone at that time, but this time is different. There is Qiao Xiaodi who is bickering. It's interesting to think about it...

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