Eternal Supreme

Chapter 420

Because they left that day, it was impossible to reach another city at night, so the group rested in the mountains for one night.

That night, Ye Qianran ate something, so he chatted with Yandao directly, and asked Yandao about asking him to find something, because he was really curious.

"There are three types of fire, one is companion fire, beast fire, and the last one is commonly known as sky fire, which is the gathering of the essence of heaven and earth. I want you to take me to find sky fire, because only with sky fire can my own strength be improved. !” Yan Dao replied directly.

"Sky fire?"

Ye Qianran felt domineering when he heard this word, and immediately asked: "Then do you know where it is?"

"I know, the people I followed in the previous generation have found it, but the sky fire is not within his reach, but you are different!"

Yan Dao's voice was a little solemn, and finally said with a little fluctuation: "Your blood is very special, it can fuse many kinds of spiritual power, and it can minimize the harm of sky fire to you!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, thinking about it, the beast fire, so powerful, wasn't he subdued by him?

"Let's wait until the matter is resolved, and I'll take you there!" Ye Qianran said.

The flame knife also agreed.

Ye Qianran also thought of Xiao Mei at this time, how are the two getting along? Thinking of this, his spiritual force also entered the spiritual sea, and Xiao Mei ran out happily when he came inside.

When Ye Qianran asked how the two of them got along, Xiaomei said happily: "It's very obedient..."

"what's the situation?"

Ye Qianran's face is full of weirdness, as heavenly weapons, shouldn't they compete with each other? Could it be that because Xiaomei is a girl, Yandao feels a little embarrassed? This is quite interesting...

After chatting with Xiao Mei for a while, Ye Qianran also left the spiritual sea, and continued to practice while there was still time.

The next day, Ye Qianran woke up early, and after simply eating the fruit, the group went on the road again...

In a dense mountain range, it was very quiet here, and suddenly the space began to distort. When the dazzling light appeared, three people were suspended in the air.

Two men and one woman, the man looks to be in his forties, the woman is much younger, probably more, with long red hair and delicate face, the other three are all dressed in black, with floating spiritual power At the same time, it looks weird.

"This time our task is to collect all the heavenly artifacts... The task is quite heavy, and we need to stay in the secular world for a while!" The pleasant voice was like a yellow warbler out of the valley, very comfortable.

"There are six pieces that are the most difficult to obtain. According to the information, Tianzhu is in a Shenfeng Academy here. There are six old monsters there. You can consider asking for it at the end. For the Scourge, it is to protect the Scourge clan. Their The bloodline is an ancient bloodline, so it is a bit difficult to deal with..."

"But according to the information, the guardian clan has been destroyed, and now the scourge is sealed on a person. Although it is simple, but because of the power of the seal, it is not easy to find out. In addition, it is the Danta's flame knife, and the cold sword on the top of the snow mountain. , the killing hammer of the Holy Church, and the magic hook of Tianluo Palace, these six things can be considered in the end."

"Now our target is the other six pieces, Star Dagger, Shadow Whip, Spirit Stick, Sky Axe, Divine Halberd, Ghost Shield... Oh, yes, and the blood beads that my father accidentally left here... "


The two men suspended behind the woman nodded respectfully, but at this moment one of them hesitated and said: "Princess, it is said that people in the Nine Nether Lands are looking for Heavenly Scourge, and I don't know what the result is! The movement may also be aimed at the heavenly weapon..."

"Hmph, the heavenly artifacts shouldn't belong here in the first place, and none of them can escape! If they encounter people from Tianfu and the secret realm, including Jiuyou, they will be killed directly." The corners of the woman's mouth curled up, her face full of bloodthirsty taste.

The two men looked at each other and finally nodded slightly.

The woman did not speak at this time, she closed her eyes, spread her right hand, and a bead was suspended in her hand. The bead was black, but there was a red dot on the black, like an eye...

Those who know it will know that this bead is the legendary eye of the sky, one of the three special celestial artifacts...

After a long time, the woman raised her brows, and finally said: "The spirit stick is not too far from us, let's go!" After the words fell, the figure of the woman rushed out first...

As for Ye Qianran, it was indeed as he imagined. During the journey, it was not boring. It was really interesting to joke with Qiao Xiaodi. In this state, half of the time passed...

At noon that day, the group stopped. Just when Ye Qianran was curious, the old woman said: "The front is a dangerous place in this area. There will be many monsters. It is said that the strongest ones also have ground-level ones. Although it is a bit dangerous , but it is the closest to Tianyong City here, which can shorten the time by three days!"

"Otherwise, let's take a detour, there is a coward here, he definitely won't dare!" Qiao Xiaodi said, and looked at Ye Qianran vaguely.

"Yeah, I'm a coward, so let's take a detour!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

When Qiao Xiaodi heard it, she froze for a moment, it was different from what she thought...

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Qiao Xiaodi's expression, Ye Qianran burst into laughter, and wanted to provoke him, would it be so easy for him? And from the bottom of his heart, he really wanted to see what it would be like for Qiao Xiaodi to become a woman completely, but he wondered if he still had such a chance?

Seeing Ye Qianran's expression, Qiao Xiaodi gritted his teeth, stretched out his foot and mercilessly kicked him on the leg, the damn bastard.

The old woman and others shook their heads with a smile after seeing it. The two of them looked like a pair of happy lovers, very interesting, and finally said: "In this case, let's go from here. Although it is a bit dangerous, we can reach Tianyong as soon as possible. city!"

Ye Qianran didn't say anything at this time, he has been there before, so what is this place?

"Let's go while the weather is clear!" The old woman spoke again and rushed out first.

Ye Qianran followed closely after watching it... and Qiao Xiaodi glared at his back angrily, and also rushed up.

At night, when a few people came down to rest, Qiao Xiaodi hesitated for a while after eating, and said, "Auntie, I'm going out for a while, and I'll be back soon!"

The old woman seemed to know something, looked at Gao Yi, and finally landed on Ye Qianran and said: "Qianran, this place is more dangerous after all, you should go there with Xiaodi!"

"No need!" Qiao Xiaodi quickly refused, "I can do it myself!" After speaking, he galloped out quickly.

"Qianran, you should go and have a look!" the old woman looked at Ye Qianran and said.

"It's not convenient..."

Ye Qianran gave a dry cough. When they came, they passed a river. Needless to say, he also knew what Qiao Xiaodi was going to do. What if he saw something he shouldn't have seen? Then I guess I can't tell...

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