Eternal Supreme

Chapter 427

"I should have thought too much..."

After Ye Qianran was agitated, he dismissed the idea, because after getting along for such a long time, he still understood Qiao Xiaodi's temper and personality, thinking about walking towards the bed with the little mink beast in his arms .

"what you up to?"

As soon as he came to the bed, Qiao Xiaodi turned around and looked at him vigilantly, even with a little coldness on his little face.

"Miss, don't be nervous, I just put Xiaobai here!"

After Ye Qianran finished speaking, he put the little mink down, and then he laughed and said, "If you think it's okay, we can squeeze!"

"Beautiful thinking!" Qiao Xiaodi snorted coldly, hugged the little mink beast, and turned around again.

Ye Qianran had already guessed the result, so he sat back down again, which was nothing. Anyway, he just persisted for one night. After officially joining the Jujian Sect tomorrow, it will not be like this.

Lying on the table, Ye Qianran also took a temporary rest there.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Qianran opened his eyes and saw that the sky outside was still dark, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Only then did he realize that his thoughts were naive, because sitting here is really uncomfortable, in the In the mountain forest, there are trees leaning against it, but there is nothing here.

Sighing secretly, Ye Qianran predicted the time, it was almost two o'clock, at least four hours before dawn.

After moving his stiff body, he turned his head to look at the bed, and shrugged helplessly, Qiao Xiaodi didn't sleep well? The quilts were kicked off.

Came to the bed, pulled the quilt over Qiao Xiaodi's body again, and walked back again, but when he turned around, Qiao Xiaodi, who was in a light sleep, opened his eyes dimly, looked at Behind the quilt on his body, he could not help but wake up, and then saw Ye Qianran sitting there again, and there was a strange look in his eyes, and then he sat up from the bed and said: "Why don't you take a rest!"

"you're awake?"

When Ye Qianran heard the voice, he looked back, and when he saw Qiao Xiaodi sitting up, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "Why are you being so polite, but since you asked, I'll take a rest Alright!" After speaking, he moved forward.

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned for a moment, she thought Ye Qianran would be a gentleman to refuse, but she didn't expect this guy to be quite thick-skinned, but she couldn't say anything, so she walked off the bed directly.

"I thought we were together..." Ye Qianran couldn't help but said.

"Who wants to be with you bastard!" Qiao Xiaodi said with a flushed face, and sat on the chair next to her.

Ye Qianran smiled, but lay directly on the bed, pulled the quilt over, it was full of the scent of lavender, sweet feeling, very comfortable.

Qiao Xiaodi, who was sitting there, saw that the sky outside was still so dark. At this moment, she really regretted why she kindly let this guy go up to rest. She snorted coldly, and sat there to stay. At this moment, she felt that time had passed. Very slowly, I looked outside from time to time, and found that the sky seemed to have never changed.

"Damn guy..."

Qiao Xiaodi bit her lip, hesitated at last, walked over directly, sat on the edge of the bed, lay down again, and finally stretched out her little hand to grab Ye Qianran's quilt directly...

Ye Qianran was robbed of the quilt, and suddenly felt refreshed, stretched out his hand and pulled it over in a daze...

After snatching and snatching, when both of them felt warm, they also stopped...

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes. He didn't practice this time, and found that he slept comfortably. It seemed that he hadn't passed it for a long time, but when he was about to stretch, he found that his Arms are crushed.

He froze for a moment, turned his head to look, and suddenly opened his eyes wide. He found that Qiao Xiaodi was lying in his arms, curled up with his whole body, like a kitten. Going to sleep is extremely sweet...

"When did this woman come up?" Ye Qianran's eyes widened, and then she took a closer look at Qiao Xiaodi. Her fair skin was rosy, and her cherry-like pink mouth looked extremely attractive.

When the heart beat faster, there was really an urge to kiss him, but the urge disappeared quickly, and at the next moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, this woman would definitely say that he took advantage when she woke up, thinking of this Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he tried to secretly withdraw his hand.

But as soon as he moved his hand, Qiao Xiaodi frowned.


Ye Qianran opened his mouth wide, praying that Qiao Xiaodi would not wake up, but saw the woman open her eyes, and then with a scream, Ye Qianran came under the bed gorgeously.

"You damn bastard, what did you do to me?" Qiao Xiaodi glared at Ye Qianran and said quickly, then quickly checked her clothes and found that they were intact, so she was relieved.

"Uh, miss, I think you made a mistake... When did you come to bed!" Ye Qianran smiled wryly, he was really aggrieved this time.

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned for a moment, then recalled something, it seems that she came up yesterday, but she didn't expect the two of them to hug each other, her face turned red and said: "I forgot, anyway, you took advantage of me , throwing you off the bed is still cheap for you!"

"Pfft... well, I was wrong, good men don't fight women!"

After Ye Qianran stood up, she sat on the chair with a helpless face...

Qiao Xiaodi's complexion was still a little rosy, but last night she slept soundly and warmly, bit her lower lip lightly, and finally said: "I'm sorry!"

Ye Qianran raised her eyebrows, shook her head with a smile and said, "It's nothing, but are you responsible for me?"

"Responsible for what?" Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of doubts after hearing this.

"Look, I was resting on the bed yesterday, and then you ran to the bed, after all, I was slept by you..."


There was a scream, and a pillow fell gorgeously towards Ye Qianran...

At around eight o'clock, the people who passed the assessment yesterday were gathered together. At this time, a middle-aged man walked in the front, glanced around and said: "Wanting to join the Jujianmen is not easy. You can go up just by climbing a few steps, what I want to say is that there are three more assessments, which are strength, wisdom and understanding!"

"The strength test is very simple. Each of you will distribute a sign, and then fight together. If you add yourself to three, it will be considered a pass! I don't look at the process, as long as the result, after a stick of incense, it's over, passed, Enter the next assessment, and those who fail will be eliminated directly..." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Chaos?" Ye Qianran raised his brows, seemingly interested...

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