Eternal Supreme

Chapter 428

"Okay, everyone come with me now!"

The middle-aged man said something, and took the lead to walk in one direction.

Ye Qianran also took this opportunity to take a good look at the giant sword gate. He found that it was huge and definitely had the area that a top power should have. Moreover, the top of the mountain was just as beautiful as the Qinghong Palace he had seen before. , The clouds and mist are filled, like a fairyland.

And the division here seems to be very detailed, what kind of pavilions, what domains, it is also dazzling to see.

When they came to a huge square paved with bluestone, they stopped. At this time, the middle-aged man clapped his hands directly. After the disciples in uniform robes handed out the sign, the man said: "Go, rule I have already said, those who stay can enter the next assessment!"

After the voice fell, the people present looked at each other and walked in.

A stick of incense is not too long, as long as you persevere, it will be fine.

At this time, most people think, but Ye Qianran doesn't think so. One-on-one, a stick of incense is definitely short enough, but you may be facing everyone present. You may be fighting against this person now, but the next For a moment, is it possible that another person will deal with you?


The middle-aged man glanced at it with interest, his eyes flickered and he said two words directly.

At the beginning, no one made a move and looked at each other, but when one person took the lead, it was instantly mobilized, and the whole place was in chaos.

Ye Qianran opened his mouth wide. He thought it would be a mess, but he really didn't expect it to be this messy.

When he saw a person rushing towards him, his eyes flickered, Aolong Jue was deployed at this moment, and when the whistling sound sounded, he punched him.


There was a cracking sound, and when the opponent couldn't bear to retreat, Ye Qianran quickly posted it, and when he retreated, there was already an extra sign in his hand.

"Hey, it's easy!"

Ye Qianran smiled at this moment, looked at Qiao Xiaodi and Gao Yi and said, "The three of us are together, only one person, one stick of incense is enough time..."

Gao Yi and Qiao Xiaodi were startled for a while, but soon understood Ye Qianran's meaning, nodded and agreed directly.

After half a stick of incense, there have been many people in a group, and they all understand that this is a skill, and when two-thirds of the incense is burned, the three of Ye Qianran have already taken enough, so they stopped at this time Come down and rest on the side. After all, there are not many opportunities, so let's leave it to some people.

When the joss sticks were finished, at least two-thirds of the people present showed a lonely expression after the middle-aged man yelled to stop. Some got two, some didn't get one, and some were robbed... Few are able to succeed...

Ye Qianran was really kneeling at this time, this brush is really ruthless...

The middle-aged man glanced around and said: "If you have enough, come out. If you don't have enough, please leave Jujianmen and wait for next year's recruitment!"

The voice fell, and those who failed were also sent away by the disciples of Jujianmen...

At this time, Ye Qianran looked at the people who stayed, well, there are only about twenty of them, and there are still two assessments. According to this calculation, if there are more than ten left, it will be good to break up.

When he was thinking this way, the middle-aged man said: "The first two assessments have been completed, congratulations to those who stayed!"

"Two?" The people present were puzzled at the same time.

"Understand teamwork, this is the combination of wisdom and strength, now you only need to pass the test of understanding!" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Savvy test? What kind of test will it be?" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise at this time, and he couldn't help thinking secretly.

While he was thinking, several disciples came over carrying a table, and placed five swords on it. At this time, the middle-aged man said directly: "These swords are used to test your understanding. Groups of five , the goal is to get the approval of the sword, and it can be manipulated so that the soul of the sword can activate the spar. It is also a time for a stick of incense! If you can, then congratulations, you can join the giant sword gate, if not, I can only say Sorry!"

When Ye Qianran heard it, his face was full of surprise, so these five swords are all Horcrux level?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling turmoil in my heart. At this moment, Qiao Xiaodi couldn't help saying: "I heard that Jujianmen was created by refining weapons, and now it really is the case!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows and moved his throat. Isn't there a lot of treasures in this giant sword gate? It seems that he has come to a good place... Thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel agitated, even if he couldn't find it in a short time. Five Poisonous Beasts, you can also go crazy to find treasures... Don't waste it!

"You five start first!"

At this time, the middle-aged man's eyes fell on the five people standing in front of him, and Ye Qianran happened to exist among the five people.


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, and then he leaned forward, stood in front of a sword, and picked it up directly. When other people's spiritual power surged, Ye Qianran mobilized his spiritual power, and soon he felt To the fluctuation of the soul.

The soul of his sword feels very gentle, it should be a mild-tempered monster. Thinking of this, he also began to establish a connection, and soon his sword trembled, and when the crystal nucleus floated, the entire sword god trembled. It emitted a blue light, and it became more and more dazzling.

Feeling the pure spiritual power in it, Ye Qianran's right hand shook, and when he swung it, a majestic and fierce breath was revealed instantly, and when it fell on the bluestone, it left a very clear sword mark.

"What a sword!"

Ye Qianran couldn't help but sighed in admiration at this time, and after the words fell, all the eyes around him suddenly looked at him strangely.


Ye Qianran was full of doubts, what's going on.

The middle-aged man's face was full of surprise and astonishment. Did he get in touch with the sword soul just after he picked up the sword? This comprehension is really strong...

"Congratulations on passing!" The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qianran and said solemnly.

"Really? Is it that simple?" Ye Qianran thought it would be difficult at first, but when he heard the word pass, he burst out laughing. It seems that the spiritual cultivation in advance is still beneficial.

After hearing Ye Qianran's words, the middle-aged man coughed dryly. Comprehension is definitely the most difficult thing. He used a long time to pass it. Ye Qianran... well, it's an exception...

Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of strange colors, and his small mouth opened. How did Ye Qianran do it? So fast...

As for the four people who were with Ye Qianran, their faces were also full of shock. After recovering, the pressure couldn't help but increase, their spiritual power surged, and they began to feel it carefully...

When a stick of incense passed by, only one person made the sword glow faintly... But even so, he passed the test.

It was the turn of Qiao Xiaodi, Gao Yi and others. Gao Yi was quite normal, but Qiao Xiaodi was full of nervousness. At this moment, Ye Qianran poked his head over and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, I I will help you cheat..."

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