Eternal Supreme

Chapter 429


At this moment, Qiao Xiaodi's face showed doubts, how could this be cheating? Is it possible to find someone to replace it?

Out of curiosity, Qiao Xiaodi and Gao Yi also walked up, and when they just picked up the long sword, the light also bloomed at this time.

Both of them froze for a while, not understanding what was going on.

At this time, Qiao Xiaodi thought of what Ye Qianran said at that time, to help them cheat? So simple? But how did Ye Qianran do it?

The man in charge of the assessment was also full of shock and disbelief, could it be done so soon?

Not only the men, but also the people present were stunned, and then a strange look appeared on their faces. It seems that many talented and powerful people joined the Jujianmen this time.

"Congratulations, you two for passing!" The man in charge of the assessment focused on Qiao Xiaodi and Gao Yi, and said solemnly.

After the two looked at each other, they turned back. At this moment, Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran and said, "How did you do it?"

"Tell me later!" Ye Qianran said with a smile, and stood there waiting patiently.

The morning time passed, and when everyone finished the assessment, only seven people passed...

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched. From one hundred people to seven people, it's really amazing. If there were no three of them, wouldn't there be four people?

It seems that although Jujianmen is hidden from the world, the requirements are still so high, and it is not difficult to know from here that the background of Jujianmen is still very strong. It's an elite figure.

After the rest of the people were taken away, the middle-aged man's eyes fell on the seven of them, and he looked at the three of Ye Qianran seriously. After all, his understanding was too high, and his eyes flickered: "My name is Cang Jingkong ..."


Ye Qianran sprayed instantly, this name is loud enough.

"Do you have any questions?" The middle-aged man said with a slight frown after seeing Ye Qianran's movement.

"No, it's just that your name is very nice!" Ye Qianran said.

The middle-aged man nodded, and didn't say anything at this time. He glanced at Ye Qianran again and said, "From today onwards, I will be your leader, and some of the skills of the Jujianmen will also be used by me. Teach it yourself, you can ask me if you have any questions...Okay, you seven, come with me now!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned and walked outside...

Following behind the middle-aged man, Ye Qianran couldn't help looking around again. If he stays in Jujianmen for a long time, it should be a good choice. The competition pressure is high, and the scenery here is also beautiful, and the power of heaven and earth is very strong. The richness of it will definitely improve people in the long run.

After following the man through the huge pavilion, they also came to the accommodation area.

This side is very neatly arranged, and it also belongs to the more conventional one. There are three rooms in one yard. Originally, Ye Qianran thought that there would be one room per person at this time, but here comes the strange thing... two people per room , and coincidentally, he happened to be assigned with Qiao Xiaodi.

Ye Qianran's eyes obviously widened at this time, and Qiao Xiaodi was also a little surprised.

After all, this is not as simple as a day or two, but a month before the inner door selection competition, they are all going to be together...

Well, Ye Qianran was suddenly worried at this moment, he couldn't let him sit and rest for a month, could he? How tiring is that? It seems that he will have a good discussion with Qiao Xiaodi.

After the residence was allocated, Cang Jingkong took them around, such as where to gather every day, where to eat every day, and compete there. In addition, he also went to the entrance leading to the inner door, and found that the passage was connected by iron locks In other words, the inner door and the outer door are directly separated.

At this time, Ye Qianran also understood why the old woman told them to enter the inner door.

One month, how difficult it must be at this time.

After turning around, Cang Jingkong distributed a set of white robes to each of the seven people and said: "The disciples of the outer sect are all white, and the disciples of the inner sect are purple. Remember that those who see the inner sect must wear Respect, you can't conflict with it!" After speaking, he led them out again.

After they came to the place to eat, they ate briefly, and the middle-aged man asked them to walk around to familiarize themselves with the environment, but remember that they must gather tomorrow.

At this time, Ye Qianran and Qiao Xiaodi returned to the residence.

As soon as he came to the room, Ye Qianran said directly: "For a month, I can't sit in the same place every day, and the bed... well, it's quite big, and the sheets can be rolled away..."

"Fuck the bed sheets?" Qiao Xiaodi was puzzled for a moment, then glanced at the bed, it was indeed quite big, and finally frowned and said: "On that side, no one is allowed to cross the line."

"Okay, I'm outside, you're inside!"

"Yes!" Qiao Xiaodi nodded in agreement, then looked at the clothes that were handed out and said, "Then why don't you go out now, I'll change the clothes!"

"Our relationship... is fine!"

After Ye Qianran spoke halfway, when she saw Qiao Xiaodi glaring at him, she also walked out decisively.

Not long after waiting, the door opened, and Qiao Xiaodi, who had changed into Jujianmen clothes, also appeared in front of him.

Ye Qianran took a closer look at Qiao Xiaodi at this time, and found that she was extremely handsome, so it was very easy to pick up girls. If there were any female disciples in Jujianmen, Qiao Xiaodi would definitely become a sweet potato.

"Go and change!" Qiao Xiaodi said suddenly at this time, and waited outside.

Ye Qianran went in after seeing it, and after changing his clothes, he also walked out, saw Qiao Xiaodi was still waiting outside, and said directly: "Let's go, idle is also idle, go out for a walk!" Said After finishing the sentence, he walked to Gao Yi's room.

After the three of them left the accommodation area, they also turned around the outer door. I have to say that the outer door is quite big, and the environment is really beautiful.

Soon they came to the fighting place, where many disciples were fighting.

When Ye Qianran was looking at it with great interest, he found that Qiao Xiaodi looked up into the distance, and couldn't help but looked over curiously, and found that in the distance, a huge long sword was galloping towards this side, vaguely Seeing three people on the giant sword, Ye Qianran finally understood why he was mistaken for a member of the giant sword sect.

However, the sword feels a bit jerky no matter how you look at it, far less flexible than Xiao Hei... But how does the other party control this long sword?

While he was curious, the giant sword also fell down, and Xuanyin appeared. At this time, the giant sword shrunk down, and finally was stuck in the back by a man in a purple robe. I heard the screams of some female disciples among the newcomers...

"Ah, why don't you shout..."

Ye Qianran landed on Qiao Xiaodi with a face full of surprise...

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