Eternal Supreme

Chapter 430


Qiao Xiaodi stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Qianran mercilessly...


Ye Qianran smiled, looked over again, and saw that the three of them were all wearing purple robes, and their expressions were full of surprise, especially the one who took the lead had a bit of arrogance on his face... It really surprised him. There is an urge to rush forward and want Haibian him...

And judging from that person's temperament, his identity should not be simple.

"Anyone from the inner sect?"

When Ye Qianran was full of surprise, the people around him also stared at the three of them closely, their eyes showing surprise and envy at the same time.

Is this the disciple of the inner sect? When can they join the inner sect and have their own exclusive Horcruxes?

"The person who took the lead seems to be the grandson of Sanzhang of the inner sect. It is said that he broke through Tianyuan and reached the level of good fortune in the realm of earth a month ago. I don't know if it is true!"

"That's right, he is considered to be the leader of the inner sect's younger generation!"

Ye Qianran also heard the voices of admiration from all around at this time, and shrugged helplessly. Is it strong? At least Wan Tianzong and the others returned to the ruins, right? Even reaching the realm of nirvana, that is the real monster level.

But thinking of Wan Tianzong, he couldn't help but feel turmoil in his heart. He still remembered the humiliation at that time, and if he could meet again one day, he really wanted to get back the situation at that time completely.

So his goal is not here, but farther away...

At this time, the corners of the three people's mouths turned up when they saw that they had become the focus of the field. At this time, one of them said, "Boge, do you want to go up and see how strong this group of newcomers are?"

After the words fell, he took the lead and smiled, and then his eyes fell on a platform where two people were fighting.

The man called Bogo jumped up with a smile, and because of his appearance, the two people who were fighting stopped at this moment.

At this time, the man said directly: "You two go up together!"

The two were stunned at the same time after hearing this, and then when they saw the man's clothes, their expressions became solemn. After looking at each other, they nodded and rushed towards the man at the same time.

When the people around saw the people from the inner door coming, they immediately gathered around to watch.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly at this moment, how boring are these three people, are they the worst in the inner sect? Are you looking for a place outside? At this time, he really prayed that someone could do this, and he did it...

And the man looked at the two people rushing up, the corners of his mouth turned up immediately, and then a sneer appeared, and when a surge of spiritual power rushed up, when the distance was only one meter, he spread his right hand, and the mysterious seal floated At the same time, the exploding spiritual power surged in the palm of the hand in an instant, and the speed suddenly accelerated in an instant, and it came to one of them in an instant.


A muffled voice sounded, and the person facing him flew upside down at this moment, and the exploding spiritual power also surged towards the surroundings at this moment, looking extremely vigorous.

"The form of this explosion is a bit special!" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, and it exploded in the palm of his hand, and the power was still very strong, and he even felt that the man didn't make any effort, and his eyes flickered. Really want to see how he does it.

And when he was thinking this way, the man rushed directly to another person. At this time, Ye Qianran clearly saw the man's spiritual power gathering in the palm of his hand along the meridians. At that moment, the man's hand moved quickly , It can be regarded as the method of printing, which is very simple.

And the imprint that appeared formed a short-term resistance to the spiritual power, which was regarded as a compressed force, and then burst out with the next wave of spiritual power...

It doesn't seem too difficult...

There was a bang, and the other person backed away in a slightly embarrassed body, and then looked at the man and said, "Senior brother is really strong, I am willing to bow down!" After speaking, he jumped down voluntarily.

The man smiled and said: "I thought there would be a few good ones among the newcomers this time, but it seems like that!" After speaking, he glanced around and said: "Who wants to come up and have a try?"

"The inner sect deserves to be said that the strength of the inner sect is so strong!"

"Yeah, what kind of exercise was that just now? From the Giant Sword Sect? It seems to be at least a mysterious exercise!"

"I really want to enter the inner door sooner!"

"Is there no one?"

The man had a vague smile on his face, glanced around, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, and finally sighed: "It's really disappointing!"

"I come!"

A cold snort sounded, and a taller-looking man jumped up, his brows were slightly frowned, obviously he couldn't stand the provocation from the inner door.

"This person's strength is very good!"

Ye Qianran glanced at the Wu Yuan in the man's abdomen. According to speculation, it was at least at the Tian Yuan level, right? However, the inner disciple is stronger, maybe he has reached good fortune, but the man dared to go up, his courage is commendable...


The inner disciple took a look at the man, the corners of his mouth curled up, and then he hooked his right hand, looking completely provocative.

The man's brows furrowed deeper, and after a cold snort, he rushed up first, very fast.

At this time, quite a few people showed anticipation, and at the same time hoped that the man could take care of this inside guy, after all, no one could understand such an existence.

The inner disciple looked at the man rushing up, smiled again, clenched his right hand tightly at this time, and rushed forward at this time, with his right hand spread out, and the previous skill reappeared, with a violent wind directly towards the man. Hit the man's vitals.


The man snorted coldly, but he didn't show mercy when he shot. He turned around, stretched out his right hand, and hit him with strange force.


The two forces collided, the inner disciple flashed coldly, the violent force erupted again, and the spiritual energy danced all over the sky, dazzling the eyes of those watching.


A muffled voice sounded, and the man stepped back immediately. When he stabilized, his figure was still swaying. The next moment he let out a cold snort, and spread out his right hand, a spear appeared in his hand, showing his sharpness instantly.


The inner disciple smiled, grabbed the void with his right hand, a long sword appeared in his hand, his arm shook, he was already the first to charge up, and the long sword in his hand drew a tricky arc at this time, stabbing at The position of the man's chest.

The man frowned slightly when he saw the opponent's shot, and the surging strength was also surging at this moment. In a pinch, the body of the gun did indeed bend, and when the figure flowed, he let go.

"Hum!" A trembling voice sounded, and the spear slammed heavily on the inner disciple's sword.

The inner disciple frowned slightly, and the next moment the violent offensive broke out again, and the dazzling sword shadow appeared instantly.

And the man's gun is also very good, the light and shadow of the sword drives the sparks, which makes people look at it with gusto.

After going on for a while, the inner disciple suddenly backed away, and the next moment Wu Yuan started to move wildly, and a flocculation suddenly condensed.

"Sword Strength..."

As soon as the voice fell, a wave of terrifying waves rippling like a whirlwind in the sky, and the strength was suffocating in an instant, and swept towards the man like lightning in the next moment.

The man's face changed drastically, his spear swung sideways, and when he was defending, sparks appeared, and he flew upside down.

"So strong!"

The people present were shocked at the same time, and looked at the inner disciple who was full of complacency in disbelief.

"Hehe, I thought a stronger one came, but now it seems that it is vulnerable!" The inner disciple shrugged helplessly, his voice was full of disappointment...

"Want to find someone stronger? I'll accompany you!" A helpless voice sounded at this moment, and the next moment everyone's eyes fell on one person...

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