Eternal Supreme

Chapter 434

"Thunder Fist..."

A low-pitched voice sounded, and the man rushed up at this time. Accompanied by the piercing sound, and the rolling muffled sound, many people frowned upon hearing it.

And as the distance between the two drew closer, the ear-piercing sound became more intense, and the muffled thunder seemed to weigh on people's hearts.

Boom boom boom!

That feeling made many people frown, but it was really uncomfortable, not to mention Ye Qianran who was facing him at this time.

However, although Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, she seemed much calmer.

What Ye Qianran felt at this time was indeed very clear, and he felt that his mental power was fluctuating. If he didn't have spiritual cultivation, he might really have a problem. It's a pity...


When the distance was less than five meters, the man suddenly jumped and drank out, the violent Wu Yuan exploded, and the surrounding air seemed to be detonated.

The fluctuation of Wu Yuan has reached a quite frightening level at this time.

The huge fist shadow condensed, and the next moment, amazing strength swept across like a hurricane.

It was so ferocious that many people opened their mouths again. Is this also the technique of Jujianmen?

Qiao Xiaodi couldn't believe it, and then looked at Ye Qianran, can he resist this time? But when she looked over, she was taken aback again, what about Ye Qianran's people?

Many people also noticed this scene, and when they saw it clearly, Ye Qianran appeared in the direction of Fist Shadow.

What is he going to do? Resist?

When everyone was thinking this way, Ye Qianran's right hand had already been stretched out, and the power of the dimension in his body mixed with the power of the stars surged. He had no choice but to do this, but he was just right at this time. around the fist.

The power of the dimension plus the increase of the power of the stars has reached an extreme level.

Although he was also suppressed at this time, he punched up without hesitation.


Countless dark energies were turbulent again, and the howling fist shadow stagnated in an instant.

"Hey, let me open it!"

I saw Ye Qianran cursed secretly, the next moment, the dark gold swept across, and the sound burst in the air, Ye Qianran's body trembled, blood stains appeared on the corner of his mouth instantly, but the shadow of the fist was also exploded by him in an instant .

The next moment, Ye Qianran's figure broke through again, kicking the man's chest heavily with his right foot, and then the two of them fell at the same time.

Both of them looked in a state of distress, Ye Qianran looked more serious, his clothes were torn in many places, and blood was still spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The man looked better than Ye Qianran on the surface, but his breath was very disordered at this time.

Ye Qianran actually kicked the man's acupuncture point with that kick, which affected him, so at this time, he didn't stop, and his body disappeared with Bamen's final strength. The next moment, he had already arrived. In front of the man, his right hand sticks out and gets stuck on the neck of the still dazed man...

"Hey, you lost..."

The cold voice was domineering, and everyone present was shocked at the same time. They all thought that Ye Qianran would lose this time. Such a scene was really beyond what they could have imagined.

The man was a little sluggish at this time, and a little humiliation and unwillingness appeared on his face for a long time, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, what could he do, he did lose... But how did Ye Qianran do it?

Can his skills be defeated with just one fist? It's really unbelievable.

Qiao Xiaodi stretched out his little hand and patted his chest, and looked at Ye Qianran with a strange look, this guy is not bad, he didn't disappoint...

If the man fulfills his promise, wouldn't Ye Qianran be able to enter the inner door ahead of time?


The two old men in the distance looked at each other, and they could also see the astonishment in each other's eyes. Ye Qianran's strength was indeed quite tyrannical, and such a scene was something they had never imagined.

"It seems that we are really old!"

An old man sighed, and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again, with a little heat at this time.

Ye Qianran is so strong, the most important thing is that he is young, if he is adjusted. Teach, definitely a very strong person...

"I lost!"

Although the man was not reconciled, he still said it, and then he glanced at Ye Qianran: "I promise you, I will definitely do it!"

"Thank you!" Ye Qianran took a breath and took his hand back. At this time, his body was shaking a little, his brows were slightly frowned, and he glanced in Qiao Xiaodi's direction the next moment, but then his body left the platform and galloped away. go out.

There is no way, if he doesn't go out, he will definitely make a fool of himself.

But he was very happy in his heart, relying on his true strength to form a pill? The young masters at the level were defeated, well, there is still a big gap between Wan Tianzong and others, but he will narrow the gap.

One day, he will definitely get back his position from Wan Tianzong, damn it, I'm so f*ckingly aggrieved...

Ye Qianran's departure brought silence to the entire fighting arena. Are there still such powerful masters among the rookies? If so, is it still necessary for him to join the Giant Sword Sect?

To be able to cultivate such a powerful force, the background is probably not simple, right?

And Qiao Xiaodi saw Ye Qianran leave, her face changed slightly, and when she was worried, she also quickly followed out with the little mink in her arms, while Gao Yi followed closely behind, they saw at the same time Ye Qianran changed.

The man stood on the platform, glanced around, gritted his teeth, pulled out the sword suddenly from his back, and the mysterious seal appeared. When the giant sword appeared, the next moment he stepped on the giant sword and left. No face left here.

The idea of ​​suppressing newcomers is shattered here.

"Let's go too!" At this moment, the old man said, originally they came to see if there were any outstanding newcomers, but at this time they really saw one, and if they entered the inner door, they might be robbed by others ...

And this station, I am afraid that it will spread to the inner sect in a short time. Ye Qianran has become famous in the giant sword sect.

On the other side, after Ye Qianran entered the room, he spread out his left hand, and two elixirs appeared, and he swallowed them directly, feeling the exhaustion of his body, and the blankness of his brain from time to time, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Although Bamen is strong, the load on him is also very strong. It seems that he needs to improve his physical fitness again, and broke through some gates again earlier. If this continues, it is indeed aggrieved enough.

Feeling dizzy, Ye Qianran's body shook, and then he lay down on the bed. In a blur, he felt a small hand on his forehead, and then pure spiritual power poured into his body.

From the scent of lavender, he could guess that it was none other than Qiao Xiaodi...

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