Eternal Supreme

Chapter 435

"Are you still awake?"

At night, Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran lying on the bed, with a somewhat worried face, but she also knew that after such a battle, Ye Qianran must have suffered a lot of damage to his body, otherwise he would not That's it.

In addition, she also understood what Ye Qianran was working so hard for, she still wanted to get the Hundred Poisonous Beast in advance, otherwise, there was no need to work so hard.

And why get the Hundred Poisonous Beast? It is not possible to save her father and grandfather as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, her heart skipped a beat, and a strange look appeared on her little face again, but why did he do this? This reminded her of what Ye Qianran said before, and her face turned rosy, unnaturally At this time, how much is presented.

At this time, Qiao Xiaodi didn't go out to eat, but sat by the bed and waited. To put it bluntly, he was still a little worried.

As time passed, the sky gradually became darker. Seeing that Ye Qianran still hadn't woken up, Qiao Xiaodi walked into another room.

And when she came out of the shower, she tested Ye Qianran again, and seeing that he was still the same, she couldn't help but sighed secretly, when will this guy be able to do it?

After thinking this way, he took off his shoes, hesitated for a while, and came inside with a blushing face, of course, he deliberately kept a certain distance from Ye Qianran.

Lying there, Qiao Xiaodi's eyes fell on Ye Qianran's face again. After this time, she found that Ye Qianran was not particularly annoying.

And thinking about the previous things, although there were conflicts between the two, it seems that most of them were caused by her, maybe it was really her prejudice against Ye Qianran...

In thinking like this, Qiao Xiaodi didn't practice, but lay there to rest, and fell asleep after a while.

While in a daze, Qiao Xiaodi suddenly felt a warm feeling. This feeling made him feel more stable, and he was very comfortable...

After a night of nothing, when Qiao Xiaodi woke up the next day, he subconsciously sat up and looked at Ye Qianran, but at this moment his expression suddenly became astonished, with disbelief showing on his face.

After a moment of daze, there was a scream, and the crystal clear feet kicked Ye Qianran directly.

And when she kicked it up, Qiao Xiaodi regretted it. Ye Qianran was seriously injured. Now she kicked him down and fell, wouldn't it be...

But at this moment, the screams sounded, Qiao Xiaodi was taken aback again, his face was rosy, how did Ye Qianran wake up.

She also planned to hug Ye Qianran to the bed while Ye Qianran was unconscious, but now this idea was shattered.

Came to the bed with a flushed face, looked at Ye Qianran's face full of pain, and said in a panic: "Are you okay, I didn't mean it, I..."

Speaking of this, Qiao Xiaodi's voice suddenly stopped, Ye Qianran was lying there the whole time, didn't she roll into Ye Qianran's arms?

When he was stunned, Ye Qianran also sat up. At this time, his whole body was still aching, but the feeling of exhaustion yesterday disappeared.

Looking up at Qiao Xiaodi, he said with a wry smile: "Student Qiao Xiaodi, I have reason to suspect that you are abusing someone. You don't have to say it now, because what you said will be used as evidence in court..."

"Huh?" Qiao Xiaodi was full of doubts after hearing this, and didn't understand what Ye Qianran's words meant.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, so he just said it casually, and didn't expect Qiao Xiaodi to understand, and when he was about to stand up, a pair of jade hands also supported him.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it!" Qiao Xiaodi said.

"I know!"

Ye Qianran nodded heavily, and when Qiao Xiaodi felt that he was understanding, he said again: "You did it on purpose!"

Qiao Xiaodi was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "I'm not...I..."

"Hehe, I'm just kidding you!"

Ye Qianran said something with a smile, then took a look at Qiao Xiaodi and said: "Student Qiao Xiaodi is so gentle, how could he kick others indiscriminately!"

Qiao Xiaodi flushed all over her face, glared at Ye Qianran angrily, turned her head with a cold snort, and she heard the meaning behind Ye Qianran's voice.

Ye Qianran smiled again, but didn't say anything at this time, a elixir appeared, stuffed it into his mouth, and entered the state of cultivation.

There is not much time, and they still have to gather...

An hour later, Ye Qianran recovered a bit, at least her body wasn't so sore anymore, she opened her eyes and found Qiao Xiaodi sitting beside her.

"Are you okay?" Qiao Xiaodi asked.

"It's much better!" Ye Qianran nodded, and then said: "Can you go out and play? I have to change!"

Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran's appearance at this time, nodded and walked out.

And when Ye Qianran changed her clothes, she also went outside, breathing the fresh air outside, and felt her whole body feel better.

"Gather in an hour, let's go eat something first!" Qiao Xiaodi walked towards Gao Yi's room while speaking.

In fact, when she saw that Ye Qianran was in good spirits, she felt relieved.

But I was quite surprised in my heart, did Ye Qianran recover in one night? Such a speed is extremely rare.

After Gao Yi came out of the room, he saw Ye Qianran was there, and he was also surprised tomorrow, and then he asked, "Brother Ye, are you alright?"

"Well, after being kicked, I immediately regained my spirit!" Ye Qianran said.

Qiao Xiaodi's face turned red when he heard it from the side, and he really had the urge to kick Ye Qianran again, this damn guy...

Gao Yi's gaze was obviously weird at this time, but he didn't say much.

On the way to eat, Ye Qianran looked around, and at this moment he found that many people were looking in his direction, full of surprise...


Ye Qianran understands something. He originally wanted to keep a low profile, but after defeating the disciples of the inner sect, it is very difficult to keep a low profile...

If it was nothing on the way, when they walked into the dining place, they didn't take a few steps, whispering voices sounded, and the eyes fell on him at the same time.

It's a pity...there are not many sisters...otherwise Qianran Qianran would feel very happy...

After bringing the meal, just as Ye Qianran was looking for a place nearby, the people at the same table stepped aside at the same time...

Ye Qianran froze for a moment and said, "Thank you, brothers!"

Speaking of Ye Qianran also sat down... At this time, he found that being high-profile is very beneficial... This feeling is really very good...

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