Eternal Supreme

Chapter 436

"Hey, I feel refreshed after eating enough!"

Walking out of the cafeteria, Ye Qianran found that his strength had recovered, which felt pretty good.

At this time, the three of them returned to their residence and took a rest. When the roar sounded, according to what Cang Jingkong said at the time, they also walked towards the square.

When I got there, I was shocked. There were so many people gathered, they should all be newcomers. At first glance, there were at least a hundred people.

Adding the disciples from the outer sect before, wouldn’t that be more, this is not counted as the inner sect...

And those who can pass the perverted method of brushing people, and those who stay are relatively excellent.

Because the team was lined up neatly at this time, when they passed by, they were also arranged according to their positions. When everyone was almost there, the middle-aged man who had previously assessed Ye Qianran and others came over.

Glanced around, looked at more than a hundred people and nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "I introduce myself, my name is Cang Jingkong, and I am your leader. You can call me Teacher Cang from now on... ..."


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched in an instant, and a black line appeared on his forehead. If Cang Jingkong was a girl or something, he would definitely be happy to call Teacher Cang, but it's a pity that he is a man, so let's forget it after thinking about it.

"In the future, you hundreds of people will be led by me to teach you some basic skills and basic sword skills of the Giant Sword Sect!"

After Cang Jingkong finished speaking, he waved his hand. At this time, some disciples came up and handed over some disciples who did not receive swords, and Ye Qianran got one.

A very ordinary long sword without a crystal nucleus, let alone a beast soul.

"The basic swordsmanship is the Mingsheng swordsmanship of Jujianmen, which was created by the first generation master of Jujianmen. This set of swordsmanship ranges from thirty-six moves to one hundred and twenty-six strokes. Infinity, everyone has practiced the basics, and it will be of great help to you!"

After Cang Jingkong saw that everyone had swords, he said again: "Practice hard, you will be selected in the inner sect in a month, if you have outstanding performance in advance, I will recommend you!"

The expressions of the people present fluctuated at the same time after hearing it. Will they be recommended in advance if they perform well? That's a good thing.

Ye Qianran smiled at this time, he is simple, if the man is honest enough, he can enter in advance.

Cang Jingkong didn't say anything at this time, he spread out his left hand, and a long sword appeared in his left hand and said: "Now I will demonstrate the thirty-six moves, and then I will take them apart and teach everyone!"

After the words fell, Cang Jingkong concentrated for a moment, and the sword in his left hand was grasped in his right hand. There was a buzzing sound, and the man trembled at this moment.

"Changtian style, mysterious bird style, mysterious ground style, nameless style..."

When Cang Jingkong was thinking, the sword in his hand was silent, and the sound of the sword was mixed with a sharp breath, which was wonderful to see.

Ye Qianran had already opened his phoenix eyes at this time, and he found that this sword move is rich and colorful, with a killer move in the defense, and a defense in the killer move, the attack can be defended, and the defense can be attacked, it is very good...

And because of his phoenix eyes, he could see clearly and remember clearly at this time. After Cang Jingkong finished the demonstration, Ye Qianran remembered almost the same, but he hadn't grasped the changes.

"Okay, that's all. Swordsmanship is not like kungfu. It is a kind of tired move, which is necessary for long-term battles. Sometimes kungfu can also evolve from this basic thing! So I hope everyone will study hard. !” Cang Jingkong solemnly said.


After Cang Jingkong finished speaking, all the people present nodded heavily at the same time.

"Okay, then let's analyze the first form now, who will come up and demonstrate it with me?" Cang Jingkong said with his eyes on the hundred people.

The people present looked at each other, and at this moment Cang Jingkong said: "If there is no one, I will choose myself!" After speaking, he looked directly at Ye Qianran and said: "You come up!"

Ye Qianran noticed that Cang Jingkong was looking at him, and after a moment of stupefaction, he said, "Teacher Cang, I'm not suitable!"

"Why is it inappropriate? Is it because of the limelight yesterday?"

Cang Jingkong said coldly: "Don't worry, it's just a move, not all Wu Yuan will be used!"

Ye Qianran frowned, did someone find fault so soon? He can probably guess that maybe the matter about the man has spread to the inner sect, either the man is unwilling, or his friends don't care, please treat him well...

In addition, what he said was inappropriate, and it was really misunderstood by Cang Jingkong. What he said was inappropriate because he memorized it all, and he would definitely change it involuntarily on the way, but since he appointed himself, he shrugged. Shrugging helplessly, he said, "Okay then!" After speaking, he walked up directly.

Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of worry at this time, he also heard a lot from Cang Jingkong's words, and he understood the reason in his heart. I'm afraid this time he wanted to embarrass Ye Qianran.

Now she only hoped that Ye Qianran could take care of it. After all, she still had injuries on her body, so nothing could happen.

"very good!"

Cang Jingkong looked at Ye Qianran with a strange light in his eyes. It was really hard to imagine that Ye Qianran could defeat the third elder's grandson.

"You can see clearly, I will use the first move to fight him!"

Cang Jingkong said something, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "In that case, let's start now!"

Ye Qianran nodded in agreement, the sword in his right hand flicked at this moment, and the next moment he struck out suddenly, with an extremely tricky angle, directly hitting Cang Jingkong's vital point.

Cang Jingkong was obviously stunned for a moment, with disbelief on his face, but he reacted quite quickly. After the rung, he stepped out with his right foot, and with the sharp breath in his long sword, he also stabbed at Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran smiled, and moved his body sideways. The long sword was very flexible in his hand. Suddenly, the buzzing sound vibrated again, and the tricky strength appeared again.

"Hey, you are..."

Cang Jingkong's face was full of shock, Ye Qianran's move was completely the Dragon-Young Style in Ming Sheng Sword Art, but the movement was very jerky, his eyes flickered again, and Ye Qianran also changed his move in an instant .

The speed of the two also slowly accelerated at this time, and then a battle without Wu Yuan appeared in front of everyone.

Ye Qianran's eyes flashed red from time to time, he was also learning when he was fighting against Cang Jingkong, so he gradually became familiar with it, and the style of changing moves became more colorful...

The people around were full of astonishment. They thought Ye Qianran would make a fool of himself, but now it seems...

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