Eternal Supreme

Chapter 442

After Yang Yi left, Ye Qianran walked around the area boredly, and then turned back.

Tomorrow, he will be confirmed in the inner sect, and now he should go back to his residence and practice hard.

Back in the room, Ye Qianran sat cross-legged on the bed, entering the state of cultivation amidst the surge of mental power.

Now he is extremely looking forward to breaking through earlier, so that the Aolong Jue can also enter the third layer, and at the same time, multiple exercises will also benefit.

Ye Qianran's mental strength has made great progress during the whole afternoon including the night of desperate practice, but he can feel that it will take a period of time to break through to the level of spiritual cultivation.

Now if there is really a practice that can stimulate spiritual cultivation, no matter what method he uses, he will get it. Has there ever been one?

Sighing secretly, Ye Qianran opened his eyes and looked at the sky outside, and found that it was already dawn. After stretching himself, Ye Qianran also got off the bed.

After doing some activities in the yard, I checked the time and walked directly to the eating place here.

Arriving there, rows of tables were neatly arranged, and many people had already eaten there at this time. When they suddenly saw Ye Qianran coming, their expressions showed surprise at the same time.

Ye Qianran naturally also noticed the gazes around him, but he didn't care because he guessed this result before coming to the inner sect.

After taking the tray, Ye Qianran got some food casually, then found an empty table and sat down, but not long after sitting down, two people sat next to him and said, "You are that The new Ye Qianran?"

Ye Qianran looked up after hearing this, and found two people looking at him with a sneer, raised his brows, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to compete with you!" The man who spoke before said again.

"Not interested in!"

Ye Qianran chose to refuse, and these people came to him suddenly, and he could analyze two reasons.

First, the relationship between the other party and Hao Bo is very good, so he came here to trouble him. Second, since he defeated Hao Bo, as long as the other party defeated him, it would be an indirect proof of his own strength.

But regardless of the former or the latter, he was really not interested, and wanted to lower his head and continue eating, but after he took a few mouthfuls, a black worm landed on his plate.

Wei Wei was startled, looked up, and saw one of them said helplessly: "Oh, I'm so sorry, it seems that this bug likes you very much!"

Ye Qianran shrugged his shoulders so that he didn't care, then smiled and said: "I don't think so, I think he likes you, right?"

"Is it?"

The man opened his mouth, and the moment the man spoke, Ye Qianran's mental power fluctuated instantly, and the bug flew directly into the man's mouth.

The man's voice stopped in an instant, his mouth moved, his face flushed instantly, and he began to retch beside him.

"Oh, look at what I said, right, that bug likes you! How about it, isn't it delicious? There's a lot of meat, rich in protein, tsk tsk, I really didn't expect you to like this tune." Ye Qianran's mouth curled up , Do you still want to play this with him? Much more tender!

After finishing speaking, Ye Qianran smiled again, didn't say anything more, put down his chopsticks and walked directly outside.

When he came outside, hurried footsteps sounded from behind, and then an angry voice said: "Boy, how dare you play me!"

After the voice fell, surging spiritual power surged in an instant, sweeping towards Ye Qianran's back directly.

Ye Qianran felt it naturally and clearly, turned around in an instant, and the Aolong Jue appeared instantly, and there was a howling sound like a dragon's chant, and he punched him.


The burst was turbulent, and the man's attack from behind was directly broken up by Ye Qianran.

The man took two steps back, his face full of surprise, after wiping his mouth, his eyes glowed coldly, and finally rushed towards Ye Qianran with a cold snort.

At this time, the other person who was with the man came out. After seeing the situation in front of him, he didn't go up and chose to watch from the side.

At this time, the person who was eating put down his chopsticks and rushed out.

The matter of Ye Qianran's defeat of Hao Bo caused an uproar in the inner sect. Everyone knew about it and was very curious. Could Ye Qianran's strength really be that strong?

While everyone was thinking, Ye Qianran also moved. The moment he rushed forward, he felt the surging Wu Yuan of the opponent, and the corners of his mouth curled up, suddenly thinking of something.

Weird strength surged, Hua Gongjue suddenly flowed, and crazily absorbed the opponent's strength into his body, and the next moment he spread his right hand and erupted again.

The bang sounded again, and the man flew out with a muffled grunt. When he stood still, his face was full of disbelief.

Such a strong force, but what surprised him was not this, but when he attacked Ye Qianran, he suddenly felt the force he condensed crazily dissipate, and before he understood what was going on, it appeared in front of him. scene.

The people around were full of astonishment. Ye Qianran's movements were monotonous and simple, but they firmly suppressed the man.

Bare hands are enough to prove Ye Qianran's strength.

The man saw more and more people gathered around him, and his face became gloomy. If he loses, he will lose all his face.

But at this point, he had no choice but to retreat. After taking a deep breath and clenching his fists tightly, the spiritual power in his body began to soar, and his expression became serious.

The previous two times made him understand that Ye Qianran's strength is indeed not simple. If he doesn't show some strength now, it will definitely make a lot of people laugh.

Ye Qianran naturally felt the soaring aura of the opponent, and couldn't help frowning slightly. Although he didn't want to be too hands-on, he also didn't want to be pinched.

In addition, as he had imagined, there really wasn't a single person who could enter the inner door.

At this time, he didn't say anything, his eyes were red and he was ready to fight, and the atmosphere became tense at this moment.


A cold snort sounded, the man's eyes were cold, and then his right foot suddenly tapped, and his body burst towards Ye Qianran.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys, anyway, now that Ye Qianran calmed down, if the other party didn't have eyes, then he would beat him up hard, and then tell all the disciples in the inner sect that he was not so easy to bully.

"Wind Finger Sword!"

A low shout sounded, and the man spread out his right hand, and a sharp breath roared out. While blasting the air, he directly collided with Ye Qianran.


When the violent fluctuations of spiritual power surged towards the surroundings, an excited but pleasant voice suddenly sounded: "Wow, good apprentice, beat this guy up!"

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