Eternal Supreme

Chapter 443


When Ye Qianran heard this voice, his expression froze for a moment, and when he turned his head to look, he found Cheng Yuling was beside him.

"Are you still distracted at this time?"

A cold voice sounded, and the fierce Wu Yuan oppressed instantly, and when it enveloped Ye Qianran, the fierce aura surged again.

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, and the sharpness reflected in the close range felt a little painful on the skin.

"Hmph, it seems that's all there is to it!"

The sound of laughing sounded, the man clenched his right hand tightly, and the majestic Wu Yuan swept from his body, hitting Ye Qianran's chest directly.

The whistling sound tore through the air, the fierce punching wind was even more coercive, and the piercing sound of breaking the wind was even more ear-piercing.

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and the next moment he almost didn't think about it, and opened the two doors directly. When his body suddenly became strong, he appeared at an incredible speed.

The people present only saw a blur in front of their eyes, and the next moment, the roar of the dragon roar sounded again, overbearing with arrogance.


A muffled voice sounded, and the man's body flew out directly, while Ye Qianran was still standing where he was before, but the aura at this time was very terrifying and powerful.

"Wow, the apprentice is so powerful."

Seeing such a scene, Cheng Yuling couldn't help saying something excitedly, and then walked up quickly. When he came to Ye Qianran's side, he glanced around and snorted coldly: "Ye Qianran is my lovely girl!" Apprentice, none of you are allowed to take the initiative to find fault in the future, or you will wait for this lady to beat you!"

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched violently when he heard this. If there was a gap in the ground, he would definitely slip in. Even if there were so many faces in it, he even said that he was her apprentice... I don't know that men are so face-saving. what?

In addition, it's fine to say that it's an apprentice, and a cute one is added for Mao, which really makes people feel broken.

The man stood up at this time, his breath looked a little embarrassed, and his face was even slightly pale. Is this the difference? It seems that Ye Qianran was able to defeat Hao Bo for a reason.

After Cheng Yuling finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again and said: "Apprentice, master is very hungry now, let's eat with master!" After speaking, he hugged Ye Qianran's arm and walked towards the inside.

Feeling the softness on the arm, Ye Qianran was instantly drunk, do you want to be so soft?

But it's right to be soft, which also proves that Cheng Yuling's chest is quite impressive.

I don't know if it was because of Cheng Yuling's company, but during the meal this time, no one came to find fault, and he even saw people around him looking at Cheng Yuling with fear.

How afraid of Cheng Yuling is this?

"Disciple, it seems that your strength is not bad, I saw you right!" Cheng Yuling's bright eyes fell on Ye Qianran.

Hearing that Cheng Yuling's tone had the meaning of an elder, Ye Qianran couldn't help but smile bitterly, but he still said, "Hey, isn't this the reason of the master!"

"Well, not bad!" Cheng Yuling nodded in satisfaction and said, "For the sake of being so well-behaved, let me give you some rewards as a teacher!"

"Pfft, cute..."

A black line appeared on Ye Qianran's forehead. Now he really doubts whether he shouldn't worship Cheng Yuling as his teacher. Can he say he regrets it now? However, he was also curious about Cheng Yuling's reward, so he asked immediately, "What reward?"

"Well, go to my place tonight..." Cheng Yuling thought for a while and said.


Ye Qianran's eyes widened when he heard it, thinking that he had heard it wrong, but he couldn't see that this girl Cheng Yuling was so open?

"Go to my place at night, and I'll give you a pill." Cheng Yuling said.

Ye Qianran heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, couldn't this woman finish all she had to say? It made him misunderstand, and he shook his head thinking of this, he has a lot of pills, what do he need other pills for?

"Either medicine or not? Then what reward do you want?" Cheng Yuling asked doubtfully.

"Hey, kiss me down?" Ye Qianran asked half-jokingly.

After hearing this, Cheng Yuling's face turned rosy, and finally said: "Oh, I didn't expect you to be so perverted!"

"alright, that's fine."

Of course Ye Qianran wouldn't really kiss, so she lowered her head and continued eating after thinking about it.

Cheng Yuling thought that Ye Qianran was angry, and her eyes fluctuated. She had finally accepted an apprentice, so she probably wouldn't run away. Thinking of this, she hesitated and said: "Okay, but I can only kiss the face!" After finishing speaking He closed his eyes and turned his cheek.

At this time, Cheng Yuling's eyebrows were still trembling, as if he was a little nervous.

Ye Qianran looked up and saw this scene, and was stunned there. What kind of situation is this? Cheng Yuling really gave in?


Seeing such a scene, the people around took a breath at the same time, what kind of rhythm is this.

"Ahem, master, I was joking with you, forget it!" Ye Qianran said quickly, the strange eyes around him made him feel like he was deceiving the girl.


After Cheng Yuling heard Ye Qianran's words, she quickly took it back and said, "This lady already knows my apprentice, so she won't get angry so easily!"

Ye Qianran frowned, did Cheng Yuling have to be so nervous? But he was very curious, why did Cheng Yuling want to accept him as a disciple?

When he was curious, Cheng Yuling said, "Apprentice, when shall we start?"

"Start what?" Ye Qianran was full of curiosity.

"Of course it's for the teacher to guide you to study!" Cheng Yuling snorted softly.

Ye Qianran had a black line on his forehead. Cheng Yuling really wanted to teach an apprentice, so he immediately said, "Let's start in the afternoon!"

"Okay, it's a deal, pull Gougou!" Cheng Yuling stretched out his little hand.

After Ye Qianran looked at it, he felt melancholy. With so many people watching, he stretched it out, so it seemed that he was very naive, but if he didn't stretch it out, Cheng Yuling was still waiting.

In the end, he hesitated for a while, but bit the bullet and hooked it.

When touching, I have to admit that Cheng Yuling's skin is still quite slippery, but after hooking his hand, he quickly retracted it.

Cheng Yuling started to eat with a smile.

After they were full, the two chose to leave together, and at this moment Ye Qianran saw Cheng Yuling's impatience, he seemed to feel that something bad was about to happen...

But there are advantages and disadvantages, for the sake of the Hundred Poisonous Beasts, let him sacrifice.

After parting, Ye Qianran returned to his residence and waited patiently. The fifth elder said that he would take him to the main hall, as if to arrange for him...

While waiting patiently, after about an hour, there was a knock on the door. When he opened the door, there was indeed a young man who appeared at the door.

"Fifth Elder asked me to take you to the main hall!" the man said directly.

Ye Qianran raised his mouth and said, "Excuse me!" After the man turned around, he followed closely...

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