Eternal Supreme

Chapter 447

"Okay, that's it, you can go!"

After Cheng Yuling finished speaking, she returned to the room with a smile on her face.

Seeing Cheng Yuling's leaving back, Ye Qianran smiled helplessly, turned around and walked out, the combination of the three, it seems that he did practice a lot today.

It is definitely a very good harvest for him to be able to learn something from Cheng Yuling.

Back in the room, Ye Qianran never left. In the room, he changed his mind, felt the changes, and couldn't help being surprised again.

That feeling is very strange, the power of heaven and earth circulates all over the body, not to mention, there are waves of fluctuations, while warming the meridians, it also pulls the surrounding heaven and earth here...

The foundation, these are the foundations. According to Master Cang, the birth of exercises is based on the foundation. If he has a good foundation, can he also create a set of exercises that suit him?

Most of the exercises in this world are based on Wu Yuan. He directly controls the power of heaven and earth, and there are many exercises that are not suitable. If he can really create it...

After yy for a while, Ye Qianran took a deep breath and continued to feel that the mental method must be adjusted quickly so that it can complement the handprints, including Mingsheng swordsmanship.

Time passed, and when night fell, Ye Qianran opened his eyes. At this moment, he found that his whole body felt unspeakably comfortable, and his mental strength had improved and deepened.

"I didn't expect this idea to be quite magical!"

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise. After stretching comfortably, his eyes flickered. When it was a good time to do things at night, should he check with Cheng Yuling first, or go and see by himself?

After thinking about it, Ye Qianran still chose the latter, because the inner gate is very large, and there are also pavilions on other mountain peaks, so it is better to inquire clearly.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran walked towards the cafeteria. After arriving there, there were still many people. After he ordered some food, he found that many eyes were looking at him in this direction.

Ye Qianran himself also understands that he stole the limelight here, and naturally he is the focus of attention wherever he goes, but why is there no girls, there are more than two hundred people, and there are very few girls, right?

After all, since he came in, he saw Cheng Yuling, right?

At this time, he thought of You Wushuang. She is a woman who has proven herself very well. After getting to know her deeply, she also thinks that she is a very good woman. Unfortunately, she has a fiance...

After eating, Ye Qianran chose to leave. After returning to the residence, he took out the sword, how does he feel about the sword intent? Frowning slightly, the power of heaven and earth circulated and began to mobilize.

The next moment, Ming Sheng's swordsmanship was mobilized at this time.

The sword trembled at this moment, and the humming sound trembled at this moment. The power of heaven and earth drove the soft moan, and the sharp breath rippled around.

After finishing all the sword skills of Ming Sheng, Ye Qianran sat there thinking.

The finger sword is fierce, and the six-meridian sword is fierce! Is this the integration of sword intent?

When his eyes were surprised, he also decided in his heart that he must learn this. He is generally not used to using weapons. If he learns this sword intent, then he doesn't need any weapons. Wouldn't it be more convenient to use bare hands?

Thinking of this, my heart became agitated again, and the long sword in my right hand flicked and sprinted up again...

An hour later, Ye Qianran returned to the room and took a comfortable bath in the pool, feeling unspeakably happy all over.

After resting on the bed, Ye Qianran closed her eyes and practiced again.

Over the course of one night, this time he found that his mental strength had improved significantly again. In the morning, he suddenly felt that the air was fresh.

After breakfast, Ye Qianran came to Cheng Yuling's yard. After arriving there, he went directly to the door. After knocking on the door lightly, the door opened not long after, and Cheng Yuling appeared in front of Ye Qianran.

At this time, he still looked lazy, and he seemed to have just woken up not long ago.

"Beautiful master!" Ye Qianran said.

Cheng Yuling nodded after seeing Ye Qian, "Is it so early?"

"Is it still early?"

Ye Qianran said something helplessly, seeing Cheng Yuling's sleepy look, his eyes flickered, and he quickly whispered: "Your master is here!"

"Ah!" Cheng Yuling cried out in shock after hearing this, and the next moment, her whole body was refreshed, and she glanced around and asked, "Where is it?"

"Just left!" Ye Qianran said with a chuckle.

Cheng Yuling is not stupid either, knowing that she was deceived by Ye Qianran, she glared at Ye Qianran and said, "My master is in retreat, don't try to lie to me! Well, how did you practice yesterday?"

"Well, it's almost there!" Ye Qianran nodded.

"Really? Then show me the demonstration!" Cheng Yuling said.

Ye Qianran nodded, from Ming Sheng sword technique, to mind technique, and finally to yesterday's two handprints, she is indeed very proficient.

After doing all this, Ye Qianran's eyes fell on the surprised Cheng Yuling and said, "Master beautiful, how do you feel now?"

After hearing this, Cheng Yuling withdrew the astonishment on his face, and finally said: "Let's make do with it, it needs to be strengthened!"

Ye Qianran was also used to it, so he didn't care about it at this time. He glanced at Cheng Yuling and said, "Master, I have a question to ask you!"

"What's the problem?" Cheng Yuling asked suspiciously.

"It's about the sword intent, how to understand the sword in the hand but not in the heart?" Ye Qianran asked.

Cheng Yuling frowned and said: "Sword intent needs to be understood and interpreted. I heard from my master that an ordinary sword has its own soul, but most people can't feel it!"

Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard it, and at this moment Cheng Yuling said again: "Those who can understand the meaning of the sword will be great figures in the future!"

Ye Qianran said with surprise on his face: "What? Didn't Master understand?"

Cheng Yuling's face turned rosy and said: "Mine is a fake sword intent, and most people can reach this level!"

"What is false sword intent?" Ye Qianran asked.

"Use... use the sword too much, and it will automatically blend in. This is the fake sword intent, but the real sword intent must be experienced with heart!" Cheng Yuling explained.

Seeing Cheng Yuling's expression, Ye Qianran finally understood, and then said: "Thank you beautiful master, I didn't expect to learn so much from following you!"

"It's natural!"

Cheng Yuling snorted coldly: "I don't even look at who this lady is!"

Ye Qianran looked at it and smiled again, she is also a top-notch girl...Suddenly, a thought popped up, whether to take it or not...

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