Eternal Supreme

Chapter 448

"What are you thinking over there?"

Seeing Ye Qianran's thoughtful look, Cheng Yuling frowned involuntarily.

"Oh, am I thinking about soaking or...cough cough, I mean it's an honor to be able to follow the beautiful master!"

Ye Qianran blushed, and almost said what was in her heart.

"Well, as a teacher, I didn't expect you to comprehend the sword intent. You only need to achieve the false sword intent! The sword intent is too far away from you!" Cheng Yuling said.

Ye Qianran nodded. At this time, he thought of the Hundred Poisonous Beasts. Do you want to find out the news now? Thinking of this, he hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Master, I have a question for you!"

Cheng Yuling nodded and said, "Say it!"

"Actually, it's nothing. When I joined the Giant Sword Sect, I heard people from Tianyong City mention the Enandu body. I heard that the hundred poisonous beasts of our Giant Sword Sect can resist it?"

"Hundred poisonous beasts?"

Cheng Yuling had a slightly strange expression, then nodded and said, "So what?"

"Hey, I just said what the Hundred Poisonous Beast looks like, I want to see, is it really that magical?" Ye Qianran asked.

"Of course, but now the Hundred Poisonous Beast is in its birthday stage, so my father put it away and will take it out again after it is born!" Cheng Yuling said.

"Birthday?" Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, and he couldn't understand what this word meant.

"Stupid, the Hundred Poisonous Beast is going to have a baby!" Cheng Yuling's face turned rosy after speaking.

"What? Do we have two hundred poisonous beasts in the giant sword gate?" Ye Qianran asked in surprise.

"No, there are so many!" Cheng Yuling said.

"Pfft, how many?" Ye Qianran's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of disbelief, and he finally said, "Then can you give me one?"

Cheng Yuling said: "No, the place where the Hundred Poisonous Beasts are is the forbidden area of ​​our Giant Sword Sect. Only elders and Sect Masters are eligible to enter. In addition, the top three in the inner sect competition every year!"

"The top three, what are they going in for?" Ye Qianran was surprised.

"There is a sword god formation in the forbidden area, and there is a sword god seal in the sword god formation. The top three are qualified to learn the sword god seal. This has existed since the establishment of the giant sword gate, but only those who can penetrate it after so long The thirty-second generation sect master is also my great-grandfather!" Cheng Yuling said.

"Sword God Seal?"

Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard it, and then said: "When will the inner competition start?"

"It will be held at the same time as the outer gate, and there is still one month left!"

Cheng Yuling said: "What? Apprentice, do you want to try too? But it's very difficult, and even if you are lucky enough to get in the top three, it will be very difficult to comprehend the Sword God Seal!"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly. Can he say that he is not interested in the Sword God Seal? He is only interested in Hundred Poisonous Beasts.

Since the Hundred Poisonous Beasts are in the forbidden area, he might be able to take the opportunity to get one, and then take the opportunity to sneak away without anyone noticing...

"You really don't think about it?"

Cheng Yuling said: "Every time Jujianmen competes, it is almost always occupied by three people!"

"Which three?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"Well, the first one, Fu Tian, ​​a disciple under the Great Elder, is very strong, and has reached the Nirvana level before retreating. The second Yang Yi, is also very powerful, and seems to have reached the realm of heaven. The third one is ...that is to be a teacher!" After speaking, he smiled all over his face.

Ye Qianran's face was full of weirdness, but considering Cheng Yuling's amazing physical toughness, and some very mysterious exercises that he knew, it should be easy to get the top three.

"But since you are my apprentice, I will naturally cover you, and I will make it very smooth for you during the inner court competition!" Cheng Yuling said.

"Where is the forbidden area?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"In the back mountain, there is fog all the year round, and there is the Sword God Formation, you can't get in without someone to guide you!" Cheng Yuling said.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, he didn't care about the mist, after all he had phoenix eyes, but he had to pay attention to that sword god formation, what kind of formation would it be?

Is he waiting to go in and take a look in advance? Or wait until the inner gate game to go in?

His brows were slightly wrinkled, which made him tangled up for a while.

"What are you thinking about there again?" Cheng Yuling couldn't help but frowned and said something after seeing Ye Qianran thinking again.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was thinking that the beautiful master knows so much, when will he teach me Yujian's handprint?" Ye Qianran recovered, and then said with a smile.

"You mean this. Seeing that your other performances are good, let's start early!"

The corner of Cheng Yuling's mouth curled up and he said: "Yujian's handprints are divided into many, but before learning Yujianjue, you must have a sword that suits you. Let's go, I will take you to the Refining Pavilion now. , ask Grandpa Li to connect you with a Horcrux."

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched when he heard this. Usually it is very difficult to get a Horcrux, but it feels very easy in Jujianmen...

"Let's go!" Cheng Yuling finished speaking, and led Ye Qianran outside.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran turned eastward and westward, but he came to the end, and at this time he saw a chain bridge in the distance and another mountain peak all night. Master, shouldn’t that be a forbidden area?”

"Well, that's right, that's the back mountain of Jujian Gate!" Cheng Yuling nodded heavily.

Ye Qianran raised his brows, this is convenient, now he even knows where the place is, is this a windfall?

"Not far ahead is the Artifact Refining Pavilion, um, but you must be careful what you say when you get there, Grandpa Li has a very bad temper!" Cheng Yuling said at this moment.

"Hey, don't worry!" Ye Qianran nodded. In fact, he has no interest in refining weapons, nor is he interested in Horcruxes. device!

As time passed, when Ye Qianran followed Cheng Yuling to the edge of the mountain, there was a very tall building there, and it was very huge, and it looked majestic.

At the door, two disciples were guarding, but when the two came over, the two showed a respectful attitude at the same time: "Miss!"

Cheng Yuling nodded, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Let's go!"

Ye Qianran nodded slightly and followed Cheng Yuling in.

When he came inside, Ye Qianran found that the place was very big, surrounded by many stone pools, and on the stone pools were inserted many different types of weapons, and the weapons were all tied with iron locks. Judging by the brilliance above, there is no simple...

"I'm afraid these are treasures, right?"

Ye Qianran's eyes could not help but light up, he could pay back a lot of money if he took away a few and sold them, even if he is not short of money now, he can still use his treasures to seduce girls... Well, he admits that he is evil again... …

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