Eternal Supreme

Chapter 468

"Remember, the engraving cannot stop for a while, it must be perfect once and run through perfectly, so that there will be no flaws."

The old man opened his mouth slowly, and when the words fell, he spread his hands out at the same time, and one after another handprints appeared at this moment, and when they were formed, they were directly integrated into them, and suddenly, the light burst out.

With phoenix eyes, Ye Qianran couldn't help blinking.

When the light gradually disappeared and Ye Qianran saw the scabbard again, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

So beautiful!

The entire scabbard is integrated, and the dragon pattern carved with a dragon in the middle is extremely delicate, and with the gold thread dotted on it, it looks vivid.

The complex texture sets off a sense of mystery, and the entire scabbard is very transparent, matching with the ice sword, it is simply beautiful.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I, Li Zecheng, would be able to complete the last procedure of the Bingjian one day!"

The old man's voice sounded at this time, with a little excitement, he took a deep breath, suppressed it, and said again: "Qianran, you can use the accompanying fire to warm it up now, it's ok, I'll tell you!" After finishing speaking The old man moved his stiff body and left at this time.

Ye Qianran stood there, with the excitement in his heart, he manipulated the flame to warm up there.

Time passed, and when he came again the next day, the old man's voice sounded: "It's done!"

Ye Qianran's heart trembled when he heard these three words, and his spiritual power surged in the light floating, and all the accompanying fires were retracted, feeling the palpitations, and they were directly contained in the pregnant spirit pearl, Then under the control of mental power, he took out the scabbard.

It's cold in the hand, but the feel is perfect.


There was a trembling sound, blue light bloomed on the scabbard at this time, and the lines became dazzling at this time, and the ice sword placed beside Ye Qianran also trembled, and the two began to echo each other at this time.

"Hehe, the bone of the ice dragon is originally one, and now it can be considered a perfect combination!" The old man said beside him.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, his right hand spread out, and the ice sword fell into his hand in an instant. At close range, the blue light became more intense at this time, and the next moment, Ye Qianran inserted the ice sword into the scabbard , the blue light suddenly dazzled the eyes, and under the chilling air, it was a perfect combination.

The empty glyphs are perfectly transparent and integrated, so beautiful...

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his heart was full of tremors. At this moment, he pulled out the ice sword again, and suddenly he froze there. What's going on? Bingjian was completely motionless at this time.

Could it be that it took so long, wasted in vain?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran's face became anxious, and he tried again, but he was still motionless. He looked at the old man and said, "Master, what's going on, why can't I pull out this sword!"


The old man didn't seem so surprised at this time, and said slowly: "It is so easy to be comparable to the existence of heavenly artifacts? The ice sword is already at your disposal, but the scabbard is not there. If the scabbard also recognizes you, Then this ice sword, which is comparable to a heavenly weapon, will be exclusive to you, even if others get it, it will be out of reach, and they will never even think about drawing the sword!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and his light bloomed again. He completely understood what the old man said, and immediately let Xiaomei levitate out, a bloodstain appeared, and the next moment, he also touched it on the scabbard.

At this time, the light bloomed, the lines became brighter, and the blue light became dazzling. When all this completely dissipated, Ye Qianran's mental strength fluctuated. When he tried to draw the sword again, he found that it was extremely easy to draw the sword. come out.


Ye Qianran sighed in admiration, inserted the sword in again, then looked at the old man and said, "Is this sword really mine?"

"Of course!" The old man nodded.

"Then try it!" Ye Qianran was a little disbelieving.

The old man's eyes flickered, his expression was slightly hesitant, but he finally nodded and came to Ye Qianran's side. When he took the ice sword in his right hand, a dazzling blue light bloomed instantly, and the biting cold air moved towards the surroundings. .


The old man took a deep breath, and when he was trying to endure the cold, he put his right hand on the hilt of his sword, and when he touched it again, the blue light became more intense, and the biting cold became more intense, and he seemed extremely resistant.

The old man's face turned pale, and when the thick strength surged, he began to exert force, but the scabbard did not move at all.

After a while, the old man gave up and quickly threw the sword to Ye Qianran, not holding on anymore.

Strange to say, when the ice sword fell into Ye Qianran's hands, the blue light disappeared and everything returned to normal.

At this time, the old man's expression was a little hidden, his body was a little stiff, and he smiled bitterly and said: "Originally, these were all my guesses, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling restless in her heart, looking at the sword with a face full of liking.

"You still need a sword bag!" After the old man said something, he spread his left hand and said, "I happen to have one here, which can bind your two at the same time. Come, I'll help you get it!" After finishing speaking, the old man He touched the dzi bead.


Before Ye Qianran opened his mouth, Pang Ran's spiritual power was turbulent at this moment, and the old man's body was directly bounced off.

"What's going on?" The old man felt the numb right hand, his face was full of astonishment and disbelief. Could it be that Ye Qianran's plain-looking sword is also a good weapon...

But when I first thought of this, something was wrong. Except for the heavenly weapon, the horcrux is the most powerful weapon. The high-level horcrux also recognizes the master and also has rebound power, but it is not so strong, and the weird spirit The strength makes him feel that this sword has its own consciousness at all.

Celestial weapon?

The old man was stunned, but how could it be possible? Ye Qianran has a heavenly weapon on her body?

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the old man looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Qianran, is your sword a heavenly weapon?"

Ye Qianran coughed dryly, and finally nodded. With a thought, Xiao Hei floated out of the scabbard, with complex lines floating, and the old man was completely stunned.

"It's so beautiful, such a beautiful engraving!" The old man's expression was full of dullness, and then he looked at Ye Qianran scorchingly and said, "Which sword is this?"

"Dzi Bead!" Ye Qianran said slowly.

"Is it the legendary Dzi Bead that can suppress the abilities of all celestial weapons?" The old man was stunned and said, "I didn't expect you to have a celestial weapon!"

Ye Qianran laughed immediately when he heard that, one? He will never tell the old man that he still has a flame knife and Xiaomei, and he has three heavenly weapons on him.

But he won't tell about this matter, it's his secret, his own secret...

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