Eternal Supreme

Chapter 469

"Haha, I really didn't expect that!"

After looking slowly, the old man glanced at the little underworld and said, "I really didn't expect that I would still be able to see the heavenly artifact in my lifetime. It's worth it, it's really worth it, haha!"

Ye Qianran looked at the happy look of the old man, with a strange expression, isn't it just a heavenly weapon?

After the old man was excited, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again, and he threw the thing to Ye Qianran and said, "Put it on yourself!"

Ye Qianran nodded, took off the sword pouch on his body, and finally put on the old man's pouch. After the two swords were stuck, he suddenly felt that his aura had changed.

"The comparison between the two is a bit big!"

The old man took a look at the two swords. The Tianzhu is popular and relatively low-key, while the ice sword is high-profile, extremely high-profile.

Ye Qianran walked out like this, and the rate of turning back was definitely super high.

Ye Qianran smiled and didn't care. He is different from before. At least he has the strength to protect himself. Even if he can't protect himself, he can run away.

"Okay, don't rest anymore, Ling'er hasn't come here yet, she should be waiting for you to refine the weapon for others, you can handle it yourself!" The old man smiled and said: "Choose the material yourself."

Ye Qianran nodded and began to think.

Cheng Yuling has a sword, so he can build one for self-defense.

As for self-defense, a dagger is enough... Thinking of this, he asked the old man for a pen and a piece of paper, and began to design.

The dagger doesn't have to be perfectly straight, he's walking it out, drawing an arc, then making some grooves, the handle is... well, feminine...

When the design was finalized, Ye Qianran looked at it, and suddenly frowned. A sword blade of a long house village extended from the hilt, just enough to wrap the hilt. Finally, it was symmetrical, and the lower part was like a Like a butterfly.

"Hey, it's very beautiful!" Ye Qianran's eyes flickered after he finished it. He believed that Cheng Yuling would like it very much when he saw this dagger.

Next is the material. Overall, he chose black iron because it is hard enough, followed by mithril to increase the extensibility, and then added materials to improve toughness. There are not many things but complete enough.

He has a crystal nucleus here, but no beast soul, and according to what the old man said, Horcruxes are very difficult to refine, so he can refine a treasure.

If he could refine the treasure, the old man would definitely be stunned...

When he came to the cauldron furnace, Ye Qianran started to refine it based on the experience of watching the old man refining it. Here he does not need to fuse the flames, the beast fire alone is enough...

In half an hour, Ye Qianran got everything done, and then merged and compressed the three, and everything went smoothly.

But when he carved out the shape, he neglected one point, that is the place where the crystal nucleus is placed.

The corner of his mouth twitched, melting the whole thing again, and forming it again, this time he made a groove on the hilt of the sword, spread his left hand, and a crystal nucleus emitting red light appeared in his hand.

After exhaling from the corner of his mouth, he threw the crystal nucleus in, and then printed it into the groove...

When it was perfectly combined under the burning of the flame, Ye Qianran began to think, engraving... This is difficult for him, because the engraving needs to penetrate the crystal nucleus, if it fails, the whole weapon will fail, so he must be careful coming……

Thinking of Ye Qianran's accompanying fire surging here, when the spiritual power appeared, he crossed his hands and began to engrave... When a streak appeared... Ye Qianran felt that the crystal nucleus was extremely unstable...

The next moment, there was a touch...

All right!

Ye Qianran smiled wryly. He knew it was not that simple. He continued to think about it, but he didn't believe it. He could handle alchemy. Now it's just refining tools. Could it be difficult for him?

The old man had been watching from a distance. Seeing Ye Qianran's overall calmness, his expression was a little surprised. Ye Qianran's talent in this area is really strong...even though he failed.

This is also within his expectation, after all, no one can succeed in one go.

On another hilltop of the inner gate, a man in a white robe came out of a stone cave. He was extremely silent, but his body was filled with extremely strong spiritual power.

The man is tall and handsome, and the long sword behind his back also sets off his temperament. The overall feeling is very chic and calm...

"Brother Futian, you're out!" At this moment a voice sounded, the man looked up and found that the two were not far away.

"You are here!" The voice sounded, and a smile appeared on Fu Tian's face.

"Yeah." Both of them nodded at the same time, at this moment one of them said: "Brother Futian, you have retreated for so long this time, what level have you reached now?

"The realm of the sky, the middle stage of Nirvana!" Fu Tian spoke slowly, with a look of arrogance appearing on his expression.

The two gasped at the same time when they heard it, the gap, this is the gap, they have cultivated for so long, and they have just broken through from the Tianyuan of the human realm to the good fortune of the earth realm.

"Brother Futian, you are definitely the best genius in the history of Jujianmen!" one of them exclaimed.

Fu Tian smiled, and then said: "Nothing happened to Zongmen recently, right?"

The two looked at each other after hearing this, and finally nodded, and one of them said, "A newcomer has come to the inner sect!"

"Is this strange?" Fu Tian's voice was slightly puzzled.

"Well, he just entered the outer door, and he entered the inner door within three days!"

One of them nodded and said, "His strength is very strong, he defeated Hao Bo!"

"Hao Bo? The current strength should be that he has broken through the good fortune and reached the alchemy? Although the strength is not particularly strong, it is not weak. It is indeed quite strong to be defeated by an outer disciple who has just entered!" Fu Tian said with a smile. One sentence, but the expression didn't care.

"In addition, Yang Yi has already come out of retreat some time ago, and his strength may have reached the Guixu of the Realm of Earth, but he is still some distance away from Big Brother Fu!" The man complimented.

After hearing this, Fu Tian raised his mouth and said, "Yang Yi's talent is indeed good!" After he paused, he suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, where is Linger?"


The two were stunned for a moment, and then one of them said: "Miss is very close to that newcomer now!"

"Is it?"

Fu Tian frowned slightly and said, "Is it just very close?"

"I heard that the newcomer seems to have worshiped the eldest lady as his teacher!" the man said again.

Hearing this, Fu Tian also relaxed, with a smile on his face again.

"There is one more thing. An outsider broke into the forbidden area two days ago. After being discovered by the guardian of the forbidden area, he escaped again. The last search did not find out who it was!"

"Really? There is such a thing?" Fu Tian was once again surprised when he heard that he was able to break into the forbidden area and then escape. Such a person is indeed not easy...

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