Eternal Supreme

Chapter 480

"And what if you lose?"

Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran and said with a cold snort.

"Did you lose?"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran's face was filled with embarrassment, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I lose, so I'll let you kiss me!"

Qiao Xiaodi's eyes widened suddenly, how could this guy be so shameless? And this guy looked extremely embarrassed, she really had the urge to beat this guy up, and Wu Yuan became turbulent at this moment.

Ye Qianran's expression changed slightly, and he quickly smiled and said, "Hey, I'm just kidding, so what, if I lose, I promise you one thing!"

"Okay, let me beat you up!" Qiao Xiaodi gritted his silver teeth and said.


叶千然嘴角抽搐了下,乔小笛同学这是有多记恨他啊,想到他如果真输了,那岂不是被狠揍了,当下目光闪烁,看来他说什么也都不能输了, Otherwise, he will be miserable.

"Sleep!" After Ye Qianran finished speaking, she lay down on the bed and rested with the little mink in her arms.

Qiao Xiaodi glared at Ye Qianran again, then turned and walked towards another room...

When I came again the next day, a scream was heard from a distance in the courtyard, followed by Ye Qianran's scream...

After eating, Ye Qianran brought Qiao Xiaodi and others to the No. 4 battle stage again. At this time, there seemed to be more people gathered than yesterday, and it seemed that they were all here to watch the game.

But he didn't know that he defeated his opponent with one hand yesterday, and it has been spread, and many people are very interested in Ye Qianran, so they also gathered to watch the game, and then see how Ye Qianran was defeated people beat...

At this time, Ye Qianran also noticed that it wasn't an unfriendly look, and a wry smile appeared. Who is he provoking?

Not long after, the fifth elder came down again, without any nonsense, and said directly: "No. 18 vs. No. 13!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, he was the first one yesterday, and he was the first one this time, the Fifth Elder probably did it on purpose, but this is a lottery, probably not.

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Qianran also jumped up at this time, and when he saw another person rushing up, the corners of his mouth curled up, and before the old man could start, he said directly: "You are doomed!"

The man froze for a moment, and frowned slightly. Ye Qianran was too arrogant. When he gritted his teeth, his momentum soared.

Ye Qianran smiled helplessly, this guy... His original intention was to give the other party a psychological pressure before it started, but now it stimulated the other party, and he seemed to be idle.

Hao Bo watched from below, frowning again and again, he really desperately hoped that it was him standing opposite Ye Qianran, and then defeated Ye Qianran in front of everyone present, and told everyone that his The strength is not bad!

"Let's begin!" The fifth elder's voice sounded at this moment.

Ye Qianran took a deep breath and said directly: "Open the door..."

After the voice fell, the figure galloped up again, and at a terrifying speed, it instantly arrived in front of the man.

The man's face changed instantly, but at this time he also caught Ye Qianran's figure, and he snorted coldly, the violent spiritual power also fluctuated at this time, but now he felt his power disappear strangely , When I was stunned, before I realized it, my whole body vacated, and then everyone saw such a scene, the man was thrown out gorgeously by Ye Qianran...


At this time, the old man was surprised, his eyes flickered, the man's explosive attack was pulled away in an instant, and then the spiritual power that was drawn away did not dissipate in the surroundings, but entered Ye Qianran's own body, what kind of power was this? Law? So weird.

The people around were also stunned, how did Ye Qianran do it? Because they noticed the same, but the man did lose. Ye Qianran was very strong, and when he threw the man out, he was already out of the scope of the battle arena.

"Win on the 18th!" After the fifth elder was surprised, he opened his mouth slowly, but the eyes he looked at Ye Qianran changed a little bit, Ye Qianran felt more and more mysterious to him now. That's enough.

And the man who was fighting Ye Qianran was also angry and unwilling. He hadn't used his blood power and kung fu skills yet, and he lost at the very beginning, which was really something he never thought of.

The person who lost to Ye Qianran yesterday felt relieved immediately. Fortunately, there is a second one who can be sympathetic to each other. Otherwise, if he is the only one from the beginning to the end, it will be really hard, and now he actually hopes , come to one, that's right, it's better to have a few more, when you meet Ye Qianran who loses so quickly, the more the better...

Ye Qianran stepped down from the stage, and the eight gates were withdrawn at this time. Although the impact of the first gate of the eight gates on him was not as great as it was at the beginning, it is better for him to retain his physical strength...

The first match was the most beautiful, and there was no expectation. Many people looked down on Ye Qianran, but with the start of the second match, their gazes were also drawn away. At this time, it was Hao Bo who took the stage. , and the man who was fighting with him had a serious expression on his face.

Not long after the match started, Hao Bo exploded his strength and firmly suppressed the opponent. In about a quarter of an hour, he defeated the opponent, which instantly aroused a lot of applause.

Hao Bo's eyes flickered, he glanced down, and finally fixed on Ye Qianran. Now that the competition with Ye Qianran is getting closer, his inner strength is getting higher and higher.

Ye Qianran naturally noticed it too, and his eyes flickered. Hao Bo's strength is indeed quite strong, much stronger than ordinary inner disciples. It may be a little troublesome to fight against Hao Bo, but the victory is still will be here with him.

Time passed, and the whole morning passed again. At this time, there were only four people eliminated in the No. 4 battle stage, namely Ye Qianran, Hao Bo, and two other inner disciples.

In the afternoon, the No. 4 winner will also be selected. Who will it be? At this moment, looks of anticipation appeared on the faces of many people.

Because in a normal match, Ye Qianran and Hao Bo are the most outstanding, and it seems that one of them will appear.

After eating at noon, there was almost no rest, so the people present gathered and waited patiently.

The same is true for the other four platforms, and now it has reached a very critical moment... So an hour before the start of the game, almost all the people who arrived were there, and when the start was approaching, Ye Qianran also walked over.

After he came there, Hao Bo's eyes also fell on him, which meant that Ye Qianran also understood that there was no way to hide, so let's fight!

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