Eternal Supreme

Chapter 481

"You must work hard!"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind Ye Qianran, and when he turned his head to look, he found Cheng Yuling standing beside him, looking at him with flickering eyes.

"Don't worry!" Ye Qianran smiled, and a look of confidence appeared on his face.

Cheng Yuling naturally also saw the confidence in Ye Qianran's expression. She has been paying attention to Ye Qianran, and she is naturally happy to see him come now.

But she also knows that the further you go, the harder it is to go. Even if Ye Qianran gets the first place here, it will be very difficult in the future.

So because I was worried, I came up to talk to Ye Qianran this time, and seeing Ye Qianran's smile and confidence at this time, I felt a little relieved in my heart.

"Well, then I'll wait!"

After Cheng Yuling finished speaking, she turned and left, leaving behind a beautiful figure.

But the sentence "I've been waiting" is intriguing, causing quite a few people to show a strange light. Is there something going on between the two of you?

Qiao Xiaodi also frowned, and looked at Ye Qianran again with unfriendly eyes... She didn't know why, but she always felt a little uncomfortable... Maybe she subconsciously thought that since Ye Qianran confessed to him Xin Xin, why bother to provoke other people?

And after Ye Qianran watched Cheng Yuling leave, Ye Qianran turned his head to look at Qiao Xiaodi, and found that she was looking at him coldly, shrugged helplessly, when he was about to speak, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and then raised his head to look at him. In the distance, and at this moment, the whistling sound passed by, and the figure of the fifth elder also fell.


After the indifferent voice sounded, the old man began to draw lots.

This time Ye Qianran thought that he would not be able to draw him. Just as he thought of this, the old man's voice sounded: "No. 18 vs. No. 23!"

"Okay!" Ye Qianran was helpless, should it be such a coincidence?

But since he was drawn, he didn't care, and jumped up again. At this moment, he looked up and found that it was not Hao Bo, but the person in front of him gave him a strong feeling.

The eyes are floating, the corners of the mouth are raised, so what about being strong? Could it be that he is still afraid?

"Can't you beat the opponent in a short time? Now I will break your record!" The man sneered,

Ye Qianran raised his brows immediately after hearing this. In fact, he didn't intend to take it slowly, but after hearing the man's voice, he immediately smiled. If that's the case, let's quickly introduce the battle.

When the other party held a sword in his hand, Ye Qianran's right hand slowly spread out, and a strange red glow loomed in his eyes.


The fifth elder opened his mouth, and just after the two words fell, the man's body moved, and the speed was very fast.

"Phantom of Purple Light..."

The man's low voice sounded, and the purple surged at this moment, and the speed soared in an instant.

The power of blood?

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth turned up, the name of the bloodline here is good, and the speed is not bad, but when the red light in his eyes became deeper, at this time, his body also moved...

The right hand spread out, and the body moved sideways during the circulation. After a simple stagger, the door opened instantly, and the body was illusory in an instant, and then the right foot kicked directly towards the gap.

The complexion of the man under the rapidity changed drastically at this moment, he had already locked onto Ye Qianran's body at this time, and his powerful spiritual power soared even more.

But at this time, the spiritual power in his body suddenly became disordered, and the meridian in his right hand seemed to be blocked at this time, and it couldn't be transferred...

And the direction Ye Qianran kicked at this time happened to be the direction in which he moved.

How could Ye Qianran be so accurate?

Gritting his teeth hastily, the thick spiritual power began to impact, and when he opened the meridian, the amazing explosive power suddenly floated.

Although I wasted some time, but now I am still in a hurry, and suddenly said coldly: "Sword Transformation..."

As the voice fell, the long sword in his hand made an ear-piercing sound in an instant, and immediately countless illusory sword shadows bloomed at this time...

"Hey, Gale!"

A piercing sound sounded, and Ye Qianran's speed soared again. When he charged up, the Aolong Jue opened again, and suddenly, it roared like a dragon's chant.

The spiritual power of the original bead bloomed at this time, the aura of the emperor was revealed, and the golden light also bloomed.


A dull voice suddenly sounded at this moment, and in an instant, the illusory sword shadow dissipated at this moment, and when it became clear, Ye Qianran kicked the sword.

Ye Qianran actually saw it when the man used it. Although the opponent's sword shadow had a fierce aura, but there was only one killer move, and that was the sword itself...

There was a bursting sound, and when the sound fell, Ye Qianran reversed his body, retreated, and landed firmly on the ground, while the man's body flew upside down under Ye Qianran's terrifying force. .

In fact, if a man meets someone else, he definitely has an advantage, but he happens to meet him. Under the phoenix eye, his speed is average, no matter how fast he is. He can calculate the man's next step, and he can use the magic needle Temporarily seal the man's acupuncture points...

In the end, he was able to kick the man out precisely... and all of this was due to his phoenix eyes.

The people present were instantly shocked, with such a strong momentum. Although Ye Qianran also defeated the opponent in a short period of time this time, they did not show any contempt this time, because this time Ye Qianran The opponent broke out, but Ye Qianran didn't cut him off when he broke out.

"What a powerful bloodline!"

The fifth elder sat there and sighed in admiration, and his eyebrows were full of surprise. He really didn't expect that Qianran Qianran could calculate so accurately.

Hao Bo was also surprised when he watched from below, but after the surprise, he clenched his fists tightly. Ye Qianran knew it, and he could only blame the person who fought Ye Qianran for being too confident in himself. Otherwise, I wouldn't have lost so quickly.

"Congratulations to the eighteenth."

After Ye Qianran stepped down from the stage, the fifth elder glanced at the stunned man in the audience, sighed secretly, and said slowly: "Number 7 will fight against No. 25!"

After the words fell, Hao Bo and another person also rushed up, and when the sound began to sound, the fighting also broke out in an instant.

"I can't tell, you are stronger than before when you come to the inner sect!" Qiao Xiaodi looked at Ye Qianran and couldn't help but say something.

Ye Qianran smiled and said: "The first is mine, get ready to be kissed by me..." The words fell on Qiao Xiaodi's shy eyes and landed on the battle stage...

"I'm talking about number one in the inner sect, not this number one!" Qiao Xiaodi clenched her fists tightly and said with gritted teeth. After she finished speaking, her pretty brows could not help but frowned again. I didn't expect that Ye Qianran's progress would be so fast. If Ye Qianran really won the first place, would it be possible for Ye Qianran to kiss him?

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