Eternal Supreme

Chapter 482

"I never said it would be the first..."

After hearing Qiao Xiaodi's words, Ye Qianran couldn't help showing a strange look. Qiao Xiaodi even said deliberately, did he want to beat him up, or would he really let him?

Time passed, and the battle on the stage subsided in a short time. When Hao Bo defeated the opponent, he looked at Ye Qianran without any rest and said directly: "Let's fight directly!"

Ye Qianran narrowed her eyes slightly, and finally nodded and jumped up.

At this time, the people around did not show any surprise, because they knew the reason.

The fifth elder had a slightly strange expression, and then said directly after Ye Qianran landed on the battle platform: "If that's the case, let's start!"

He also understands that Hao Bo was defeated by Ye Qianran in the outer sect, and now he is very eager to defeat Ye Qianran...

"I will definitely defeat you!" Looking at Ye Qianran's figure, Hao Bo said slowly with a firm voice.

"In that case, come on!" Ye Qianran said with a smile.

Hao Bo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became sharp at this moment, and at this moment, an extremely astonishing aura surged from his body.

However, under this aura, Ye Qianran's expression did not change in any way, but the energy on his body also soared at this time.

Hao Bo worked hard to beat him again, but didn't he?


A trembling voice sounded, and a long sword appeared in Hao Bo's hand, and a fierce wind swayed towards the surroundings.

Ye Qianran knew that Hao Bo was really strong now, so the eight gates were quietly opened at this time.


The moment these two words sounded, Hao Bo shook his right hand, and rushed towards Ye Qianran directly, and the long sword in his hand erupted even more shockingly sharp than before.

When he was still five meters away from Ye Qianran, he stomped his right foot, and the strong Wu Yuan swept across. With a shake of his right hand, a huge sword light flashed out at this moment, and immediately slashed towards Ye Qianran angrily. Down.

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, Hao Bo was indeed stronger than before, and this time he chose to use the sword when he came up, obviously intending to completely suppress him from the beginning.

These can be seen from Hao Bo's first attack.

Taking a deep breath at the moment, the Proud Dragon Art bloomed again, that is, when the backlight flickered, his right hand spread out, roaring like a dragon and smashing it with an unbelievably violent breath.


Jianmang and Ye Qianran's fists collided, violently mixed with powerful spiritual power and turbulent towards the surroundings.

At this time Ye Qianran was surprised, Hao Bo seemed to have already prepared, because this sword light was very powerful, and it exploded immediately without probing.

Hao Bo sneered, spread his left hand, and suddenly a mysterious seal appeared at this time, but when it was printed into the long sword, the sharpness of the sword light suddenly burst out with a piercing sound, a fierce breath...

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, his expression became a little more serious at this time, and the golden light also became more intense at this time, while the light was floating, his body retreated instantly, while the first divine thought surged, the blue burst out again, and his body Spinning, the right foot kicked up with a more violent breath.


The turbulent voice sounded again, and the moment Ye Qianran kicked the sword light, it was extremely turbulent, as if it had become extremely unstable.

Ye Qianran's body shot out at this time, but at the moment of landing, relying on the explosive speed of Bamen, he galloped up again like lightning. The sound of breaking the wind was sharp and a little cold.

Hao Bo's eyes were pinched sharply, and when he raised his right hand, the sword glow flowed again, and it felt as if the air would be torn apart.

"So strong!"

The people around were surprised at the same time. Hao Bo's strength has increased so much after being closed for more than a month?


Contact again, the sword light trembled more intensely, and the golden spiritual power burst out again with the blue ice-coldness, surging out overwhelmingly.


The bang sounded again, and the golden blue was even more dazzling, eroding the sword light directly.

Seeing this scene, many inner disciples were stunned,

"Thunder Fist..."

The moment the sword glow shattered, Hao Bo let out a low cry, and suddenly thunderous waves floated up and smashed towards Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran floated naked, clenched his right hand, the Xiu door opened at this moment, and when it exploded up with the Aolong Jue, it suddenly slammed up...

The opening was so intense that no one present could have imagined.

At this time, some people guessed something. First, Hao Bo was eager to defeat Ye Qianran. Second, Ye Qianran defeated the opponent very quickly in the first three games. .

The slamming professor, the lightning and flint, left their own marks on the bodies of the two.

You must know that Ye Qianran's speed is fast enough, but in the melee battle just now, he also felt quite aggrieved, because Hao Bo's blood power can deflect his attack.

This will leave him with a lot of gaps. If he didn't rely on his speed and the opening of the temporary phoenix eye, he might be ashamed this time.

Qiao Xiaodi was surprised at this moment, Ye Qianran is really strong now, but at this moment, she was expecting him to defeat Hao Bo.


The trembling voice sounded again, and the strong Wu Yuan and the powerful breath erupted at the same time, and the two separated at this time.

Ye Qianran looked surprised. During the battle, Hao Bo's strength has been soaring. Could it be that he has reached the Guixu level?

But it's impossible to think about it, after all, it's so easy to break through.

Hao Bo took a breath, shook his right hand, and the long sword rendered a special brilliance. He raised his head, and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran again. When the firmness appeared, his momentum soared again.

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, even if his aura had not reached the Guixu level, he might have reached the peak of alchemy.


Hao Bo snorted coldly, clenched his right hand tightly, and while turning the long sword, the sharp breath was turbulent again, and this time Ye Qianran felt deep.

At this time, the fifth elder's face revealed a look of surprise, which felt quite familiar, as if... Could it be that Hao Bo had practiced that exercise for a month?

Although he knew that Ye Qianran would win, even if he won, it would be very difficult...


There was a trembling sound, and then it became harsher. The next moment, Hao Bo's body moved, and the sharp sword light tore apart.


The cold snort fell, and the sharp and violent sword light appeared at this moment, and immediately covered Ye Qianran overwhelmingly...

All the people present were surprised after seeing it, but at this moment, a calm voice slowly sounded: "Dumen... open!"

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