Eternal Supreme

Chapter 486

"Next, Ye Qianran will face Cheng Yuling!"

When Ye Qianran was thinking about Yang Yi's question, Cheng Bo's voice also sounded slowly.

Ye Qianran raised her head and glanced at Cheng Yuling beside her. Is it Cheng Yuling's turn again so soon? While thinking, he followed Cheng Yuling and jumped up.

After arriving on the stage, Cheng Bo just said the beginning, and Cheng Yuling said: "I admit defeat in this match..." After the words fell, he turned and jumped down.

The inner disciples who were present at the scene were stunned at the same time. It was the same in the last game, and it was the same in this one. The taste suddenly changed a lot, and Cheng Yuling's actions also aroused the imagination of the people present.

Cheng Yuling had never surrendered before, but after meeting Ye Qian, did he choose to admit defeat? Could it be two people?

In the audience, Fu Tian's expression was low. He really didn't expect Cheng Yuling to do this, and this proved his thinking even more.

Cheng Bo didn't say much at this time, and directly announced Ye Qianran's victory.

Ye Qianran came to the audience, so he and Fu Tian didn't lose a chance, Cheng Yuling, Zhuo Sen, Yang Yi, all had another chance.

"Next match, Yang Yi will face Zhuo Sen!" Cheng Bo said slowly.

After the words fell, Yang Yi and Zhuo Sen jumped onto the battle stage at the same time, Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, Yang Yi probably won't admit defeat this time, right?

As he expected, after the start, the two fought together at the same time. Zhuo Sen was very strong, but Yang Yi was not weak either. After a while, he found that the spiritual power surging in Yang Yi's body was very even, and the speed of his shots seemed to be suppressed, but even so, it was extremely fast in everyone's eyes.

Another point is that Yang Yi made many shots but took them back, and if he made a shot, it happened to be Zhuo Sen's key point, which proved that Yang Yi could defeat Zhuo Sen in a short time, but he never By doing this, is he covering up his strength?

Thinking of this, the phoenix eyes became deeper at this time, and directly penetrated Yang Yi's body. When he saw Yang Yi Wuyuan, he found that there were two clusters of nebulae circulating in Yang Yi's dantian residence. With a knot pill, and it looks very thick...

It seems that Yang Yi is really not simple.

Ye Qianran originally thought that only Fu Tian was the only one, but now it seems that it is not that simple. If Yang Yi intends to get the first place, maybe he will have a hard time, and for a while he smiled wryly, and his expression became melancholy.

This time the match was stalemate for about 20 minutes. When Yang Yi found a gap to fight, Zhuo Sen flew upside down with a muffled grunt, and his body fell directly under the stage.

After seeing it, the inner disciples below immediately heard a voice of applause.

Yang Yi's eyes flickered. At this moment, he seemed to feel something. He turned his head and looked at Ye Qianran. When he saw Ye Qianran looking at him with red eyes, he was stunned for a moment, but after recovering , also calmed down, and after Cheng Bo won the verdict, he also walked on.

At this moment, one has been eliminated, and the next one, most likely, will be Cheng Yuling.

Just when he thought of this, Cheng Bo's voice sounded again: "In the next match, Fu Tian will face Cheng Yuling..."

After the words fell, Cheng Yuling said: "I will force Brother Fu Tian's strength, you watch!" After speaking, she jumped onto the battle platform, and when she jumped on it, another figure also fell on it, it was Pay the day.

"Start!" Cheng Bo spoke again.

After the words fell, Cheng Yuling didn't speak, and let out a coquettish drink, the spiritual power in his body completely bloomed at this time, and when the momentum soared, he also galloped towards Fu Tian.

Fu Tian frowned slightly, and finally sighed, the subtle spiritual power surged and his body also greeted him, he still can't lose...

When the two of them intersected, a burst of spiritual power bloomed at this moment, and when the two separated, Fu Tian's body burst out with shocking power. move over.

Cheng Yuling's small face changed slightly, his hands were interlaced, and a mysterious seal was blooming, and when he did this, Fu Tian's figure disappeared instantly, or Fu Tian sprinted up with all his strength, creating the illusion that Fu Tian disappeared instantly.


An ear-piercing voice sounded, and Fu Tian's voice retreated at this moment, while Cheng Yuling's figure accelerated at this time, and under that terrifying force, he pushed her down completely.

The spiritual power dissipated, and Cheng Yuling's face was full of resentment at this moment, why did he look like this?

Biting her lower lip, she gave Fu Tian a quick look, and walked towards Ye Qianran angrily.

Cheng Bo took a serious look at Fu Tian, ​​he had to admit that Fu Tian is really strong, if there is no such variable as Ye Qianran, he would really be able to match the two together, but it is different now , he matched Cheng Yuling and Ye Qianran to better plan for the future development of Jujianmen.

First, Ye Qianran's blood, and second, Ye Qianran controlled the ice sword of Jujianmen. When the two had children, he could imagine that Jujianmen would develop in the future. He also directly announced Fu Tian's victory.

Cheng Yuling was eliminated? Now there are only three people left, but unlike before, Ye Qianran appeared among the three.

Fu Tian glanced at Ye Qianran gloomyly at this time, and they were getting closer and closer...

After Fu Tian jumped off the stage, everyone present guessed who would be eliminated next, and felt that Yang Yi was the most likely, after all Ye Qianran and Fu Tian both had two chances.

"In the next match, Ye Qianran will face Yang Yi!" Cheng Bo said slowly.

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light flickered in his eyes. At this moment, the figure jumped up, followed by Yang Yi.

Looking at each other, Ye Qianran saw the fighting spirit in Yang Yi's eyes, he was stunned for a moment, he didn't appear like this when he was with Fu Tian, ​​how did it become like this now? When the strange color appeared, the fine light also floated.

If he admits defeat now, the possibility of the two of them fighting Fu Tian is balanced. If it is lucky that it is Yang Yi and Fu Tian, ​​then he will be relieved, and he can see the strength of the two of them. If Yang Yi wins, he will know something about it The same is true for Fu Tian Shengli.

But if it is him and Futian, he will defeat Futian once, then Yang Yi and Futian will fight again, and then there will be a complete balance, so he admits defeat now, and he is standing on the biggest side, even though there are certain differences. Dangerous...


As soon as Cheng Bo finished speaking, Ye Qianran raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It would be boring if it ends too early..." When the same words came out, the people present were stunned, and the expression made all the inner disciples even more It got weird.

It gives people a feeling that the two of them have a romantic relationship at this time...

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