Eternal Supreme

Chapter 487

Yang Yi looked at Ye Qianran who jumped down, his eyes flickered, Ye Qianran is a smart person...

Cheng Bo looked at Yang Yi, and then at Ye Qianran, his expression changed slightly at this time, what Ye Qianran was doing at this time, if this is the case, it is very dangerous, but he quickly considered What happened, he sighed secretly and said, "Yang Yi wins this competition!"

When Yang Yi stepped down, he glanced at Ye Qianran again, and then jumped down.

"What are you doing, how can you admit defeat!" Cheng Yuling couldn't help but anxiously said after Ye Qianran came over.

Ye Qianran took a look at Cheng Yuling, and immediately burst out laughing. It's no wonder Cheng Yuling was anxious. When he was about to explain something, Qiao Xiaodi said: "This bastard is advancing by retreating. If Yang Yi and Fu Tianxia have a fight In the duel, if Yang Yi loses, this bastard will directly enter the finals with that Fu Tian, ​​and if Yang Yi wins, this bastard will also be able to see the routine of the two of them."

"The opposite is dangerous, that is, the duel between him and Fu Tian, ​​there is a possibility of losing, but if he wins, Fu Tian will also face Yang Yi once, and the two will also be balanced!" Qiao Xiaodi analyzed.

After hearing Qiao Xiaodi's words, Cheng Yuling immediately understood what was going on, and her expression was relieved at this moment.

"Oh, I didn't expect you, an idiot, to be quite smart sometimes!" Ye Qianran looked at Qiao Xiaodi in surprise from the side.

"That is……"

Qiao Xiaodi snorted coldly, but after saying two words just now, he suddenly remembered something, his expression suddenly became angry, he gritted his silver teeth and looked at Ye Qianran and said, "You bastard..."

When Qiao Xiaodi just said this, Cheng Bo's voice also sounded at this moment: "In the next match, Ye Qianran will face Fu Tian!" Yang Yi and Fu Tian, ​​now that they are like this, he has no choice.

Ye Qianran was taken aback, the plan really couldn't keep up with the changes, but then he calmed down, he and Fu Tian would eventually have a fight, now it's just a little earlier.

Cheng Yuling was pretty good at first, but after hearing Cheng Bo's words, his expression became anxious.

Qiao Xiaodi also froze for a moment, and frowned at this moment.

On the other side, Fu Tian sneered, and his body fell on the battle stage at this time. Ye Qianran still has one more chance, as long as he can defeat Ye Qianran, then all of this will be over.

Ye Qianran shrugged, looked at Fu Tian who had landed on the battle platform, and galloped up immediately.

"This time Ye Qianran will probably be eliminated!"

"Yeah, pretending to be smart, Yang Yi could have been eliminated first, so he could still come in second, but now..."

There are more and more voices discussing below, but most of them are not very optimistic about Ye Qianran. There is no way, Ye Qianran may be very strong, but compared with Fu Tian, ​​I am afraid it is still far behind.

When everyone was talking, Ye Qianran's expression became serious, and Fu Tian's face was full of smiles at this time. Since Ye Qianran chose it himself, then he will completely treat Ye Qianran this time. It's over.

"Let's start!" Cheng Bo's eyes flickered, and then he spoke slowly, but after the words fell, neither of them moved. At this time, Fu Tian looked at Ye Qianran and said, "It will be over in ten seconds!"

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said with a smile: "I'm so scared, I'm so frightened that I pissed!" But after finishing speaking, there was a solemn expression between his brows, Fu Tian's strength is definitely strong enough, but he Here comes the chance to slap your face, ten seconds? If Ten Seconds Futian didn't defeat him, then who is he who is embarrassed? Or him?

Fu Tian sneered, and suddenly his body moved, and when he was moving, the aura on his body soared infinitely at this time, and when the wild spiritual power erupted, everyone present gasped at the same time gas.

Ye Qianran's eyes were floating, and the Aolong Jue also became restless at this time. From the opening to the second level, his mind also entered the second divine sense. At this time, the whole person revealed a domineering aura, while the first With all his attention, he left and watched from a distance. This was the first time he did this since the game.

"Storm punch!"

The cold voice was accompanied by a muffled sound, I saw that Fu Tian was bouncing up at this moment, when the mighty Wu Yuan was condensed like a wave, an extreme fist mark suddenly appeared, and in that frightening Under the powerful force, accompanied by Fu Tian's low shout again, in an instant, the fist mark came out violently at this time, and at an astonishing speed, it slammed down towards Ye Qianran below.

The whistling sound was ear-piercing, and when the mammoth spiritual power was suppressed, the people present instantly exclaimed, was it such an attack at the beginning?

Fu Tian is Fu Tian, ​​with such strength, I'm afraid the entire inner sect can't pick anyone who can match him.

This time everyone believed that within ten seconds, Fu Tian could defeat Ye Qianran, there was no way, Fu Tian's strength was too terrifying, and this time, he might be even stronger in retreat.

Can Ye Qianran match the monster-like talent?

Cheng Yuling was biting her lips tightly at the bottom, her small face was even paler at this time, Ye Qianran was extremely thin under the fist mark at this time... At this moment, her eyes were closed, and she couldn't bear to look at it at all. up.

The elders present looked at each other, and their expressions were equally shocking.

At this moment, Ye Qianran was trembling slightly when he saw the huge fist mark rolling in, was he afraid? That's not the case, Ye Qianran was also moving at this time, and the power of the divine wind surged wildly at this moment.

He has never used this kind of strength in the battle, but this time, since he has decided, he will play it well.

Spreading out his right hand, a ball of light floated at this moment... His expression turned cold at this moment, it was very uncomfortable to be so underestimated.

The tricky spiritual power surged at this time, and when a group of whizzing spiritual power appeared, a piercing sound rang out...

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Qianran's right hand. At this moment, there was a ball of cyan spiritual power floating there, and the cyan spiritual power was spinning at this time, and the speed was getting faster and faster at this time, piercing The sound hurts the eardrums.

Such strong spiritual power!

The elders present were surprised at the same time, but at this time, the ear-piercing voice soared a few decibels again, because Ye Qianran incorporated the power of the stars in his body into it, and suddenly the light ball became bigger, from the size of a fist , instantly became the size of a leather ball, and when Ye Qianran moved, the cyan light group also turned into golden at this time...

"How did he do it?" The elder present was shocked again...

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