Eternal Supreme

Chapter 488


Looking at the shadow of the fist that was close at hand, Ye Qianran smiled, and when his body moved, there was a melodious whistling like a dragon's chant.

It was like this at the beginning, and he liked it very much.

"Shenfeng Seal!"

Ye Qianran didn't have any skills, so he directly named the condensation at this time, and when his voice fell, the power of the kamikaze in his right hand was also imprinted on it at this time.


At the moment of contact, the ear-piercing sound was like a knife cutting. Many people covered their ears at this time, and at this time everyone also saw an astonishing scene.

At the moment when the light ball was imprinted on the fist shadow, the light ball was still spinning rapidly with the spiritual power of the fist shadow, and the huge fist print collapsed instantly under the extreme force, and followed the light ball to spin, Looking from afar, in the midair, a huge hurricane of spiritual power formed.

Fu Tian stepped back with a face full of shock, such tricky spiritual power, how did Ye Qianran do it?

And when he was thinking this way, Ye Qianran controlled the power of the divine wind, driving the hurricane-like spiritual power towards Fu Tian, ​​and the shocking change was extremely mighty.


The people present gasped at the same time, Fu Tian's attack instantly became Ye Qianran's support?

So strong, the people present were shocked.

Cheng Yuling had her eyes closed at this time, but after hearing the voices around her, she opened her eyes and took a quick look. When she saw such a scene, her pretty face instantly turned into shock, her pink and tender little Mouth can not help but open.

Qiao Xiaodi couldn't believe it, but she recognized something. As the previous royal family of the Kamikaze Empire, she could recognize that Ye Qianran's hand was the power of the Kamikaze, the oldest clan of the Kamikaze Empire. And earlier, it was the Kamikaze family who controlled the Kamikaze Empire.

But how could Ye Qianran control this kind of spiritual power?

When her face was full of shock, Fu Tian also moved, and between her hands interlaced, a huge mysterious seal bloomed at this moment, and the dazzling brilliance attracted many eyeballs.


When the spiritual power controlled by Ye Qianran surged up directly, the light of the mysterious seal became more dazzling in an instant, and with the shaking of the mysterious seal, Ye Qianran's spiritual power also resisted it all.

"It's so strong!" The people present were shocked again. Such a scene was like seeing a confrontation between masters and masters. It was completely not what should happen in their generation.

When all the spiritual power was resisted, an astonishing storm of spiritual power swept towards the surroundings at this time.

The people around looked at it, and at this moment they retreated one after another...


The sound of cracking and shattering sounded again, and Ye Qianran's last residual power of the divine wind slapped on it at this time, and the mysterious seal shattered under the astonishing strangling power of the divine wind power, but at the moment of shattering, Fu Tian Attack again, when the astonishing Wu Yuan rioted, the fist print bloomed again...

Ye Qianran's body trembled, and at this moment, his figure flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and even spit out a mouthful of blood.

The faces of all the people present changed at the same time, and Cheng Yuling's face turned pale.

The sound of landing was heard, and Ye Qianran landed heavily on the battle platform, only one meter away from the edge of the battle platform.

"it's over?"

The people present were a little stunned at the same time. Although it took more than ten seconds, the final result was still the same?

Fu Tian took a breath, his expression was still full of surprise, Ye Qianran was so sudden, he really never thought of it, but strength is still strength...

Cheng Bo sighed at this time, and when he was about to speak, a helpless voice sounded: "Damn, I hurt to death!"

After the words fell, everyone was stunned at the same time, and the next moment their eyes fell on Ye Qianran's body, and at this time Ye Qianran's body also slowly stood up, everyone was shocked instantly, after taking such a note, Ye Qianran I can still stand up.

Ye Qianran wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at his body, he was really embarrassed when he sent you, broken everywhere, he shrugged helplessly, and simply tore off the clothes around him, and in an instant, his hardcover body was here It appeared from time to time, of course Xiao Hei and Bingjian were still on his back, so it looked a little weird.


Cheng Yuling and Qiao Xiaodi blushed immediately when they saw it, but the figure was still looking at Ye Qianran at this moment, because they found that Ye Qianran's arms and waist were restrained by the cloth bags one by one.

"What it is?"

When the two noticed it, the people present naturally noticed it too.

"The opening is over, now have fun!"

After the indifferent voice fell, there was a clatter and a crisp sound, and everyone was instantly amazed, it turned out to be pieces of black iron? Ye Qianran actually carried so many heavy things on his body?

Fu Tian's eyes also shrank at this moment, his face showed shock and disbelief...

When a pile of black iron fell on the ground, everyone gasped again. The black iron weighed at least a hundred catties. Has Ye Qianran always carried this thing on his back?

After Ye Qianran threw the last piece on the ground, he felt as if his whole body was floating up, his mouth was split open, and he said slowly: "Open the door..."

The simple two words fell, and the invisible air current ached around Ye Qianran, and his momentum became extremely amazing in an instant...Without the burden of Xuan Tie, his Eight Gates can be used to the maximum limit.

it's over?


Ye Qianran clenched his fists tightly at this time, gritted his teeth and said, "Shut the door! Open!"

As soon as the words fell, the powerful aura soared wildly again, and the invisible air flow was even more sudden, like a beast about to move.

"Dumen! Open!"

The indifferent voice sounded again, and the invisible air current stirred instantly, like a tsunami, turbulent towards the surroundings, and Ye Qianran's momentum at this time was even more astonishing.

Bamen is a heaven-level exercise, and none of the exercises that can be ranked in the sky-rank is simple! His attack and speed are directly proportional to his physical strength.

Ye Qianran didn't have Xuan Tie at this time, and the relaxation of his whole body almost made him worry that the eight doors had been opened to the limit at this time.

"What kind of exercise is that?" Everyone present was shocked at the same time, with faces full of disbelief.

"So strong!"

At this time, no one thought that Ye Qianran would be defeated so easily, because such a scene was too weird...

Ye Qianran felt the astonishing strength coming from all the limbs and skeletons, and the original knot beads belonging to Aolong were also mobilized at this time. Under the light golden rendering, Ye Qianran's whole body was covered with gold.

And on his body, faint lines emerged at this time, which looked extremely mysterious, and those lines were brought out by his Aolong...

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