Eternal Supreme

Chapter 497


The two collided together, and a wave of spiritual power was turbulent at this moment.

At this time, Yang Yi's expression was full of surprise, such domineering spiritual power, without any spiritual power, how could his spiritual power be directly washed away by pure spiritual power?

While thinking, Yang Yi spread his right hand, and suddenly pointed towards Ye Qianran's chest, the speed was like lightning.

It seemed unsurprising on the outside, but at the moment Yang Yi shot, Wu Yuan concentrated on one point, and shot again fiercely and suddenly.

Ye Qianran had noticed it a long time ago, but Yang Yi's attack was very well grasped, and he couldn't dodge such an attack at such a speed, but he had no intention of dodging.

With his right hand spread out, the source of the bead's spiritual power became more intense, and he slapped it directly during the violent mobilization of spiritual power.


The ear-piercing turbulence sounded again, and Ye Qianran was shocked. He felt that the force was very tricky, but he was not bad...

Yang Yi's eyes flickered, and his figure retreated, but Ye Qianran's figure had already appeared in front of him. When the golden light burst out, relying on his advantage of speed, he smashed madly...

"Pfft, this battle is too rogue!"

The faces of the onlookers were full of weirdness, Yang Yi frowned tightly at this time, and when he was finally almost hit by Ye Qianran, his body quickly took two steps back, his hands were interlaced at this time, and when the handprints floated, Xuan The seal appeared, and the next moment, the illusory shadow came out.

The whistling momentum is majestic, and that kind of feeling seems to make people definitely feel that the battle at this time has escalated...

Ye Qianran still had a fresh memory of Yang Yi's handprints. When he used his phoenix eyes to see the spiritual power flowing in his body, his body had already retreated quickly...

But he didn't dodge, because at this time the howling shadow actually filled his body with restlessness, and the crazy fighting spirit brought to him by the Proud Dragon Art didn't want him to dodge.

And he has a feeling that although Yang Yi's attack is extremely terrifying, he can take it down...

When he thought of this force, he stomped his right foot, and his body rushed up at this time. When he jumped up, the golden light became more intense, and then he hugged his hands together and smashed directly up.

"Is he courting death?"

When the people present saw such a scene, their faces were filled with astonishment, and they resisted with their bodies?

No matter how strong Ye Qianran's body is, I'm afraid it won't work, right?

But just when everyone thought so, Ye Qianran had already hit it, the sound of the bang brought an extremely violent shock wave, and when the dazzling light bloomed, Ye Qianran's body trembled under the impact.

The crazy force hit Ye Qianran, but Ye Qianran held it down.

But the pressure suddenly became incomparably huge, but Ye Qianran smiled. That's right, he smiled. When the golden light was released from his eyes, the roar of the dragon roared again, and the golden color became dazzling again. Under the spiritual power, the figure became completely blurred.

At this time, the illusory shadow on his back slowly emerged at this time, and the roar of the dragon roar suddenly became ear-piercing. When the illusory shadow hovered around Ye Qianran, the infinite power, even the power of heaven and earth, was frenzied again. agitation.


Ye Qianran took a low drink, and exerted force with both hands at the same time. The next moment, amidst the surge of golden light, Ye Qianran tore apart the illusory shadow, and the moment he tore it apart, the turbulent spiritual power burst again.

Ye Qianran ignored the exploding spiritual power at this time, and passed through directly, spreading his right hand, and the moment the roar of the dragon roared, he smashed his hands again.

After everyone saw it clearly, their scalps felt numb at the same time. Under such a terrifying attack, Ye Qianran forcibly carried it down, and even scattered the attack. How strong is that body?

Yang Yi was also shocked at this time, and his heart was trembling and admiring. This was the first time he had seen a person with such a strong body.

Seeing Ye Qianran's wild attack at this time, Yang Yi's body also moved, his right hand spread out, and instantly closed together, and the next moment, five extremely astonishing sharpness popped out instantly.

Ye Qianran naturally saw Yang Yi's movements. After a cold snort, he waved his left hand. When the howling dragon chant sounded, the power of heaven and earth surged again. When the power was weakened, he resisted again. It hit it.


The sound sounded like thunder, and everyone blinked their eyes at this time, and when they saw clearly at this moment, they found that Yang Yi's body had already retreated, and Ye Qianran's body had already rushed forward, completely tense. After chasing Yang Yi tightly, after all, Ye Qianran has the upper hand at this time.

Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of surprise, how did Ye Qianran become stronger at this time? Cheng Yuling beside him was also full of joy, as if seeing Ye Qianran's victory.

"Crack mark!"

Yang Yi frowned, crossed his hands, his handprints changed directly, monstrous spiritual power shot up into the sky, and a vast palmprint slapped on it.


Ye Qianran sneered, and the spiritual power of the original bead burst out again, and the next moment, when the dragon roared, it rushed up again.

The corners of Yang Yi's mouth curled up, taking advantage of this time, his hands crossed again, but when the simple aura floated at this time, the mysterious seal emerged at this time, and when the beam of light shot up into the sky, an illusory shadow merged into Yang Yi's body .

At this time, the people present were instantly shocked. They still remembered Yang Yi's move. If it wasn't for Yang Yi's move, Fu Tian would not have lost.

Then Yang Yi used a move at this time, it seems that he was suppressed by Ye Qianran for too long, and now he is thinking of ending the game at once...

Qiao Xiaodi frowned slightly, worry appeared on his face at this moment, and so did Cheng Yuling.

On the other side, Ye Qianran used two divine thoughts, and this scene was also engraved in his mind. When his eyes were slightly narrowed, the domineering force surged again, and when the shattering factor was exploded, his body once again deflection……

That's right, Yang Yi is very good at grasping the timing. Just when he exploded his attack, he chose to make a move, but he didn't know that he could use three things at once!

Yang Yi was shocked when he saw Ye Qianran's body dodge. He was very confident in his grasp, but how did Ye Qianran do it?

But his expression quickly returned to normal, so what if Ye Qianran's reaction speed is fast?

The strange spiritual power fluctuated at this time, and Ye Qianran's inverted body was pulled back by a strange force in an instant, his pupils shrank directly, and the original source of beads burst out. When he was about to resist, Yang Yi But the movement is faster, the right hands are close together and directly clicked...

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