Eternal Supreme

Chapter 498


A voice sounded, blood mist filled the air, and a simple stroke actually poked a blood hole in Ye Qianran's astonishing body, and the blood hole opened from behind him.

it's over? It wasn't over yet, the corners of Yang Yi's mouth curled up, his fierce aura erupted again, his right hand turned into a palm, and the imprint exploded, patting Ye Qianran's body again...

The blood filled the air again in an instant, a huge scar appeared from Ye Qianran's body, and then the whole body fell heavily.


With an exclamation, Cheng Yuling closed her eyes, and her pale complexion looked extremely pale.

Qiao Xiaodi was also taken aback, her face full of worry.

"It's over this time!"

"I didn't expect that after Yang Yi defeated Fu Tian, ​​he could defeat another person again. What a strength!"

"However, Ye Qianran's strength is still weaker, and the injury is so serious!"

The people around are full of regret at this moment...

The elders present frowned and sighed. Cheng Bo also stood up at this time. After frowning slightly, when he was about to speak, he saw Ye Qianran's fists clenched?

"The legendary phoenix eye is said to assist the number one in the world, and it seems that this is not the case now!" Yang Yi frowned slightly, with a slightly disappointed expression.

And at this moment, a helpless voice sounded: "I don't know how powerful the phoenix eye is, but it really hurts me if you hit me..."

Yang Yi froze for a moment, looked up, and was instantly shocked.

Ye Qianran took a breath, and stood up staggeringly at this moment, and the wound on his body was healing rapidly at this time. It didn't take long for him to heal completely. Although it was bloody, there was no wound on his body. No harm.

Is it also the power of blood? Yang Yi was stunned for a moment, two bloodlines?

When the people around saw such a scene, their faces were full of shock and disbelief, it was so weird.

The watching elders glanced at each other, and they could also see the shock on the other side. The wound healed? And it's still such a big wound.

"Is this the Sword God Seal? Sure enough, it's strong enough!"

Ye Qianran spoke again, because when Yang Yi touched him, he smelled the smell of death, and the ancient breath made him unable to resist at all.

But fortunately, there is the power of Jiuyou in his body, and Qi Xiaomei has been crying anxiously, so he wakes up, of course there is another important point, that is, Yang Yi did not kill, otherwise he would not be like this It's easier.

Exhaling a breath, Ye Qianran spread his right hand, and the origin in his body became agitated at this moment, and he opened his mouth and said, "It's my turn now..." After the words fell, Ling Ran's domineering spirit was revealed again.

Yang Yi raised his eyebrows, his expression returned to normal at this time, and he said with a smile on his face: "Although I don't know how you did it, it's interesting!"


Ye Qianran nodded. At this moment, the flame burst out, first it was his own accompanying fire, and when the color changed in the next moment, the scorching power exploded crazily, and in the next moment, the scorching heat exploded even more... …

Is the time for the integration of the three accompanying fires over?

No, at this time the power of the stars was poured into it, and with the sound of a touch, the flame suddenly became a foot high...

Such a strong companion fire!

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes again, his face full of experience.

"Is it very strong?"

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, the source of the dimension was injected, and suddenly the flame was fierce, followed by the source of the divine wind...

But at this time, the flames were mixed with a shrill sound, which was full of ear-piercing.

Ye Qianran originally planned to add some original ones, but the flames were extremely unstable at this time. When he squinted his eyes slightly, the spiritual power that reached the third level of spiritual cultivation opened up in an instant, covering the entire battle platform suddenly.

"This is……"

The elders on the battle stage were stunned for a moment, spiritual power? Ye Qianran has already cultivated spiritually? And judging from the situation of mental power, at least it is an existence above the second floor.

how could be? How could Ye Qianran be spiritually cultivated at such a young age?

Yang Yi was equally shocked and disbelieving at this moment. When Ye Qianran's mental power opened up, he felt that the Qi machine locked him up at this moment.


Ye Qianran opened his mouth and smiled and said: "Although I haven't tried it, I really want to try it now!" After the voice fell, the flames in his right hand separated at this time. When surrounded by groups of flames, dazzling The light is more intense.

The people present opened their mouths, such a scene is really amazing, but how well can Ye Qianran control the accompanying fires floating in the air?

Yang Yi was also surprised, and then his expression became serious.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up. In fact, there is still something wrong with this, that is, the speed is too slow. Yang Yi can take advantage of this opportunity to rush up, but he didn't, which is considered to be a chance for him.

The mental power was shaking at this moment, and the separated and suspended flames covered Yang Yi overwhelmingly the next moment.

"It's so strong!"

Everyone present was shocked at the same time. They thought Ye Qianran was doomed, but they didn't expect such a strange scene.

Qiao Xiaodi also had a weird face at this time, Ye Qianran is really a little strong, he can still stand up after such a heavy attack just now...

Cheng Yuling had already opened her eyes, seeing that Ye Qianran was fine, her expression was truly relieved.

Yang Yi frowned, the scorching heat made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and when his hands were interlaced, the huge mysterious seal emerged at this moment, and when it bloomed, the flame also covered it, but Ye Qianran's Under the control of mental power, a part remained.

The mysterious seal was floating, and Yang Yi was surprised to find that the flame was extremely tricky, with domineering and madness, it directly swallowed his mysterious seal.

Such a scene once again surprised everyone, Ye Qianran's accompanying fire was so fierce?

Yang Yi's eyes fluttered, his hands crossed again, the mysterious seal became dazzling at this time, and it was directly wrapped around it in the next moment, and then the dazzling spiritual power trembled, and the flame instantly turbulent towards the surroundings along with the spiritual power...

But when all this disappeared, his pupils contracted again due to the scorching heat, his body staggered, and his frenzied spiritual power erupted again...

At this time, Ye Qianran looked leisurely, the flames were constantly being released in his hands, damn it, the consumption must be the first...

"What a shameless way of fighting..."

The corners of the mouths of the people present twitched at the same time, Ye Qianran wants to be so 'cheap'...

Ye Qianran was indeed very relaxed at this time, but it didn't take long before the flame in his hand disappeared, and his whole expression became solemn again at this moment, because under his mental power, he clearly felt a wave of Heart-pounding spiritual power bloomed from Yang Yi's body...

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