Eternal Supreme

Chapter 527

"My son-in-law?"

When the four of them heard this, their faces were full of doubts, what does the son-in-law mean?


Ye Qianran naturally saw their expressions, shrugged helplessly, pulled off the mask, and said directly: "My name is Ye Qianran, I am the husband-in-law of the Li family, and I am also the husband-in-law of the princess... By the way, it is still The apprentice of the Supreme Elder of Shenfeng Academy! This little black can testify!"

The voice fell, and the dzi bead also floated out at this time.

The four of them looked shocked at the same time. They were really skeptical at first, but now they believed it.


Ye Qianran smiled again, took Xiao Hei back, and said: "I came here to see what happened in the fierce land, so let's take a look here, anyway, people have been rescued, so you should hurry up." leave!"

The four of them frowned slightly after hearing this, and when they were about to speak, Ye Qianran said again: "I'll withdraw first, you guys go back and report quickly..." After the words fell, Ye Qianran's body also galloped at this time go out.

It was imperative to reveal his identity, but he also had another purpose. First, he told Li Muyun and Feng Ruolan again that he was fine now. Second, he revealed his identity to minimize his suspicion, otherwise there was no need to do so. Getting caught is more convincing.

After all, the four guards here are probably all masters, and none of them are vegetarians. He can tell from the speed.

The four looked at Ye Qianran's back, and their eyes flickered again. At this time, one of them said: "He is right, we really have to go back and report it!"

"Yeah!" The other three nodded without saying a word.

On the mountain range on the other side, the brows of the old woman and others were slightly frowned, and their expressions were a little worried at this moment. Ye Qianran has been there for a very long time. something happened.

The same is true of Qiao Xiaodi, her face was full of worry, but her expression also showed some expectation at this time. She still hoped that Ye Qianran would be safe and sound, and then rescue her father and grandfather safely. If it can be done, it's a big deal for her, don't blame Ye Qianran for kissing her.

"It's almost time!"

An old voice sounded at this moment, with a solemn look on their faces, they couldn't delay any longer, if something really happened to Ye Qianran, it would be even more unfavorable for them if they continued to procrastinate.

"That's right!"

The old woman nodded solemnly at this time, and after scanning her eyes around, she looked at the humans of the beast control clan and said, "Get ready!"

After the words fell, the people of the beast control clan nodded at the same time. At this time, the strange light was also turbulent towards the surroundings at this time, which looked very mysterious, and those monsters and poisonous insects stood up instantly at this moment, staring at it. down.

Just when the old woman was about to say something, Qiao Xiaodi's surprised voice came over and said, "I see two people!"

After the words fell, the people present looked at the direction of Qiao Xiaodi's gaze at the same time. When they saw the two figures, they were stunned at the same time, because with the distance getting closer, they could see clearly now , The instant surprise is presented again.


The muffled voice fell, and the old man and the middle-aged man also fell at this time, and their spiritual power swept through, and they also instantly restrained.

"Father? Grandpa?"

Qiao Xiaodi had never met her father and grandfather, because her father had already left before she was born, but she could feel the family affection, so the circles of her eyes turned red instantly.

"Brother, father!" The old woman said after seeing the man and the old man, and her eye circles turned red at this time.

The expressions of the man and the old man also fluctuated. After being imprisoned for such a long time, seeing their relatives suddenly, the feeling is self-evident.

"Sister, you..."

After the middle-aged man glanced over Qiao Xiaodi, his eyes fell on the old woman. He really didn't expect that he hadn't seen his sister for nearly twenty years, but found that her sister had become so old at this time, but the familiar He still recognized the face.

Because when he came out with his sister, he was still very young. After all, he grew up with his sister, so he was very close to this sister, and suddenly saw his sister become like this, Sadness is inevitable.

In addition, he also guessed that it was probably because of the two of them that his sister aged so quickly, so he was full of guilt at this moment.

The old man's expression fluctuated the most. He remembered that when he was imprisoned, his daughter was still in her prime... Suddenly he realized that a long time had really passed...

The old woman took a deep breath, then smiled, and suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, what about Qianran?"

After hearing what the old woman said, Qiao Xiaodi thought of something. She glanced quickly, but she did not find Ye Qianran's figure. Suddenly, a worried look appeared on her face at this time, and her eyes fell on his father. body, waiting for his answer.

Ye Qianran shouldn't have any problems because he saved his father and grandfather, right? The more he thought about it, the more worried he felt in his heart.


The middle-aged man was puzzled, then thought of something, glanced at Qiao Xiaodi, with a rare smile on his face and said: "He is still staying there, he said he is dealing with some things, he should be back soon !" After finishing speaking, he paused and said, "I'm sorry Xiaodi, I'm not a good father. You grew up and never took care of you! By the way, what about your mother? Why didn't you see her?"

"Mother..." After hearing this, Qiao Xiaodi's eye circles turned rosy. At this time, the old woman said, "When Xiaodi was born, her siblings were too tired, so she went too!"

The middle-aged man's body trembled, his fists clenched tightly, and he punched a tree for the last time. His face was full of guilt and sadness. He was not a good father, nor was he a good husband. Maybe at that time he really She should stay and take good care of her, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't happen now.

And Qiao Xiaodi naturally saw her father's sadness, she lowered her head and said nothing, but her eye circles were extremely rosy again, she had never seen her mother and father since she was a child...she may have suffered more.

The old man next to him sighed secretly, and his expression also showed a look of loneliness at this time.

After a long time, the middle-aged man came back to his senses, and finally his eyes fell on Qiao Xiaodi, and he said softly: "Xiaodi, you should be a girl, come and show me what my daughter looks like! "

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