Eternal Supreme

Chapter 528

Qiao Xiaodi didn't say anything when he heard it, and nodded in agreement, his spiritual power fluctuated at this moment, and then a beautiful face like a fairy appeared at this moment.

The middle-aged man was stunned after seeing it, and after a long time, his expression became softer. He stretched out his hand and patted Qiao Xiaodi's head lightly: "It looks like your mother!" After finishing speaking, his face was full of tears. Kindness.

Feeling the affection of the middle-aged man, Qiao Xiaodi's expression was also full of warmth, and she lowered her head with a blushing face, but would she be similar to her mother? After thinking of this, a strange look inevitably emerged.

The whistling sounded again. At this time, everyone looked up and found a figure galloping towards them. At this time, everyone was vigilant, but after getting closer, they also felt relieved at the same time, because the person who came over was Ye Qianran.

Qiao Xiaodi raised his head to see Ye Qian and then, his expression was relieved at this time, but when he thought of the kiss when Ye Qianran left, his face was still rosy, his eyes flickered, and finally decided to take this matter seriously. Never mention it again.

"Hey, they're all here!"

After Ye Qianran came down, he smiled, then looked at the old woman and said, "This time the task is considered complete, right?"

"Qianran, thank you very much this time, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have succeeded so easily!" the old woman said sincerely.

Ye Qianran shook his head and said, "You don't need to be so polite."

"Yeah, we are all a family, there is no need to be so polite!" The middle-aged man said with a smile on the side.

After the voice fell, many people present were stunned. They were all a family. Why does it sound weird? Why is it a family?


Ye Qianran coughed dryly at this time, and said with a haha: "That's right, it's all a family, so don't be so polite!"

The middle-aged man looked at Qiao Xiaodi with a smile on his face and said: "Xiaodi, Qianran is very good, you and him must speed up... I can wait to hold my grandson!"


The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched. This time the misunderstanding was big. Before Qiao Xiaodi recovered his senses, he quickly said, "Ah, the weather is fine today. I'll take a walk around..."

"Qianran... you damn bastard, I'm going to kill you!" A scream rang out, and then the screams rose and fell again.

During the night, Ye Qianran looked at the other side, Qiao Xiaodi's face was full of frost, his expression was full of embarrassment, and the relationship between the two seemed to be stiff again.


Qiao Yanjing came to Ye Qianran's side, smiled and said, "I haven't taken good care of my daughter, so I can't talk to her, but since I'm a man, let's work hard!"

Ye Qianran looked at the middle-aged man with a strange look on his face. He really didn't expect Qiao Yanjing to support him so much after learning the truth.

In fact, Qiao Yanjing also has selfish intentions. He learned a lot about Ye Qianran from the old woman. Not to mention the two heavenly artifacts on his body, his blood is extremely powerful. If Ye Qianran can succeed with Qiao Xiaodi, the next The first generation will definitely be stronger.

This is this world, they don't value each other's family affairs, blood determines everything.

"I know, uncle!" Ye Qianran coughed dryly.

Qiao Yanjing did not refute at this time, but nodded with a smile.

Ye Qianran let out a breath, and leaned against the tree. Qiao Xiaodi was still angry, and he was not suitable for going up directly, so let's wait until his anger subsides.

The next day, Ye Qianran opened his eyes early, but found that Qiao Xiaodi had woken up. When he looked over, he just met those beautiful eyes, and the latter frowned slightly when he saw it. , turned his head after glaring at him.

Ye Qianran had no choice but to smile bitterly. It seems that it is very difficult to get Qiao Xiaodi's forgiveness. After all, girls in this world still pay more attention to reputation. He is also in debt, otherwise it would not be the case.

After the old woman and the others got up, while eating some fruits, Ye Qianran said: "Senior, what are your plans for the future?"

Now that the task is considered complete, it can be said that there is nothing to do, and they will part ways sooner or later, after all, he can't keep following like this forever.

The old woman didn't speak at this moment, but set her eyes on Qiao Zongping, Qiao Xiaodi's grandfather.

Qiao Zongping narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said coldly: "Get ready, get back what we lost!"

Ye Qianran's face changed slightly, and then he coughed dryly: "Old man, can you listen to me?"

"Little brother, you have agreed!" Qiao Zongping nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"If there is a fight, there will be damage!"

Ye Qianran hesitated and said: "Now the Feng family of the Kamikaze Empire is developing very powerfully. As far as I know, the Kamikaze Academy is helping them. In addition, there are countless forces under the Feng family, so I think it's the same anyway. It's better to finish the rest comfortably!"

In fact, this is what he is most worried about. He helped rescue people here, and Feng Ruolan is in danger, so he must enlighten him now.

Qiao Zongping frowned, and said with a more indifferent expression: "Do you know how long I, Qiao Zongping, was imprisoned in that place? Do you know how prosperous the Qiao family used to be? If it wasn't for the Feng family, how could our Qiao family have fallen How far has it come?"

Ye Qianran understood what Qiao Zongping said very well, but still said: "Old man, think about it, the Feng family must know that Xiaodi and the others exist, but why didn't they send people to kill them all? And you, old man, why did they just imprisoned."

"What do you mean?" Qiao Zongping frowned slightly.

"I don't mean anything..."

Ye Qianran shook his head and said: "I just want to say that if the Feng family is really going to be wiped out, the Qiao family will no longer exist... Even if the Qiao family is ready at this time, it will be very difficult to fight against the deeply rooted Feng family. It's very difficult, even if it succeeds by chance, it will definitely be taken over by others, but what if it doesn't succeed? The Qiao family may be completely wiped out..."

Qiao Zongping was stunned, and his expression became more indifferent, but what Ye Qianran said was not unreasonable. The Qiao family has been reduced to Qiao Xiaodi's lineage, and it is still a girl's family, even if it succeeds so what?

But he couldn't swallow the humiliation no matter what.

Seeing that Qiao Zongping stopped talking, Ye Qianran didn't know what he was thinking, and finally said: "I don't know why the Feng family robbed the emperor's position at that time, but I believe there must be a reason, and there must be a reason for the gain. , sometimes look away, take a step back, as long as the Qiao family is not destroyed, sooner or later he will get up, right?"

"Then you and Xiaodi need to speed up!"

Qiao Yanjing sighed secretly and said, "Now the Qiao family is indeed too sparse..."

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