Eternal Supreme

Chapter 574

"How could it be?" The woman's face was full of surprise and disbelief when she heard that, someone actually walked into the elf guard? Seeing Anya's happy face, the woman couldn't help asking, "Who is he?"

"Well, I'm not too sure, but he's not from the elf family, but he can walk into the guardian of the elves, and his heart must be pure!" Anya said.

The woman was shocked for a moment, then her eyes flickered and she said: "An Ya, you are tired too, go to bed earlier, let's talk about something tomorrow!"

"En!" Anya nodded obediently at this time, then turned and walked inside.

At this time, the woman looked at the woman who escorted Anya over and said, "Fourth Elder, what's going on? Could it be that someone really entered the elf guardianship? Isn't the ancestor's prophecy..."

The fourth elder nodded slightly, his eyes also flickered, and finally told what he understood from the green shade, and after a pause, he said: "That boy is indeed not simple!"

"Human?" The woman had a strange look on her face, then frowned slightly, and finally sighed: "Fourth Elder, you are right, let him stay first no matter what!"

"Well, how to solve Anya's matter?" the Fourth Elder asked after a pause.

The woman was startled, and finally sighed secretly: "If he is really the person predicted by the elves, it means that he can contact the origin of elves!"

The Fourth Elder's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he said: "Patriarch, no one from the elves should be easily touched. Anya was born from the origin, and perhaps only she can do it!"

The woman's eyes flickered: "How about the specifics, let's talk about it after seeing him tomorrow!"

The Fourth Elder nodded slightly and agreed, then thought of something and said: "In a few days, Anya will be able to complete the ceremony. The human ceremony is over, and the forbidden area of ​​the elves is ready, but Anya can try to integrate the origin."

"Well, but can she succeed alone? After all, the source..." After hearing this, the woman put her right hand on her abdomen, and her face showed a little strangeness.

"How will you know if you don't try!"

While the fourth elder was speaking, he also saw the woman's expression, paused and said: "Patriarch, I really worked hard on you before!"

The woman smiled and shook her head after hearing this, but in the end she didn't say anything, but her expression seemed a little more blurred...

After a night of nothing, the next day, Ye Qianran woke up early. After opening his eyes, he felt very comfortable all over his body, and the source of the power of heaven and earth in his body was very active, which is enough to prove that this place, the power of heaven and earth It can be said that it is very rich, otherwise it will definitely not achieve this effect.

It didn't take long for Bai Bingbing to wake up, and looked up at Ye Qianran, but she didn't get anxious, and still leaned in his arms to enjoy the silence at this moment.

Ye Qianran stroked Bai Bingbing's beautiful hair, with a smile on his face, and then said: "Bingbing, you said that everything will be settled in the future, how about living in such a place?"

When Bai Bingbing heard it, her face turned red instantly, and finally she nodded shyly. If it was possible, she was looking forward to it in her heart.

"Hey, anything is possible..."

Ye Qianran said something firmly at this time, and then laughed again: "It's like you wouldn't let me hug you before, but now you can kiss me!" After speaking, she blinked and kissed on that cheek One sip, but it seems that they have always kissed on the face, how about changing the position this time? At the moment, his eyes flickered, and he leaned over again...

Bai Bingbing seemed to feel something too, her purple eyes were a little shy, and finally she closed them.

In fact, think about it, at the beginning, she hated and hated Ye Qianran very much, but later on, she changed a lot because of Ye Qianran.

Now that she has become like this, Ye Qianran is still by her side. Apart from being moved, she is still moved in her heart, and her mind is also on Ye Qianran at this time.

As the distance between the two drew closer, when Ye Qianran's heart was restless, the sound of knocking on the door sounded at this moment.

"Eh!" Ye Qianran was stunned, and looked up, a gloomy look inevitably emerged.

And Bai Bingbing also opened his eyes at this time, and when his face was hot, he quickly pushed Ye Qianran away, and then walked off the bed.

Ye Qianran coughed dryly, and also got off the bed. When she opened the door, she found that she was a little girl from the elf clan. She was quite cute, with pointed ears and big eyes. With curiosity.

Ye Qianran could tell from the expression of the girl in front of him that this little girl should have never been an elf.

"Brother, sister, I'm bringing you food!"

As the girl spoke, she raised the tray in her hand, and there were many attractive fruits on it.

"Thank you!" Ye Qianran said with a smile at this time, and also took it.

"Aunt Luyin asked me to inform my brothers and sisters to go to the lobby after eating!" said the girl.

"En!" Ye Qianran nodded, and then invited the girl to come in as well.

While the two were eating fruit, the girl kept looking at them curiously, but Ye Qianran was fine, which made Bai Bingbing's face a little embarrassed.

"Little girl, what do you always watch us do? Hey, do you think my brother is handsome!" Ye Qianran laughed.

"Huh?" When the little girl heard this, her face was full of doubts.

"Um, it's just beautiful!" Ye Qianran coughed dryly.

"Well, my sister is pretty!" The little girl's eyes fell on Bai Bingbing after hearing this.

Ye Qianran was stunned, feeling embarrassed in his heart, but thinking about it, all the elves are handsome men and beautiful women, so he is really not outstanding here.

Seeing Ye Qianran's gloomy look, Bai Bingbing smiled with her mouth pursed, but soon her smile also subsided.

After eating briefly, Ye Qianran said: "Little girl, please lead the way!"

"En!" The girl nodded heavily, sat up from her seat, and led the two of them outside.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran was still looking around, only then did he realize that there was a huge garden and orchard in the distance, which looked very beautiful, a fairyland on earth!

When he arrived at the lobby, Ye Qianran found that it was a very big tree house. At the door, two young handsome men were guarding there. It got back to normal soon.

"Brother, sister, go in, I'm going to play!" the little girl said, turned and ran away.

"What a cute girl!" Ye Qianran looked at the girl's back and said, the figure of the cute girl Zhi Guoguo couldn't help appearing in his mind, his heart fluctuated a bit, and after he had decided to settle the matter here, he found Fenghuang The family went to see Guoguo, otherwise they would always be worried...

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