Eternal Supreme

Chapter 575

"Come on, let's go in!"

Ye Qianran looked at the tree house, and his heart beat faster. Since he called them here so early, he should be thanking them. In addition, the green shade might also have settled the strangeness of the elf grass? After thinking of this, he pulled Bai Bingbing and walked directly inside...

"Are there so many people?"

When he came inside, Ye Qianran glanced around and found that there were not too many people in the whole room. There were six women and one man in the row on the left, and one more person was the green shade, and the right was empty. no one.

They should all be elders, right?

Because of the appearance of the elves, it was really difficult for him to distinguish, his eyes flickered, and he finally saw the front.

When he saw the woman sitting on guard, he couldn't help being stunned, she was such a beautiful woman.

She has a pretty oval face, smoky eyebrows and a nose, her pink lips are glowing with crystal, and her blue hair reaches her waist. She looks extremely beautiful!

Dressed in a light blue shirt, the fair skin was revealed under the slender jade neck, and the overall look was spotless, and the pair of eyes were clear and majestic.

When Ye Qianran looked at the woman, the woman also noticed his gaze, her brows were slightly frowned, and an unnatural look appeared on her face, a little rosy, which made him stunned again.

The patriarch of this elf family is so beautiful?

He always thought it was a man, but he never thought it was a woman, and she was such a beautiful woman...

"You two, I am the patriarch of the elves, and my name is Ansha! I invite you two this time, mainly to thank you for helping to save my daughter!" A moving voice sounded, and a pair of bright eyes fell on them body.

"Uh, my name is Ye Qianran, and she is my wife Bai Bingbing!" Ye Qianran coughed dryly, feeling a little ashamed at this moment, after all, it was impolite to stare at her just now.

"Well, please sit down, both of you!" Ansha said slowly. At this time, Ye Qianran was not polite. After seeing that there was an empty seat next to her, she took Bai Bingbing and sat down. At this time, he also saw Lu Yin who was sitting opposite. A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I heard from Luyin that you want the fairy grass from our elves?" The woman spoke again with a puzzled expression.

"That's right!"

Ye Qianran nodded heavily and said: "My wife is an Enandu body, so she needs the assistance of the spirit grass, and I hope the patriarch will be successful!"

Ansha looked a little surprised, obviously she had heard of the map of calamities, and said immediately: "It's okay, but you need to stay in the elves for a few more days, just two days later, Anya will become a success. It’s time to get the spirit grass, so it’s okay to give you two as well!”

After hearing this, Ye Qianran said with joy on his face: "Then thank you patriarch!"

Ansha shook her head after hearing this, and then a look of curiosity appeared on her face, and she said immediately: "I want to ask, how did you get into the guardian of the elves!"

"Hey, this one!" Ye Qianran chuckled, and then said directly, "It's because of Xiao Hei!"

"Xiao Hei?" Ansha's face was full of doubts after hearing this.

"Uh, it's Tianzhu!" Ye Qianran shrugged, simply said Xiao Hei's real name, and said directly: "Xiao Hei, he has the ability to break through the spiritual power of any seal, otherwise I can't walk in that thing !” After speaking, he coughed dryly, his face was full of shame...

The woman's face was full of surprise, Tianzhu? There is actually a heavenly weapon on Ye Qianran's body? When his face was full of surprise, Ye Qianran said again: "The other little elf... E Anya's matter is a misunderstanding, you can explain it to her then!"

The woman regained her senses, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran again, and then said: "Can I see your heavenly weapon?"

"Xiao Hei?"

After Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, he nodded and agreed, his spiritual power surged, and Xiao Hei also floated out at this time.

"It really is a heavenly weapon!" Feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power, Ansha's face was full of strangeness again, and finally she took another deep look at Ye Qianran: "You can get the heavenly weapon, which also proves that your source of blessing is very good." Deep, I believe you will definitely be different in the future!"

"Hey, thank you!" Ye Qianran said with a smile on his face, and then he couldn't help but look at the woman again. Is she Anya's mother? Why are you so young? It is estimated that An Ya was standing next to the woman, and if she didn't say anything, she would have thought she was a sister.

Ansha also saw Ye Qianran's scrutinizing eyes, her face flushed slightly, her expression became unnatural again, and finally said: "Then please go to rest first, I will give you the elf grass!"

"Okay!" Ye Qianran recovered, nodded, pulled Bai Bingbing and walked out at this time.

After Ye Qianran left, the woman looked at Lu Yin and said, "You are satisfied this time!"

Lu Yin nodded lightly, with a smile on his face, and then thought of something and said: "However, he has more than one heavenly weapon. As far as I know, he also has Danta's flame knife and the star dagger of the Xingchen clan." , and there is also the sky fire derived from the sky and the earth..."

Lu Yin actually said it casually, but after his words fell, the venue instantly became extremely quiet.

Lu Yin froze for a moment, doubts appeared on his face, but it was quite shocking to think about this kind of thing.

After a long time, Ansha looked at Lu Yin and said, "Lu Yin, since that's the case, you should go out first, I have something to discuss with the elder who is working!"

"Yes!" Lu Yin nodded and walked outside, but the doubts on his face deepened, what's the matter?

After Lu Yin left, Ansha glanced around and said: "I believe you all know about the rescue of Anya, right? Ye Qianran is the one who stepped into the guardian of the elves!"

Those present nodded at the same time.

"I thought it would be a coincidence, but now it seems that it is not that simple!" Ansha's voice was solemn, and finally said slowly: "Let's not talk about the three heavenly artifacts, just the heavenly fire spiritual power derived from heaven and earth His strength is comparable to the origin of the elves, since he can successfully merge, it means that he can also touch the origin of the elves, maybe he is really the one predicted by the elves!"

At this moment, none of the elders present could defend themselves, if Ye Qianran had Heavenly Fire, what Ansha said was completely correct.

They also thought that this kind of thing would never happen, maybe it was just a random word from the ancestors, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

"When I was just born, Anya was conceived in my body. When I was eighteen years old, that is, when I became the patriarch, Anya was born. Everyone has seen her growth speed. At this time, at this stage, Someone who can step into the protection of the spirit appeared..."

Ansha's beautiful eyes flickered, and she finally raised her head and said, "So I think he and Anya will try together..."

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