Eternal Supreme

Chapter 577

"My son, what are you thinking!"

Bai Bingbing looked at Ye Qianran in a daze, and doubts appeared on his face.

"Pfft, where there is a ditch, there must be fire...Pfft, I mean, my sky fire is pretty good..." Ye Qianran coughed dryly, put away the sky fire, and walked out with Bai Bingbing.

It's still early, but he and Bai Bingbing can have a good time in this elf family.

Passing by this huge garden, Ye Qianran walked around the orchard again, and found that there are a lot of fruits here, covering a very wide area, and there is a huge stream ahead, the stream is so clear that you can see Fish swimming around in the clearing.

"Such a place is so beautiful!" Ye Qianran once again admired, and his expression showed surprise again.

This is still a sealed space, but this sealed space should be expressed in one word, which is ingenious, because it is hard to imagine that such a place still exists.

After taking Bai Bingbing around again, he found that there was an opening in front of him, and that opening was guarded by two elves. A look of doubt appeared on Ye Qianran's face. What is this place?

According to his many years of experience, it should be a place where there are treasures...

If it was placed in another place, Ye Qianran would definitely visit it curiously at night, but now he has restrained his thoughts.

The overall feeling of the elves is pure and kind, so he should keep a low profile...

He took Bai Bingbing away from this direction, and walked around this space again. At this time, he found that the sealed space was really big enough, and it gave people the feeling that there was no sense of boundaries. At least when he looked into the distance, it was always in this way.

When he was about to turn back with Bai Bingbing, his footsteps stopped at this moment, because the three elves stopped them, and he was very familiar with the elf who took the lead, it was they who almost fought him when they came in The male elf, whose name seems to be Boyu.

Seeing the other party's expression, Ye Qianran knew that the other party's visitor was not kind, so his eyes flickered and he said: "What's the matter?"

"I knew that there was nothing good for you to come in. You should be with the person who kidnapped the little princess. This kind of play will help you get inside our elves!" Boyu's eyes flickered.

In fact, when Ye Qianran turned around, he had his eyes on Ye Qianran. At this time, he always felt that he was sneaky. After all, he almost walked the elves all over. The purpose should be to understand the elves thoroughly, right?


After Ye Qianran heard the elf's words, his eyes widened instantly, and his expression was even full of surprise. The elf in front of him was indeed very smart, but it was a pity that he was too smart, but according to ordinary thinking, it is absolutely impossible to think so. No mistakes at all.

"Why, am I right?" Boyu looked at Ye Qianran's face full of surprise, his voice became extremely cold at this moment, the sword in his left hand was raised coldly at this moment, and murderous intent surged at this moment out.


Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and said: "If what you said is true, I wouldn't have waited until now, and you don't even think about it yourself!" After she finished speaking, her expression was full of helplessness.

"Who knows your real purpose!" After Boyu finished speaking, the sword had been drawn out at this time, and the two elves following him were also ready to attack at any time.

Ye Qianran sensed Boyu's murderous intent, and knew in his heart that he should be more hostile to outsiders, so he shrugged his shoulders, pulled out the ice sword on his back, and said directly: "Okay, since you want to fight, then Just hit once!" At this time, he also really wanted to try the abilities of the elves.

"Bingbing, get out of the way, you can't do anything!"

When the spiritual power of Ye Qianran's mysterious ice beads surged, his eyes also fell on Bai Bingbing's body. There was no way for Bai Bingbing to be in Enandu's body. up.


Bai Bingbing nodded slightly, and backed away at this time, but her expression was a little worried. She didn't know the abilities of the elves, but it shouldn't be much different, otherwise she wouldn't have become the first leader of the entire Xuanmu Empire. leader again.

"You two are also watching, don't do anything without my order!" Boyu looked at the two elves behind him and said.

The two elves nodded respectfully after hearing this, and also backed away at this time.

Boyu looked at Ye Qianran at this moment, and the green light surged out at this moment, and the aura on his body also soared.

Ye Qianran's expression was slightly surprised, and he felt some pressure, so when he came back to his senses, his expression also showed a solemn look, his right hand was holding the ice sword tightly, and the temperature around him also dropped at this time.

The corners of Boyu's mouth curled up, and his body also moved at this moment, the speed was extremely fast, the illusory figure flickered, and it came directly in front of him, when the edge was floating, the sword glow, against the background of green spiritual power, directly hit Ye Qian Then covered it.

Ye Qianran was stunned, the elf in front of him was really not simple, he had reached this point relying on his own speed, but his reaction was not slow, the ice sword in his right hand flicked, and when the blue light bloomed, it also went up horizontally .


A muffled voice bloomed, Ye Qianranxuan's ice beads trembled again, and Lang Guang erupted again.

The voice fell, and the two separated at this moment. At this time, Boyu's eyes became colder and he said: "Is it so powerful?"

After the words fell, the cold light surged, and he took a step forward, and all the strong green lights burst out. At this time, Ye Qianran saw that the flowers and plants around him were surging at this time.

Ye Qianran frowned slightly. He didn't dare to explode too strongly, let alone use the real heavenly weapon. After all, the damage caused was too great, and he didn't want to completely mess up the good environment.

When he was thinking like this, Boyu's body moved again, and his right foot stomped on the ground. At that moment, it seemed that the emperor trembled, and then his figure soared again.

Ye Qianran felt the increasing pressure, Aolong opened his mouth at this time, and then resisted again.


In response to the astonishing turmoil of spiritual power, when the bodies of the two separated, Boyu turned over and slapped his right hand on the ground, an astonishing spiritual power poured into the emperor.

Ye Qianran's heart trembled, his body kicked back quickly, and the place where he was before collapsed in an instant.

Such a strong ability!

Ye Qianran knew in his heart that if he hadn't been vigilant in advance, he would definitely be tricked this time...

Looking up at Boyu again, he found a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Qianran was stunned again, the next moment, the green glow surged, and several green sharp streaks came out instantly, the ear-piercing voice whizzed, it felt as if it wanted to pierce through everything...

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