Eternal Supreme

Chapter 578

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, the speed was too fast, the phoenix eyes opened, and his body accelerated instantly, but at this moment, more than a dozen vines surged again, but entangled his body.

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, looking at the galloping green light, his pupils inevitably contracted again, at this time the little mink in his chest came out, and when the white light flowed, something happened in front of Ye Qianran again. There was a sudden change, and the green light surged, directly enveloping him.


A trembling voice sounded, when the green light was on the ray, it was resisted by the guardian, but the guardian spiritual power also rippled at this time.

Ye Qianran was surprised, what's going on?

At this time, the pure and delicate fragrance wafted into his nostrils, but a figure was lying in front of him. Although what he saw was only the back, he could also guess that the person in front of him was the little princess Anya, because the dark green color directly reached her. The long hair on the buttocks is extremely conspicuous.

Bai Bingbing in the distance exhaled at this time, and his expression was relieved, but he also looked at Bo Yu in surprise at this time.

I can't blame him for protecting the elves, but he is actually very powerful.

"Little princess!"

When Bo Yu saw that figure, his face was full of surprise, and then he frowned and said, "Little princess, get out of the way quickly, this kid is definitely not a good person!"

"My husband is a good man!"

The soft voice was firm, and the green light surged, covering Anya's whole body, and then said: "Mother said that people who can enter the guardianship of the elves are good people, and they are all pure people, and my husband even rescued them." I..."

Bo Yu frowned slightly, and then looked at Ye Qianran with a slightly lowered gaze. He really didn't know what kind of fan Ye Qianran gave the little princess. The medicine actually helped an outsider.

Ye Qianran, who was restrained, sighed secretly, this time it is really embarrassing, do you want to be protected by a girl? How can you be willing?

The accompanying fire surged, and when the vines dissipated, Ye Qianran's body also fell, and then he stretched out his hand and patted the little princess's head lightly: "Little elf, get out of the way, this is between men." fighting!"

Anya's body trembled, and the spiritual power in her body instantly dissipated. She covered her head with her small hands and turned her head. Looking at Ye Qianran's helpless expression, she said, "Husband, brother Boyu is very strong, you are no match for him!"


Ye Qianran felt melancholy when she heard it, and reached out her hand to knock on Anya's head again: "Go to the side and watch, and see how I can defeat him!"

"Yeah!" Anya blinked her green eyes, finally nodded obediently, and walked to the side, but those green eyes were still closely looking in their direction, showing some worries.

Ye Qianran shrugged, his eyes fell on Boyu at this moment and said: "Since you think about it, let's start!"

As the words fell, the ice sword in his hand trembled again, and the powerful spiritual power surged, and the Aolong Jue was also opened to the third level at this time. At this time, his phoenix eyes were also opened, and his expression became completely focused.

The two younger sisters are watching, he must not be ashamed now.

"Hmph, this is a man!"

Boyu's expression flickered, the sword in his right hand trembled, and his body galloped again. In mid-air, the sword in his hand surged again, and when the green light bloomed, dozens of green lights merged into the air.

Ye Qianran was surprised. Through the eyes of the phoenix, he could catch the trajectory of the green light, and he found that the green light covered the surrounding area.

When he was in doubt, the pure energy was turbulent, and then a green swirling imprint emerged.

"What a fast speed!" Ye Qianran was amazed, all imprints required tricks, but Boyu didn't do it.


Boyu snorted coldly, spread out his left hand, grasped it instantly, the green mark spun rapidly, and then his feet collapsed again, at the same time, countless green lights and vines burst out, covering Ye Qianran directly.

Ye Qianran was shocked, but at this time he had no intention of dodging. When the roar of the dragon roared, he jumped up, and the moment the blue dragon loomed, the sky was full of blue light.


The ear-piercing staring sound rang out continuously, and when it fluctuated like a rhythm, everything was frozen. Although his mental power only locked on the attack, ice shards appeared on the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, which looked extremely eye-catching.

"how come?"

Boyu's expression was full of surprise, such pure spiritual power, and his expression became more focused at the moment, when the spring-like spiritual power surged again, his body galloped towards Ye Qianran again.

After Ye Qianran saw it, he also went up to meet him, and the two figures intertwined instantly, and the galloping spiritual power rippled like waves.

"Bang bang..."

The piercing voice continued, and Anya and Bai Bingbing watched from the side with worried faces.


Green light and blue light blasted out at this moment, the ear-piercing voice was turbulent, but the two separated instantly.

"Mysterious wooden seal!"

A cold voice sounded, Boyu interlaced his hands, the green light surged again, and finally turned into a blue seal, enveloping Ye Qianran again like a rhythm.

Ye Qianran frowned slightly, and before the mysterious seal was activated, he swung the shoulders in his right hand, and when the roar of the dragon roared again, a rippling light struck it.

The corners of Boyu's mouth turned up, he snorted coldly, and spread his left hand again. At this moment, the mysterious seal dissipated in the air instantly. From the trajectory, Ye Qianran caught that the mysterious seal actually sank into the ground.

Ye Qianran was surprised, but at this moment, a green figure emerged from the ground and rolled directly towards his body.

Ye Qianran was amazed, and quickly dodged. After the figure flew into the air, the light swept over again, and saw the figure, which was very huge, like a green forest. Suddenly, with a flick of the tail, there was a sound of piercing the sky, He threw it directly at Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran's face was full of astonishment, he couldn't dodge the speed so fast, he immediately opened the door with his naked eyes floating, and when the invisible energy enveloped him, his arms intertwined at the same time.


The deep voice fell again, and Ye Qianran's body was directly slapped down, which is enough to show how terrifying that strength is.

"It's Brother Boyu's spirit beast..." Anya couldn't help but exclaimed.

Bai Bingbing was startled when he heard that, spirit beast? But when he thinks about it, he thinks it's impossible. He's seen the spirit beasts before, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the little mink beast in Ye Qianran's arms. I still remember it clearly now.

"It hurts!"

Ye Qianran cursed secretly at this time, and his body also rushed out at this time. At this time, his eyes also fell on the illusory shadow, and found that he also became clear at this time, it was indeed a entrenched green python ...

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