Eternal Supreme

Chapter 583

"Is this the spirit grass?"

At noon that day, Ye Qianran was invited over again by Ansha, and at this time Ansha also handed the progressing grass to Ye Qianran, and when Ye Qianran saw the two fairy grass Ansha handed him, A strange look appeared on his expression in an instant.

Because the spirit grass is very beautiful, with a pink flower at the top, and its leaves are very strange, like four pairs of wings spread out.

"Well, the spirit grass is conceived by absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and it contains the purest spiritual energy of heaven and earth!" Ansha said.

Ye Qianran nodded, then thought of something, looked at Ansha and said, "Miss Ansha, can I ask you a question?"

After hearing this, An Sha said with a puzzled face: "Well, Mr. An, please say so!"

Ye Qianran nodded and said directly: "Tianluogen, Biluoguo, do you know these two herbs?" After speaking, a look of expectation appeared on his face.


Ansha nodded and said: "I know, Tianluogen is in Xuanmu!"

"Really?" Ye Qianran's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this.

"That's right, it's in Tianluo Palace!"

Ansha said: "The root of the sky is similar to the fairy grass. It is also conceived by combining the power of heaven and earth, and what it contains is also different. It is also a treasure in Tianluo"

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out myself!" Ye Qianran's heart was agitated, he had just thought about it before, but now it seems that it is really not a coincidence, and he is really in Tianluo Palace, so he asked again : "What about Biluoguo?"

"Biluoguo is in the Heaven and Earth Empire. I don't know the exact place. I need you to check it yourself!" Ansha said with a little apology on her face.

"Is it heaven and earth?"

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this, so he wouldn't care so much, he would go wherever he was, although the specific location of Biluoguo was not clear, wouldn't he know it when he arrived in Tiantu? Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Ansha and said: "Then thank you Miss Ansha!"

After hearing this, Ansha smiled and shook her head, "Master Ye, you're welcome!"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered, and then he suddenly thought of something and said: "By the way, how is Xuanmu's royal family now? Is the dispute over?"

"I don't know the details. When you brought back this news before, I sent people from the elves to help. It should be there soon!"

Ansha said: "Okay, let's eat first, this time it was made by Anya." After speaking, her eyes fell on Anya.

Ye Qianran nodded to express his understanding. He glanced at Anya in surprise, then landed on the vegetable dish, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. At this moment, he found that the taste was also very good. He looked at Anya and said: "Anya's craftsmanship is also very good, delicious!"

Anya's expression was already filled with anticipation, but when she heard Ye Qianran's flowers, she also expressed great joy in her emerald eyes, "Thank you, husband!"

Ye Qianran nodded. He had gotten used to Anya's address during this period of time, so he didn't say much.

After eating, Ye Qianran didn't leave, but continued to chat, because the afternoon was held. When he was here, he didn't have to wait for the notice.

As time passed, an elder walked in at about two o'clock in the afternoon, and said directly after his eyes fell on Ansha: "Patriarch, everything is ready."

After hearing this, Ansha stood up, glanced at Anya, then at Ye Qianran and said, "Then let's go, Miss Bai can come over too!" She said and walked outside.

Ye Qianran had a strange look on his face, did it finally start?

After following Ansha to the place he saw being guarded before, Ansha looked at Ye Qianran and said, "This is the forbidden place of the elves! I believe Mr. Ye should have seen it too!"

"Yeah!" Ye Qianran nodded slightly, and followed in at this time.

When he came inside, Ye Qianran's vision widened again, there was nothing, the only thing that existed was an altar in the center, and the altar was carved with complicated imprints, which looked very mysterious, and at this time The elders of the elves sat cross-legged around...

There is a huge mountain in their direction... When he was more curious, the old man who brought them also joined in at this time.

At this moment, Ansha looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Young Master Ye, you and Anya are standing at the altar!" While speaking, Ansha walked to the last position and sat cross-legged.

Ye Qianran knew that it was about to start, so he let the little mink in his arms jump out, he didn't want the little mink to be in danger.

"Let's go, husband!" Anya said, took Ye Qianran's hand and walked inside, while Bai Bingbing was standing there with curiosity in his eyes.

And when Ye Qianran followed Anya to the top, he felt extremely pure spiritual power emanating from the inside of the altar, and then a touch of surprise emerged. When he was curious, Ansha said: "Mr. Ye, Anya, start now!" Get ready for baptism!"

Ye Qianran's expression tightened, and his heart became tense at this moment, and at this moment, the green awn became dazzling at this moment. When the spiritual power bloomed, the elf grass he saw changed from the eight people's The bodies floated out at the same time, and then slowly floated around them. There were sixteen plants in total.

When he was curious, the green light shook again, and a huge mysterious seal floated out from the ground.

The imprint looked very complicated, and they spun around their altar. At this time, he found that the sixteen elven grass seemed to be alive, and the four pairs of wings flapped, and then the purer The spiritual power surged out, and the pink flower also dimmed at this time.

As time went by, when all the flowers withered, the incomparably pure spiritual power completely enveloped them, and he felt the altar under his feet tremble, and then the power of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered together. It exploded in an instant, and the spiritual power surging out of the elf grass shrank at this moment, completely enveloping them.

At this time, Ye Qianran felt that his whole body was filled with that astonishingly pure spiritual power, reverberating in his body, even his spirit seemed to be washed instantly, and his mind went blank.

Ansha looked at the two people wrapped in the spiritual power at this time, and found that there was nothing wrong with her expression, but she was surprised.

Anya is normal, but Ye Qianran doesn't even have the slightest rejection of the spirit power of the Elven Grass...

Similar to Ansha, many elders present were also so surprised, but this also proved one point, maybe Ye Qianran is really the person in the prophecy?

Thinking of this, the elders present showed anticipation at the same time...

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