Eternal Supreme

Chapter 584

As time passed, when Ye Qianran came back to his senses, he found that his spiritual power was stronger at this time, and his expression inevitably showed surprise at this time, such a magical spiritual power.

And he can also feel the changes in his body, as if it is more pure, that kind of citrus is very strange.

The spiritual power gradually faded at this time, and everyone present showed surprise at the same time, including Bai Bingbing.

Because Ye Qianran's hair color at this time is no longer black as before, but green, extremely pure green...

"Full integration!?"

Ansha couldn't help but say it in surprise, you must know that the spiritual power of the elf grass is very strong, and because of the slow speed of the baptism, most of the spiritual power will be vented in the early stage, but Ye Qianran's performance at this time proves that One thing happened, that is, Ye Qianran absorbed and fused all the spiritual power baptized by the Elf Grass.

The elders present looked at each other, and confided in shock, after all, this is something that even the elves can't do.

"Eh? What happened?" Ye Qianran slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment he also saw the astonishment of the people around him, and his face was full of doubts!

And when he opened his eyes, the people present were shocked again. If it was speculation before, then it is certain now, because Ye Qianran's eyes turned pure green at this time, looking very deep and beautiful.

At this time, Anya next to him also opened her eyes, her spiritual power fluctuated slightly, and the overall feeling became more pure.

A pair of emerald-like pupils opened, and at this moment, his eyes fell on Ye Qianran, his expression couldn't help being surprised, and then he said: "Husband, are your hair and eyes the same as mine now?"


Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, moved it over and looked at it, almost instantly the look on his face became extremely strange at this time, is this a joke? As he spoke, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, because his hair turned green, so shouldn't his eyes be the same?

"The baptism is over!" At this moment, the people present stood up at the same time, and Anya also pulled him down.

"I really didn't expect that you could integrate all the spiritual power of baptism!" Ansha looked at Ye Qianran and couldn't help but say, and her eyes were also sizing up Ye Qianran. When they fell on Ye Qianran's eyes, she felt strange. The color can not help showing again.

"Did your eyes really turn green?"

Ye Qianran's strange color deepened, so will it still be red when the phoenix eye is opened? When he thought of this, Aolong opened and separated the first divine sense. At this time, he also saw his overall form, and then his face also showed surprise. It seems that after this baptism, He looked better than before, but he couldn't accept it for a while.

His eyes flickered, and the phoenix eyes opened at this moment, and the red glow was revealed again. At this moment, he was relieved. Fortunately, the spirit grass did not baptize the power of his blood.

"Master Ye..." a soft voice sounded.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and was stunned for a moment. Then his nose became hot, and he also gave away his phoenix eyes almost instantly.

Ansha also saw the flashing red light in Ye Qianran's eyes, her face was puzzled at first, and then when she saw Ye Qianran's embarrassed face, she thought of something instantly, and her face turned red, saying Angry, she wasn't too angry, she could see that Ye Qianran probably didn't do it on purpose.

Biting her lower lip tightly, Ansha quickly calmed down her emotions, turned her body and said, "Then the next step is to integrate the origin!" After saying this, Ansha's expression inevitably showed anticipation again.

The people of the elves have been passed down for such a long time, but no one has ever been able to control the original spiritual power of the elves. Maybe now, so Ansha is not talking nonsense at this time, and takes the lead in walking towards the mountain. Followed, and Ye Qianran was also pulled by Anya to walk over at this time.

Bai Bingbing hesitated for a while, and followed, because he was absolutely worried about leaving him here alone.

When they came to the mountain peak, the green glow surged, and the stone door opened at this time. Ansha took the lead and walked in. First, there was a long tunnel. After walking through the tunnel, they came to a huge open place, and the height was also very high. , and on the surrounding walls, he found fine lines, and these lines completely penetrated the surroundings, which looked very majestic.

The most attractive person is a light group suspended in the central area, the light group is pure green, and the surroundings are completely filled with pure energy.

"Is that the origin of the elves?" Ye Qianran looked at the green light group, at this time he tried to look at it with the phoenix eyes again, and found that he couldn't see through it, which was enough to show how rich the spiritual power contained in the light group was. .

"Well, that's right!" Ansha said next to her: "You need to complete the fusion with Anya later!"

Ye Qianran nodded in agreement, and at this time the elders who were present also walked in, and Ansha also came inside. After sitting down around, the green light surged, and the surrounding lines lit up almost instantly, looking extremely shocked.

Bai Bingbing was also surprised standing outside, is this the ancient clan?

"Young master Ye, Anya, you can go over!" Ansha's voice sounded, because of the reverberation of the stone wall, it appeared a little melodious.

Ye Qianran's heart beat faster, and she was a little nervous. Finally, she took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and followed Anya towards the light ball.

As the distance drew closer, Ye Qianran also felt how rich and pure the spiritual power was. It was amazing, and I couldn't blame it. Ansha would let the two of them complete the fusion together. Perhaps the fundamental meaning was to let him bear the burden. Half, and the other half is for Anya to fuse.

In this case, Anya will be completely out of danger, but will it succeed?

While he was thinking, the two of them also came to the source of the elf, and the source of the elf was still a little calm at this time.

"Master Ye, Anya, you are ready to put your hands on it!"

Ansha's voice sounded again, Ye Qianran and Anya looked at each other, then raised their hands at the same time, at this moment, Anya's eyes were shining brightly, and the extremely vast spiritual power in her body surged at this time, doing the same There were also several elders, and almost instantly, the lines on the stone wall became dazzling, and four mysterious seals suddenly appeared obliquely in midair, and then four smooth beams shot out instantly, directly hitting the light ball.


A trembling sound sounded, and the light cluster became surging at this time, and Ansha's voice sounded at this time: "Put it..."

Ye Qianran and Anya put it up almost instantly as soon as the voice fell...

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